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Here we go again....

I ought to be all psyched and ready to go give those smiley - doctors whatfor tomorrow, demanding an explanation, and all that.

But somehow I'm not. I don't want to go back to that hospital.

They'll just poke and prod me some more and then I'll get a shrug, worded in Latin - and that's if I'm lucky. smiley - sadface

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Latest reply: Apr 27, 2008

The amazing speed of innovation 'round here

As anyone who's been here knows, my kitchen benches are comfortable, but hard to get onto because of the table leg.

Since the legs are attached separately from below (it's just an IKEA tabletop and legs) I've unscrewed that one leg and moved it in by about 20cm. No more problem.

It's only taken me nearly two years to think of this solution, and another month to implement it smiley - dohsmiley - blush

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Latest reply: Apr 3, 2008

Hiho, off to catch a plane.

Please leave a message after the smiley - bleep, I'll get back to you when I can.

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Latest reply: Feb 22, 2008

It pays to have connections...

Ten weeks after I went into hospital now, and many, many phone calls later, they still haven't sent me any results.

My mother told one of my uncles this. He was quite cross. He also happens to have an acquaintance who works in the hospital. He's contacted her, and she had a look in my file for me...

So. They've had my report since December 21st, they just "forgot" to send it out. And they "couldn't find it" when my doctor called, and faxed, and wrote, and I called, and... smiley - steamsmiley - grr

The aquaintance confronted the doctor, who was most apologetic and blamed it on the oncology department. Apparently, there will be some kind of internal consequences, but those don't need to concern me.

What's important is what was in the report. It's harmless. No tumour, just a toxoplasmosis infection that's progressing abnormally. They even sent the samples to a specialist lab to confirm that. If it doesn't go away by itself, they can do something about it. smiley - biggrin

Now I can fly off on my one-month field trip without worrying about it...

smiley - somersaultsmiley - boingsmiley - rainbowsmiley - biggrinsmiley - chocsmiley - magicsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Feb 19, 2008

The greatest gift of all?

I've just unwrapped my father's birthday present.

He's gone completely off his rocker now.

It was a huge and heavy box (like a dark and stormy night, but worse) about 50cm to a side.

It contains:

Old, torn clothes my sister and I had at his place for working in the woodshop - when we were about 12 and 14, you can imagine how well they fit now!

A lot of loose birdseed.

Everything else that was in the closet, apparently: some random bicycle parts, my sister's half-finished crocheting projects, a few scraps of PVC, leather, and other random material, stuffed in a plastic bag, some used tissues, some sanitary towels, luckily not used, and half a bottle of deodorant.

This was, apparently, the padding for the main present.

He made it himself smiley - headhurts

It's a wooden pyramid about 30cm high, with a plastic goat glued to the top.

There is a clock in the bottom of the pyramid, and it's open about halfway up to show a goat bell (like a small cow bell) - the entire thing is lit from the back, and there are additional red LEDs around the clock face.

Apparently, it's an alarm clock. The enclosed letter reveals that being woken by radio noise is just too harsh and unnatural, so instead, the light will go on and the goat bell will jangle smiley - ermsmiley - wah

What the smiley - bleep do I *do* with this? smiley - groan

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Latest reply: Feb 14, 2008

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