This is the Message Centre for The Gook, a.k.a. Sir Loin of Beef, the Master-at-Arms: Thingite Armoury, and his wolf Yoink.

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters.

Post 13501

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

It's not an example type situation, you'd have to see it for real.

I mostly hang around here: A2334007

You should think of joining us. smiley - smiley

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters.

Post 13502

The Gook, a.k.a. Sir Loin of Beef, the Master-at-Arms: Thingite Armoury, and his wolf Yoink.

::: stops by for a smiley - donut :::

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters.

Post 13503

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

Ooh, I want a smiley - donut!

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters.

Post 13504

The Gook, a.k.a. Sir Loin of Beef, the Master-at-Arms: Thingite Armoury, and his wolf Yoink.

It was a good one too... yummy! smiley - drool

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters.

Post 13505

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

My smiley - donut! *steals one from a passing smiley - donutsmiley - dragon*

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters.

Post 13506

JustAnotherNumber\Lord High Praetor of Thingite-ica\Sub

A smiley - donutsmiley - dragon? Where did that come from? smiley - smiley

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters.

Post 13507

The Gook, a.k.a. Sir Loin of Beef, the Master-at-Arms: Thingite Armoury, and his wolf Yoink.

Norway. smiley - biggrin

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters.

Post 13508

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

No way!

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters.

Post 13509


"Who's PF?"smiley - sadface

"Who's PF?"?!?!

"Who's PF?"?!?!?!smiley - cross

"Who's PF?"?!?!?!?!smiley - grr

"Who's PF?"?!?!?!?!?!smiley - steam

"Who's PF?"?!?!?!?!?!?!smiley - wah


That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters my precious.

Post 13510


smiley - tongueout

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters my precious.

Post 13511

The Gook, a.k.a. Sir Loin of Beef, the Master-at-Arms: Thingite Armoury, and his wolf Yoink.

Aww, there there mate. Have a drink. smiley - cheers

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters my precious.

Post 13512


Ooh, thanks, I think I just might... smiley - cidersmiley - cheers

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters my precious.

Post 13513

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

Hi, PF! I know who you are now...

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters my precious.

Post 13514


Good!smiley - ok

I'm a very senior Thingite, you know... best not to upset me...;-

smiley - biggrin

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters my precious.

Post 13515


Good!smiley - ok

I'm a very senior Thingite, you know... best not to upset me...smiley - winkeye

smiley - biggrin

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters my precious.

Post 13516

The Gook, a.k.a. Sir Loin of Beef, the Master-at-Arms: Thingite Armoury, and his wolf Yoink.

Us old folks have a habit of repeating ourselves...

did I already say that? smiley - huh

That's enough of that, now. No more imitating book characters my precious.

Post 13517

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

No, I don't think you did.

That'ssss enough of that, now. No more imitating book characterssss, my precioussss.

Post 13518

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

No, I don't think you did.

That'ssss enough of that, now. No more imitating book characterssss, my precioussss.

Post 13519

The Gook, a.k.a. Sir Loin of Beef, the Master-at-Arms: Thingite Armoury, and his wolf Yoink.

well then...

That'ssss enough of that, now. No more imitating book characterssss, my precioussss.

Post 13520

Lady Scott

PF just happens to be a member of the Thingite High Council... smiley - erm Is that what it was called? I can't remember...

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