This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony
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First impressions of Vienna
Malabarista - now with added pony Started conversation Sep 3, 2014
So, it's been a week - here are some things I have noticed, in no particular order...
zipping around on fully functional public transport is fun, and makes a city of 1.7 million seem a lot smaller than, say, Belfast.
the same does not apply for anything outside the city. I will need a car to get out to see the horse.
people bring wine to the office to share sometimes. This is considered normal.
so, unfortunately, is smoking in pubs and restaurants. Yuck!
there seems to be a requirement for any middle-aged man that starts going grey to adopt a uniform of jeans, blazer, and three days' worth of stubble.
women here wear a lot less makeup than in NI, on average. And more sensible shoes.
jogging in the palace gardens is not unusual.
which might explain why they're a lot slimmer on average than Belfasters, despite a bakery on every street corner.
First impressions of Vienna
You can call me TC Posted Sep 4, 2014
Can we have a hootoo meet there? I've never been to Vienna, but I fell in love with it watching "Kottan ermittelt" in the 80s and have always thought that if I ever went, I'd never want to come back. I must be the only person in Germany who is seduced by the "Wiener Schmäh" and who could resist a piece of Sachertorte?
Is smoking really still allowed in cafes and restaurants in Austria? - I've just understood your use of the
First impressions of Vienna
You can call me TC Posted Sep 4, 2014
Whoops - that came over wrong. The "who could resist a piece of Sachertorte" was a separate statement. I am definitely not the only person in Germany who could resist it. I'd be quite defenceless.
First impressions of Vienna
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Sep 4, 2014
(my entirely opposite response to the seeming ability to smoke in bars and suchlike, there...
MMM.... cake?
I found it odd enough, here, in the UK, in my last job, with one of the coders I worked with, who'd pop off at lunchtime, and return with beer for us to drink whilst we worked in the afternoon just seems somhow so wrong
He was from Spain, so I don't know if its more of a thing on the 'mainland', and he just b brought the cultural drinking at work thing over with him
First impressions of Vienna
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Sep 4, 2014
Me and my buddy at w*rk had our first around 10am even if it wasn't allowed to drink alcohol before 12. (Mind you we got up every morning at 5am so 5 hours without
was more than enough!
Our boss let us know - via one of his tools - that we ought to obey the rules of the w*rk place. But this tool had a bad habit of smoking in her office, which was even less allowed so we chose to ignore them. After all senior policy outranks alcohol policy, right?
A few weeks later we fired the boss. Just to be on the safe side. Problem solved
Anyway, where was I Vienna, right! A meet in Vienna would be great, wouldn't it?
Hope you find a nice place to live soon, Mala
First impressions of Vienna
Sho - employed again! Posted Sep 4, 2014
I often get a message (often in the morning) via our instant messaging system, to come over to the other side of our office where I find my partners in crime opening a bottle of sekt
First impressions of Vienna
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Sep 4, 2014
First impressions of Vienna
Sho - employed again! Posted Sep 5, 2014
but, knowing me, not unexpected I think
(today it's black coffee because we were all out Karaokeing until the wee hours)
Back to Vienna: if their public transport is so good I'm SURE they have the BEST seat covers
First impressions of Vienna
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Sep 5, 2014
First impressions of Vienna
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Sep 5, 2014
No, the seats are all a plain, solid colour!
First impressions of Vienna
loonycat - run out of fizz Posted Sep 6, 2014
You've sold me Vienna already
We have ample cake in the office (I brought home leftovers this week) but wine??
First impressions of Vienna
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Sep 6, 2014
First impressions of Vienna
Florida Sailor All is well with the world Posted Sep 6, 2014
you do not exactly need a recipe for that one
First impressions of Vienna
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Sep 6, 2014
re 16:
Florida Sailor!
All i found was this:
First impressions of Vienna
Florida Sailor All is well with the world Posted Sep 6, 2014
I am glad I could help. We have so many words in the English language that it is difficult to know even most of the common ones, I certainly do not know them all, even as a native speaker.
Let me add that your knowledge is excellent
I remember many years ago, long before the interweb I had a draughtsman working for me who got confused by a reference to the metal 'lead', he only knew that it meant to have people following you. To help explain I pulled down mt 50,000 word abridged dictionary to show him the various definitions.
'So many words', he sighed, 'you don't need that many'.
I did not dare to tell him what 'abridged' meant
I can converse in the Spanish of a two year old child, I like to explain that I speak a small amount of Spanish, but I understand very little because I know what words I understand, and nobody else does
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First impressions of Vienna
- 1: Malabarista - now with added pony (Sep 3, 2014)
- 2: You can call me TC (Sep 4, 2014)
- 3: You can call me TC (Sep 4, 2014)
- 4: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Sep 4, 2014)
- 5: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Sep 4, 2014)
- 6: Sho - employed again! (Sep 4, 2014)
- 7: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Sep 4, 2014)
- 8: Sho - employed again! (Sep 5, 2014)
- 9: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Sep 5, 2014)
- 10: Sho - employed again! (Sep 5, 2014)
- 11: Malabarista - now with added pony (Sep 5, 2014)
- 12: KB (Sep 5, 2014)
- 13: loonycat - run out of fizz (Sep 6, 2014)
- 14: Sho - employed again! (Sep 6, 2014)
- 15: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Sep 6, 2014)
- 16: Florida Sailor All is well with the world (Sep 6, 2014)
- 17: loonycat - run out of fizz (Sep 6, 2014)
- 18: ITIWBS (Sep 6, 2014)
- 19: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Sep 6, 2014)
- 20: Florida Sailor All is well with the world (Sep 6, 2014)
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