Journal Entries
Still alive...
Posted May 14, 2007
Just in case anyone had been wondering And since I don't want to spam by telling everyone who might be interested this separately, I'll just write a journal entry...
After yesterday's accident, the trainer told me to go to the doctor if I had any kind of problems. I laughed it off and went to work normally, though I didn't feel like breakfast, just bought a roll to eat "later"... Time: Noon. Total distance travelled on foot so far: about 1.5 km, and up the stairs to the Schwebebahn.
After being at work for about an hour, I found the computer screen was giving me a headache, and my colleagues asked whether I was ok, said I was talking funny and looked strange. So since a smart Mala knows it's better to be safe than sorry, I left, and walked to my usual GP's. Time: 1:30. Total distance travelled on foot so far: about 2.25 km and up five flights of stairs.
She wasn't there. She was on holiday. And I'd seen that her colleague who subs for her was only there Monday mornings, so gave that a miss. Instead went back to the Schwebebahn to go back downtown. Time: 2:00. Total distance travelled on foot so far: about 2.5 km and up about 6 flights of stairs.
Went to see the other GP I've seen once in that situation, downtown. She wasn't there. She was on holiday. Walked up to the clinic - a rheumatological clinic, but maybe they knew of a doctor whose surgery was open on Monday afternoons... They didn't. Time: 2:15. Total distance travelled on foot so far: about 3.25 km and up about 7 flights of stairs.
Back outside, asked at a pharmacy whether *they* knew of any GP open. They did - in the building right above them - but he wasn't opening again till three... Rather than wait over half an hour, went home to deposit my heavy bag and my coat, which was far too warm. Had a quick glass of , not feeling well enough to eat my roll, so left it there. Time: 3:45. Total distance travelled on foot so far: about 3.5 km, and up about 8 flights of stairs.
Went back down to the doctor who was open, some kind of surgeon, had to pay the usual 10€ for not going to your own GP. As it turned out, a Turkish surgeon, and his entire waiting room was filled with frightened young boys there for a ritual circumcision, and their proud fathers...
He took time off from that to do a quick X-ray of my head. Nothing broken, but he said I needed to see a neurologist. Today. He rattled off a list of three possible candidates for me to see, then disappeared. I went to see all three. One wasn't in his office on Monday afternoons, the other two weren't there. They were on holiday. Time: 4:30. Total distance travelled on foot so far: about 4.5 km and upabout 12 flights of stairs.
Begged at some random doctor's office (their door happened to be open) whether they knew of one who was open. They were nice, and printed out a list of them for me to try... So Mala trudges off and tries them all. Not a single one of them was there. They were on holiday. Time: 5:15. Total distance travelled on foot so far: about 7.5 km and up about 21 flights of stairs (some of them had lifts...)
Finally, I landed at the office of the last person on the list. She said she was a psychiatrist, not a neurologist, and she couldn't help me... But she said I looked like I belonged in bed, and she'd do what she could for me. She phoned the office of another neurologist, and they said they'd take time for me, I could go see them right away. I went. Turned out they'd got it wrong, they thought I wanted one of the two psychiatrists. Their neurologist wasn't there. He was on holiday. Time: 5:30. Total distance travelled on foot so far: about 8.25 km and up about 21 flights of stairs.
I'd still not eaten anything, had a splitting headache, and in the brief time I'd been there, the psychiatrist managed to lose my doctor's note that I needed to see a neurologist. He told me to go try the people on this list... I told him thank you, I'd already been to their offices. They were on holiday. He gave me a psychiatristy kind of smile and said "Oh, they were *earlier*, but they're all back now!"
The recepionist had me sit in their waiting room for 20 minutes, until finally the other psychiatrist came out of his office. He phoned around for me - only neurologist in the entire city who wasn't closed Monday afternoons, or simply on holiday, was up at the hospital. He decided he couldn't risk my going there by bus, so he even filled out a form for the insurance to pay my taxi fee... Time: 6:00. Total distance travelled on foot so far: about 8.25 km and up about 21 flights of stairs.
Finally arrived at the hospital, by taxi. Turned out their neurological department was closed, for renovation this time, rather than just for holidays... But they had some working at the emergency department, so they sent me on there, once through the entire complex and then sit around and wait. Time: 6:30. Total distance travelled on foot so far: about 8.5 km and up about 22 flights of stairs.
Was eventually ushered to an examination room by a nurse, who did all the usual nursey things, taking my blood pressure and temperature, and a blood sample, and leaving an IV cannula in my arm, just in case. Then the neurologist came, made me tell her what happened, did some simple tests, then said since there were no obvious signs of a concussion, but I'd better have a CT, since my brain wasn't working normally, either.
So I left for the radiology department. They were already closed for the night, had to go back to have the nurse phone them so one would come down... Time: 7:15. Total distance travelled on foot so far: about 9 km and up about 22 flights of stairs.
Had the CT taken, then had to go back and wait for results. Couldn't concentrate on any magazines, and by now getting hungry, but nothing edible about... Finally, the neurologist calls me back in. No sign of a ruptured blood vessel, as she'd thought, but I'd better have several days off work anyway, and if I feel worse, go to a neurologist. (Presumably one who's not on holiday) Good news, at least.
They finally dismissed me (had to pay another 10€ there, because the doctor's referral doesn't count for *hospital* neurologists) and then got to make my way home (after reminding them there was still this needle in my arm, and could they please do something about it?) Finally found a bus stop. Time: 8:15. Total distance travelled on foot so far: about 10.5 km and up about 24 flights of stairs.
Refused to walk up from the train station, took another , as it was raining by now. Finally got back here. Time: 5:30. Total distance travelled on foot so far: about 11 km and up about 27 flights of stairs.
Now devoured my roll, and called my mum, and will be off to bed in a minute, because my head hurts and so does my arm.
The moral of the story is: go to Mallorca if you need a neurologist, they're probably all there...
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Latest reply: May 14, 2007
I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)
Posted May 24, 2006
As some of you lot out there might know, I've spent over a year in a house with *horrible* flatmates - and they've been getting worse and worse, not paying rent, having their neonazi buddies over for parties, smoking illegal substances, playing loud (and bad) music at literally all hours and volumes that made my desk vibrate, throwing away and stealing my things, making chauvinistic and racist comments, sending insulting emails...
Two months ago, I finally decided enough is enough, and now I've just found a new flat.
I am embarking on the grand adventure of living alone for the first time - How do I get water and gas? What do I do if I lock myself out? Will I go mad with noone to talk to? Can I afford the slightly higher rent?
All in all, though, I'm happy about it.
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Latest reply: May 24, 2006
Half a year goes by soooo quickly, even as it drags on
Posted Oct 4, 2005
Today, the 4th of October, ironically "Love Your Pet Day", marks the six-month anniversary of the sudden death of my dear little cat. It's amazing how much one can still miss a "mere animal" after that much time, I still haven't properly admitted to myself that she's not coming back...
Since I had no "real" moving day and moved out gradually, I'll also use it to signal that I've been living alone for half a year now. That at least isn't as difficult as I imagined, even though I've only been home three times since, due to modern technology.
Which brings me to the last point in this rather pointless journal, that it's also been about half a year since I discovered hootoo, and I just want to say I appreciate everyone who's part of it. You've all kept me sane through the stress of Uni and the trouble with my flatmates, you've provided a major part of my social life during revision time, made me laugh, cry and *think*, and I must admit I've misused you all many times as a sounding board for ideas and a place to vent - a captive audience as it were.
Thank you!
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Latest reply: Oct 4, 2005
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