This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony

The amazing speed of innovation 'round here

Post 121

Malabarista - now with added pony

Those are always the best recipes smiley - laugh The accidents.

Thanks smiley - blush I really like his, too, though smiley - biggrin

The amazing speed of innovation 'round here

Post 122

Sho - employed again!

I don't like too much nutmeg as it's very overpowering. I might go with mace though.

The crumble will be out of flour and rolled oats it's gorgeous.

As for the orange/lemon thing. Apparently we've baked two biscuits. Big ones. So it's going to be saved for trifle smiley - wah

The amazing speed of innovation 'round here

Post 123

Malabarista - now with added pony

Or just stick them together with lots of citrusy whipped cream smiley - drool

The amazing speed of innovation 'round here

Post 124

Sho - employed again!

No. We wanted chequered cake and it is that or nothing. smiley - cross

Why oh why did I sell my Good Housekeeping cookery book?

The amazing speed of innovation 'round here

Post 125

Malabarista - now with added pony

What keeps you from getting another one?

The amazing speed of innovation 'round here

Post 126

Sho - employed again!

I'm broke and... actually, what _is_ stopping me?

The amazing speed of innovation 'round here

Post 127

Sho - employed again!

Having just looked online, I have no idea which one I had. I'll just steal my mums next time I'm over...

The amazing speed of innovation 'round here

Post 128

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh A good plan. And then she can buy another one smiley - winkeye

The amazing speed of innovation 'round here

Post 129

Sho - employed again!

Or steal it back... or scan the recipe for me and email it over...

The amazing speed of innovation 'round here

Post 130

Malabarista - now with added pony

How boring smiley - tongueincheek

I have the German equivalent to that cookbook - my mother gave me and my sister one each when we moved out, so we wouldn't keep calling her and asking her to scan recipes, or steal hers smiley - winkeyesmiley - booksmiley - thief

The amazing speed of innovation 'round here

Post 131

Sho - employed again!

We have a vast collection of recipe books and cookery books. One of which i keep by me so i can letch the smiley - chef on the front cover.

We have another one called The Cookery Year. The type of thing brides were given in the 1950s when they got married - it is fantastic. But really, I have never had a desire to correctly dress a pheasant. But if I did - I have diagrams. smiley - laugh

I should have adapted their Victoria Sponge recipe - but smiley - chef (mine, not the one from the book mentioned up there) found me this other one. Which he now conceedes is: shite.

The amazing speed of innovation 'round here

Post 132

Malabarista - now with added pony

We found an old cookery book in the house when my family moved into the new place... Amazing how often brains are on their suggested weekly menus smiley - yuk

But it offers very sound advice, like if you have young children, you should be willing to pay the higher price for milk from tuberculosis-free cows.

The amazing speed of innovation 'round here

Post 133

Sho - employed again!

I think the one we have assumes that your daily maid and milkman will arrange organic milk - probably from cows hand milked by virgins wearing velvet gloves...

The amazing speed of innovation 'round here

Post 134

Malabarista - now with added pony

Wouldn't that tickle the poor cows? smiley - winkeye

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