This is the Message Centre for Neil the Indefinite


Post 61

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Thanks!smiley - smiley

I don't think that I'll see Star Wars. I like the old ones, saw Episode 1 in the cinema and it wasn't that good I think. The second one I saw on TV, but it didn't impress me much.

Tomorrow is my first exam, but as I found out it will be one of those "cheat as much as you can, they don't notice anyhow"-things, so it wont be too hard.smiley - smiley
I started learning today, but still think I've got very good chances.

Next week there will be another exam of this kind and then start the "real" ones.smiley - erm



Post 62

Neil the Indefinite

Hey there!

Well, I saw star wars III so now I've seen them all! It was really very good.

Unfortunately I didn't see the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. smiley - sadface it's out of the cinemas now but I will watch it on DVD when it's out.

So, you must have seen it now, right? What did you think?!

I am going to go to Germany, it seems, on the 15th July. I'm still making the arrangements though, it's quite exciting and uncertain.

Hope your exams so far have gone well, and good luck in all the others! smiley - goodluck

Neil smiley - cheerup


Post 63

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor


Yes, I've seen itsmiley - magic. It was really good, only Zaphod didn't really fit in my opinion, and of course the look of Marvin, athough he wasn't as bad as I expected. There was fat too little improbability drive in my opinion, but at least they did the whale and the petunias. The factory floor was wonderful. Not quite as I imagined it, but wonderful.smiley - magic

Thanks! My exams were ok so far, but I only had the two fake ones yet, so it says nothing. I'm working on my plan again, but the teacher seems to like it and said he may even give me the best mark possiblesmiley - bubbly, but we'll see whether he really does. On Monday I have to hand it in for the last time, which means I've got to get it done till Friday.

How are your holidays so far? I keep my fingers crossed for your trip to Germany. smiley - goodluck

greetingssmiley - cheerup


Post 64

Neil the Indefinite


Hope your exams are going well (I guess you'll nearing the end of them?)

I've sorted some of the arrangements, I'm flying into Hamburg on 15th July and out the same way on Sunday 17th, so it will be fairly brief first trip to Germany.

Also, muss ich, wenn möglich, viel Deutsch schnell üben!
Leider bin ich sehr unpraktiziert, und vielleicht kann ich keinen ganzen Aufsatz in richtig Deutsch sprechen!
Ich denke dass ich lieber schreiben! Aber muss ich bald alle wörte mündlich erklären, das ist etwas ganz anders.
Bitte mich korregieren!

Mit Freundlichen Grüssen!


Post 65

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Hallo Neil!

Meine Prüfungen sind gottseidank vorbei, die letzte hatte ich letzten Mittwoch. I think I didn't pass one of them (statics), somehow I lost my nerves and once again I thought about it too much.... but I'll do it again in Autummn, so it's no problem really. Still I'm not happy about it of course.
Dem Lehrer hat mein Plan, den ich gezeichnet habe, sehr gefallen und ich habe einen Einser bekommen, das ist bei uns die beste Note.smiley - magic (he also really liked the pools)

Viel Spaß in Deutschland, es ist wirklich nicht sehr lange, aber ich hoffe es wird dir gefallen.

Aufsatz=essay, you mean Satz=sentence, right?
Ich denke, dass ich lieber schreibe.
Wörter not wörte
das ist etwas ganz anderes

That's right, I also write English much better than I talk, you probably whouldn't understand anything when I'd talk to you... well, it's not REALLY that bad I think.smiley - winkeye But I think they'll understand you, and most people speak English anyhow, so when you just don't know how to say anything just try in a very simple and slow English and your chances are quite good I think.

