Journal Entries
Posted Nov 23, 2012
Just submitted my PhD application. Who knows, if it fails, I might even write another!
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Latest reply: Nov 23, 2012
Mala's Month of Roundoits
Posted Nov 2, 2012
Hmmm, is this thing on?
Not much to report yet on the procrastination front. In a way this concussion thing is handy, because I can just list the things that I'd let fall by the wayside because of it and count them as successes.
Today, I got back to driving, went a few towns over to try it out and it was ok (though parking is hard - I now have to concentrate on my spatial perception. Hope that goes normal again soon.) Tomorrow, I'm off on a long journey to near TRiG's area, though that's coincidental. Also finally took my flatmate bookshelf shopping, and cleared all the junk out of the car in preparation. Including my riding gear - the helmet casing has definitely moved in relation to the rest, so it probably needs to be replaced. Better than having to replace my head...
I also finally had a look in my uni e-mail. Been avoiding it because they're going to e-mail use when our dissertations are reviewed. And until you look and collapse the wave form, you have *every* mark, which averages out to a pass .
No marks yet, but I did get an e-mail from my dissertation supervisor recommending that I look into a certain PhD. That's on two counts - it looks like an interesting project, which I'll definitely have to investigate, and also, he doesn't think I'm entirely unsuitable for a PhD...
Another first for today: getting up with my alarm clock rather than whenever I finally managed to peel myself out of bed. I've been sleeping 12-14 hours per day all week to let my head heal, but even before then, I'd let my sleep schedule change to later and later again simply because I haven't started my job yet, and am more naturally nocturnal. So I suppose that's a success of sorts, as well. Mind you, it required putting the alarm in a spot where the only way to hit snooze was to roll over my sore hip, so I had to get up to turn it off.
Wow, look at all this text about nothing in particular. Is this how it's supposed to work?
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Latest reply: Nov 2, 2012
Whatever that abbreviation is...
Posted Oct 31, 2012
Right, it looks like everyone's doing one of these journal-a-day things.
I still think it's basically an exercise in navel-gazing, making use of a captive audience.
But that doesn't mean I'm not going to join.
I'm just not going to make it pleasant for myself.
There are a lot of little things that I've been letting slide, and I've always got some handy little excuse for myself. For the last week, I've not done much because I was thrown from a horse and got slightly concussed and very bruised. Fair enough. sez me. But before that, it was recovering from the dissertation. Before that, it was writing the dissertation. Before that...
No more. (Hopefully).
Every day, I shall try to post about something I've finally gotten around to doing.
Of course, I started today by fixing my computer, otherwise I'd not even be able to write this...
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Latest reply: Oct 31, 2012
Posted Oct 3, 2012
As of today, we all get to make
jokes about Yarreau, her being a granny and all. And I get to be Auntie Mal. We seem to have acquired a family baby.
The parents have put a ban on sharing any details on facebook, and I'll assume that includes here. So I'll just continue to call him Wombert online, that's all I knew him as until this afternoon, anyway...
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Latest reply: Oct 3, 2012
I'm back!
Posted Sep 20, 2012
Didya miss me?
I haven't been on hootoo in weeks, but I had my reasons...
Today, I delivered my Master's dissertation to the bookbinder's, and will be handing it in tomorrow.
Now I need a new plan.
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Latest reply: Sep 20, 2012
Back to Malabarista - now with added pony's Personal Space Home
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