This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony
In which Mala stabs people and acquires a harem
Malabarista - now with added pony Started conversation Aug 11, 2014
I'm just back from a week in Wales, at Raglan Castle. I went to a re-enactment/SCA event, and return exhausted, covered in bruises, and in desperate need of a shower. It was brilliant!
Though there were loads of other things going on, I mainly went for the fencing. On Friday, I fought for my Freescholar rank, the first of three braids you can gain in historic fencing. I had to demonstrate proficiency by fighting three high-ranked fencers two times each with three different weapon forms (single rapier, case of rapier [two rapiers], and rigid parry [shield or stick]), then hold the field against all comers for 15 minutes straight. Exhausting, but I did it!
I probably owe my success to the fact that I somehow became the champion of seven ladies at once. Fighting for them is ok, but all their tokens weigh heavy on my belt, and writing poetry to every single one of them is a bit of a nightmare. They notice if you just insert all their names into the same one.
The best part, though, was Saturday morning, when we gathered all the fencers we had in the place and fought through the castle, holding gates and bridges, capturing wells, and rescuing the princess. Or maybe the best bit was sitting around the campfire singing songs by moonlight. Or maybe it was knowing you're warm and dry in your tent despite the thunderstorm outside.
Definitely worth coming back for next year, but unfortunately, there's no fencing practice in Vienna. It seems they do horse archery, though...
In which Mala stabs people and acquires a harem
Sho - employed again! Posted Aug 11, 2014
Raglan Castle is spectacular. That sounds like a great event
In which Mala stabs people and acquires a harem
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Aug 11, 2014
Thanks, Dmitri. I'm still working on the poetry, since they just collectively decided that limericks don't count, the ungrateful wenches. Who knew having a harem was so difficult?
In which Mala stabs people and acquires a harem
Nosebagbadger {Ace} Posted Aug 12, 2014
Even shorter, go for Haikus
And congrats, sounds exhausting!
I have a friend who just went and did a 6 month training course in the US in horseback archery
In which Mala stabs people and acquires a harem
SashaQ - happysad Posted Aug 12, 2014
Congratulations! That's very impressive
I'm glad your ladies spurred you to success, even though they're demanding in their poetry tastes!
I enjoyed campfire songs and skits when I went camping in my youth - I've not been camping since then, though, as I was put off by a very wet and muddy week that wasn't as much fun...
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In which Mala stabs people and acquires a harem
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