Journal Entries

Looking forward to the housewarming

smiley - brr I mean that in a literal sense - we've run out of oil, and it's now 4° indoors.

Luckily, I've spent most of today bringing my things over to the new house, which is warmer and has a much more reasonable landlord, among other advantages. smiley - smiley

So on Monday night, I'm having a housewarming party in the warm house - never got around to holding one here. Any hootooers in the area are welcome to come over for mulled wine and Christmas biscuits; virtual tea and buns will be provided for everyone else smiley - ok (Internet willing...)

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Latest reply: Dec 15, 2011

A memorable ride...

..and a story with a moral.

Today we had the tryouts for the varsity equestrian teams. No way I'm trying out for show jumping smiley - yikes, but I did go along for dressage and prix caprilli, which is essentially a simple dressage test with two small crosspoles to jump in the middle.

I arrived up at the stables only to find that I'd forgotten my jodhpurs. No problem, sez I, I'll just ride in my normal trousers. Unfortunately, they were just a little stiff - difficult to bend my knee enough to get into the saddle, so I had to undo the button.

Unfortunately, I got a horse with a tendency to run away, and was concentrating entirely on going at a civilised pace - so I was entirely unprepared when, over the jump, the zip gave way and I suddenly lost my trousers in mid-air. smiley - blush Good thing I was wearing thermals underneath because it's so cold!

So note to self, next time, go prepared...

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Latest reply: Dec 7, 2011


I have little enough time for h2g2 these days as it is, and getting flooded with everyone's journal entries is simply overwhelming. I have no time to read them, and no particular desire to spend hours per day on them, but feel obligated when they crop up in my list.

So everyone that's participating: I'm taking you off my friends list. Nothing personal - remind me to put you back after the month is over.

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Latest reply: Nov 3, 2011

Ribbon of darkness over me

Warning: What follows is quite a lengthy rant, but I need a place to vent. I'm writing this on the bus back from Dublin Airport, though I won't be able to post it till I get home – I seem to have left the mobile broadband thingie in the other bag that the driver made me put in the boot. smiley - erm

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Latest reply: Oct 23, 2011

En route

Travelling to Germany for the funeral today.

The taxi picked me up at 2.30, I caught the 3.00 bus to Dublin airport, and got there around 5. Now it's 7.00, and I'm waiting at the airport. And waiting. And waiting. The flight is delayed because of fog in Frankfurt.

I met a girl on the bus who is also a student at Queen's, and is travelling to Germany for her grandfather's funeral. Which is today. Looks like she'll miss it because of the delay smiley - sadface Good thing I'm going a day early...

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Latest reply: Oct 20, 2011

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Malabarista - now with added pony

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