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Meet me under the whale in the natural history museum...
Posted May 14, 2012
Actually, I don't think the Ulster Museum has a whale, but there is a giant Irish elk. And it would make a great spot for a Meet. In case you missed it in Ask (F19585?thread=8293084), we're trying to put together a Belfast meet, possibly in the summer months.
Who's up for coming over, and when would you have time?
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Latest reply: May 14, 2012
Looking up!
Posted May 9, 2012
Thought I'd post some good news for a change - this week's turning out pretty well so far. Not been around here much lately, but RL has been busy.
We had our final class yesterday, which leaves the mere matter of my Master's project and about 20,000 words in essays until I'm all done.
I got home to find that the terrible interview I had last week had resulted in a job offer after all So I won't get bored.
I've been working with a three-year-old horse lately. He's only been ridden for two months. I got the first canter out of him today. He's very unbalanced - feels like riding a sewing machine in zigzag stitch mode - but very eager to please.
Speaking of sewing machines, an acquaintance is lending me hers for a few weeks, so I can finally get around to the projects I've got piling up. And there's a 24-hour tabletop gaming session coming up this weekend.
Best of all, the supermarket seems to have decided that fruit has a "sell-by" date and must be disposed of by then, so I got two dozen peaches and a papaya for under £1 today. This calls for making jam tomorrow. Perhaps with a bit of ginger in it.
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Latest reply: May 9, 2012
In which Mal is consorted
Posted Apr 18, 2012
Tonight, I will be playing my own compositions in the Lyric Theatre, in association with the Royal Shakespeare Society.
Ok, ok, I was recently drafted into the Greenwood Consort, which provides the live music for an amateur dramatics society doing a play as part of the RSC Open Stages project, and we've written a second part for one of the songs.
It will be....interesting. For one thing, we now have more musicians than parts - one on theorbo, one on viol, and two of us on recorder (so we'll also be alternating on percussion.) I managed to sneak the chalumeau in, too, but they refuse to let me play spoons.
It's an excellent play, and we've got the best seats in the house for watching it. But we won't have much time for that - good thing we saw it yesterday for our first and only practice together We discovered that our glorious leader suffers from terrible stage fright and sometimes just freezes up rather than playing, that she sometimes can't play because she's acting in some scenes as well, and that they suddenly wanted us to add a few more pieces!
Luckily, the other recorder player (a friend of my sister's bumming around Ireland for a year who suddenly found himself recruited) is good at sight reading, which I'm definitely not. So he can do those bits. Meanwhile, he's awful at playing by ear or from memory, so I'll do the parts requiring that.
If you don't hear from me by this time tomorrow, please assume I've been run over by a stampede of overdramatic actors...
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Latest reply: Apr 18, 2012
Better late than never...
Posted Apr 8, 2012
Eight and a half years ago, for my school graduation, my grandmother gave me money to go on holiday. Tomorrow, I'm finally going to take that holiday - and Yarreau, my sister, and my brother-in-law are coming too! We're going to Alsace for a week's horse riding.
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Latest reply: Apr 8, 2012
Off to the wilds of Cumbria
Posted Mar 14, 2012
In about 8 hours, we're departing for a 5-day field trip to the middle of nowhere, England - I doubt they'll have mobile broadband signal there, though I'm taking the dongle, so probably see you all in a week.
I expect to get some reading done, since there's not much to do otherwise in that village or on the bus going there. Perhapsn I'll write an entry on how to entertain yourself after a hard day's surveying.
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Latest reply: Mar 14, 2012
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