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Mosul - we will re-build!
Posted Mar 8, 2015
Right, if anyone's still reading this, we need your help.
I'm sure all of you have heard about the horrific things ISIS has been doing to humanity's cultural heritage in the name of religion - most prominently, the destruction of the museum in Mosul.
They sent a video message around the world. We want to send them a message back, to show all extremist groups that we will not allow them to use our history as leverage.
To that end, we (the other research fellows in my project and I) have decided to volunteer our time and expertise to virtually re-build the museum's collections and share them with everyone. Through the wonders of photogrammetry, we can make extremely accurate models (to sub-mm accuracy, with good data) just from existing photographs. But we need all the photos we can get, and we need people willing to help us process them.
So if you've been to Mosul, or know someone who's been to Mosul, or know people who can put us in touch with the right people, please let us know at
This project is, of course, entirely non-profit and any data generated will be freely available to the public.
I know I haven't been around much lately, and working on this will mean I'll have even less time for hootoo, but I hope you'll help me spread the word anyway.
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Latest reply: Mar 8, 2015
For old time's sake
Posted Dec 29, 2014
I upgraded my browser and it had saved an old session, so h2g2 popped up. Thought I might as well say hello while I'm here.
Feeling nostalgic anyway, because I'm digging through all the boxes of stuff I packed up the first time I finished being a student.
I came across the goat clock, and had to come back just to blame 2legs for it all over again.
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Latest reply: Dec 29, 2014
Hello World
Posted Oct 8, 2014
iWhoohoo, I have internet again - meaning I've got all my friends back!
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Latest reply: Oct 8, 2014
First impressions of Vienna
Posted Sep 3, 2014
So, it's been a week - here are some things I have noticed, in no particular order... zipping around on fully functional public transport is fun, and makes a city of 1.7 million seem a lot smaller than, say, Belfast.
the same does not apply for anything outside the city. I will need a car to get out to see the horse.
people bring wine to the office to share sometimes. This is considered normal.
so, unfortunately, is smoking in pubs and restaurants. Yuck!
there seems to be a requirement for any middle-aged man that starts going grey to adopt a uniform of jeans, blazer, and three days' worth of stubble.
women here wear a lot less makeup than in NI, on average. And more sensible shoes.
jogging in the palace gardens is not unusual.
which might explain why they're a lot slimmer on average than Belfasters, despite a bakery on every street corner.
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Latest reply: Sep 3, 2014
In which Mala stabs people and acquires a harem
Posted Aug 11, 2014
I'm just back from a week in Wales, at Raglan Castle. I went to a re-enactment/SCA event, and return exhausted, covered in bruises, and in desperate need of a shower. It was brilliant!
Though there were loads of other things going on, I mainly went for the fencing. On Friday, I fought for my Freescholar rank, the first of three braids you can gain in historic fencing. I had to demonstrate proficiency by fighting three high-ranked fencers two times each with three different weapon forms (single rapier, case of rapier [two rapiers], and rigid parry [shield or stick]), then hold the field against all comers for 15 minutes straight. Exhausting, but I did it!
I probably owe my success to the fact that I somehow became the champion of seven ladies at once. Fighting for them is ok, but all their tokens weigh heavy on my belt, and writing poetry to every single one of them is a bit of a nightmare. They notice if you just insert all their names into the same one.
The best part, though, was Saturday morning, when we gathered all the fencers we had in the place and fought through the castle, holding gates and bridges, capturing wells, and rescuing the princess. Or maybe the best bit was sitting around the campfire singing songs by moonlight. Or maybe it was knowing you're warm and dry in your tent despite the thunderstorm outside.
Definitely worth coming back for next year, but unfortunately, there's no fencing practice in Vienna. It seems they do horse archery, though...
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Latest reply: Aug 11, 2014
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