This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 1

Malabarista - now with added pony

As some of you lot out there might know, I've spent over a year in a house with *horrible* flatmates - and they've been getting worse and worse, not paying rent, having their neonazi buddies over for parties, smoking illegal substances, playing loud (and bad) music at literally all hours and volumes that made my desk vibrate, throwing away and stealing my things, making chauvinistic and racist comments, sending insulting emails... smiley - steam

Two months ago, I finally decided enough is enough, and now I've just found a new flat.smiley - biggrin

I am embarking on the grand adventure of living alone for the first time - How do I get water and gas? What do I do if I lock myself out? Will I go mad with noone to talk to? Can I afford the slightly higher rent? smiley - yikes

All in all, though, I'm happy about it. smiley - smiley

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 2

You can call me TC

Yoohoo - housewarming party!!

smiley - redwinesmiley - bubblysmiley - ojsmiley - alesmiley - stoutsmiley - milksmiley - cappuccinosmiley - cheesecake

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 3

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Oh, you'll manage just fine, i can assure yousmiley - ok The benefits of living alone far outweigh the occasional bout of loneliness or inconvienience ("hold the screwdriver for me will you?")in my humble opinion.

Having moved out of my own flat 6months ago to live with a couple i knew, I am now positivly counting the minutes till i can live on my own again. Regardless of who it is (mine is along story!), there is just nothing like the freedom of not having to think of others... you can do what you want, how you want, for as long or short a time as you want to do it, with no-one to comment on your tecniquesmiley - winkeye

If we take the additional data onboard that you have provided re. the offensive habits of your flatmates... well, there just is no contest- you've made the right move. It was a no-brainersmiley - ok

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 4

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

You know, i could fill pages of this forum with the pro's on living alone versus living with stranger(s)/friends (they wont stay that way for long).

It's a rather more complicated choice if your option includes living with someone you're romantically involved with. Some rather obvious benefits theresmiley - whistle which can outweigh lots of negative things. However- living with strangers/friends? Nah, no contest- go it alonesmiley - biggrin

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 5

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Thankee kindly for the words of encouragement, Winnoch - and the drinks, TC! smiley - drool

I'm making celebratory pancakes (well, that and I've little else to eat left in the house) - anyone want one? smiley - laugh

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 6

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Yup- i'll have two- thankssmiley - biggrinsmiley - tomato

When will you move in, or have you already? If you need any advice, just ask (correct or even sensible answers not guaranteed). I do suspect things in Germany will be different from here, but ask away anywaysmiley - smiley

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 7


smiley - cuddlesmiley - bubblysmiley - cake

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 8

Malabarista - now with added pony

Thanks - I hope to figure most of it out.

First, I have to go talk to my current landlord about getting this deposit back to pay the next one!

I'm moving in just about exactly a month. smiley - smiley

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 9

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Good luck with thatsmiley - sadface I'm not holding my breath regarding getting my deposit back.. you see, the caveat that gets a lot of landlords out of paying it back is them claiming you've damaged/lost stuff. A lot of the time 'damage' is subjective- your 'damage' might be my 'wear and tear' for example...

I am certain that the vindictive people i'm staying with will easilly create the required value of damage to avoid paying me... can i really be bothered with the small claims court route? This despite knowing that i'm the most careful and respectful tennent they could ever hope to have.

The only alternative really is to fastidiously photograph everything you are likely to use in the house, when you move in, to compare with the 'after' when you leavesmiley - erm Even then there's room for interpretation. Good lucksmiley - ok

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 10

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Sorry- didn't mean to worry you there- i'm just in the middle of similar unpleasentness to you at the moment, and it is rather colouring my view of house sharing at present!

Quite smiley - envy that you have your own place lined up. Well done indeedsmiley - applause

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 11

Malabarista - now with added pony

The other problem I see is that one flatmate still owes almost 1500€ in back rent, and the landlord may decide to hold my deposit against that...

But it's a relief getting out of here, I'll tell you!

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 12

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Sometimes it's costs less (in terms of stress, time and hassle) to just forget an owed dept and move on... i know i'm thinking of doing that.. I will, of course ask for the money back in the first instance!

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 13

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yeah *sigh* - I'll go stop by the landlord's place later with a bottle of wine for him smiley - winkeye

Actually, there is a question you could answer - do you know whether, generally speaking, improvements in flats tend to be accepted? The bathroom is rather horrible - orange tiles with brown flowers, and green fixtures. I'd like to do something about the tiles, at least - paint springs to mind - but don't fancy scraping it all off later!

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 14

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

To the best of my knowledge home improvements in rented properties are entirely at the discretion of the landlord. I would say that the majority would say 'no' as your idea of an improvement might not be his. Plus landlord insurance might not cover damage such as punctured pipes caused by said improvements, if not carried out by landlord.

The only way to know is to ask the landlord. He/she will probably ask for detailed plans of what you intend to do, and it will be at your own expense..

Here in UK, landlords now have to register with the government as landlords by law. This allows some basic checks to be made into their suitability (criminal record checks, etc). By law things like gas supplies have to be certified safe. So if there were any dangerous aspects to your bathroom- even severe dampness would count, you could *insist* that he makes the improvements himself, as otherwise you could report him as an unfit landlord (in UK).

But for asthetic things like wall colour and layout of fixtures and fittings, i suspect your landlord will say- no leave alone. But i would certainly ask him/her firstsmiley - smiley Afterall- a better state of decor will result in him being able to get a higher rent in the future!

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 15

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - ok Thanks - that's kind of what I'd assumed smiley - ok

And I can always make plans that look *professional* enough that he won't notice whether it's any *good* smiley - winkeye

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 16


congratumalations and stuff!
Here, have a house (flat) warming smiley - gift

When's the decorating party? smiley - winkeye

Seriously though, hope you are happy there and without 'them' in your hair I'm sure stress levels will reduce markedly!
best wishes an all that.

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 17

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

He may also be rather insulted that you don't like his colour schemesmiley - winkeye If i were you, i'd say that your girlfriend (who isn't living there with you of course) doesn't like the colour, and she's refusing to visit you unless it's changedsmiley - tongueout

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 18

Malabarista - now with added pony

I have a girlfriend? That might explain why the would-be nazis don't like me smiley - winkeye

Thanks for the tip, anyway.

And thanks for the smiley - gift, Ictoan! smiley - laugh I'll let you know when I set a date for the party smiley - winkeye

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 19


"That might explain why the would-be nazis don't like me "
smiley - laugh indeed!

I've finally stopped being stupid (well, partly, anyway)

Post 20

Malabarista - now with added pony

Maybe I should acquire one, just to shock them smiley - winkeye

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