This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony
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I'm back!
You can call me TC Posted Sep 23, 2012
You're bound to find something. Who wouldn't want you?
I was avoiding the grapes puns till I found out the pronunciation. Mome raths I was familiar with.
I'm back!
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Sep 23, 2012
grapes in raths on Lanzarote:
I'm back!
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Sep 23, 2012
Welcome back Mala!
coincidentally Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath is being serialised on BBC radio 4. This was the last episode - a new one is due today.
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- 1
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I'm back!
- 21: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (Sep 22, 2012)
- 22: You can call me TC (Sep 23, 2012)
- 23: Yarreau (Sep 23, 2012)
- 24: Nosebagbadger {Ace} (Sep 23, 2012)
- 25: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Sep 23, 2012)
- 26: h5ringer (Sep 23, 2012)
- 27: Lanzababy - Guide Editor (Sep 23, 2012)
- 28: KB (Sep 23, 2012)
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