Ich bin seit einer Woche ganz alleine zu Hause (mit Muzi natürlich), weil meine Eltern nach Amerika auf Urlaub gefahren sind. Es ist ein Bisschen einsam, aber die Zeit vergeht schnell. Nächste Woche beginne ich dann in einem Architekturbüro zu arbeiten, dort bleibe ich dann für 2 Wochen. Ich bin schon gespannt wie das wird...

liebe Grüße
Monismiley - smiley


Post 66

Neil the Indefinite

Congratulationssmiley - bubblyon finishing your exams then!!!smiley - ok

Hallo! smiley - smiley

Yes, silly me, I mean Satz not aufsatz. (Thank you!smiley - cheerup) As we say "I can hardly string a sentence together" therefore I won't be relying heavily on my German speaking skills, but hopefully I will have built up enough confidence to make attempts.

So what are you up to this week then? Nothing? The German threads here look so busy I haven't even entered them in weeks! In most internet things I find activity very desirable, but not at the moment! smiley - smiley

I have been wasting the last few weeks on an internet game at its subgenre is called mmorpg [- dass heisst, denke ich, ein Spiel darin viele Spieler Rolle auf dem internet spielen]. (massive multiplayer online roleplaying game) complete waste of time but kind of fun. if you join in I'll bring you into into the clique and waste as much of your time there as possible as well.

if not, then you can continue to talk to me about the architectural office which sounds kind of exciting. Plus, how is your health? and Muzi's? and the weather in Austria? AND did you watch any of the G8 concerts from afar? Green Day were in Berlin! I went to see them in England this June (so they must be goodsmiley - biggrin) just kidding, but they are the only band I've ever seen live. (not even Muse)

And how could I write this reply without mentioning I went to Edinburgh last weekend for the makepovertyhistory march - that was great! Long coach ride, sunny weather catchy chants and slogans! nice day.

Talk to you soon,



Post 67

Neil the Indefinite

I'm sorry even my english sentences are all over the place there. Next post I will make more of an effort to be clearsmiley - winkeye



Post 68

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor


Thanks.smiley - smiley

We say: deutsche Sprache schwere Sprache; so don't be too critical with yourself about it.

Today I got an e-mai from the physics institute which says that I didn't pass the physics examsmiley - erm... well, I'll do it again in autummn, it's ok somehow. I just hope that there wont be any other bad surprises.

This week I'm just reading, watching TV and in the evenings I'm here on hootoo. I've opened a café and an "omnitorium" in A4093463. Many people seem to like it.
And then I and some others have founded a Terry Pratchett club: A4334898
My café and the german department have even been among the 5 busiest conversations on the Front Page!smiley - biggrin

I'm just trying to find out more about londidnivm, although I fear I'm not very good in computer games. I always get too excited when an enemy stands in front of me and then press the wrong buttons.smiley - ermsmiley - laugh That's why my favourite computer games are the old monkey island games, especially the first two. I don't have to be fast, just push a few buttons and have a good laugh. But I also like Zelda... although I've never ever finished any computer game.
I know that somehow I shouldn't, but I'm really getting interested in this game, so I really may join.
Tell me more about it please. What are you doing there? What clique are you in? And: what kind of names do people there have?
It's really very nice of you to tell me about that.smiley - cheerup And that you whould take me into your clique.smiley - smiley (although I fear I'll be no use for you)

I can't tell you much about the archirectural office, I don't know what I'll be doing there yet, but I'll tell you when I know. I'm a bit nervouse alredy.

Thanks, I'm well, the only thing that makes problems again is my skin. I don't know whether I've told you about it, but I've got a skin desease, sounds worse than it is now. It's called Neurodermitis, no idea what it is in English, the best explaination for it may be: a constant allergic reaction. Sometimes it's better and sometimes worse, but it never really disappears. Well, to come to the point: I had a terrible rash on the palms of my hands and my fingers last week and now I loose the skin in this places... a bit annoying.
Sorry for telling all that, I'm not sure whether you really want to hear about that.
Muzi is well, thanks, I'm lucky that she didn't bring a mouse yet, but some weeks ago she brought about half a bird.
The weather is so-so, yesterday it was cold and rainy, today we had sunshine.
I saw a few bits of the concert in Berlin, but then I switched, because somebody came whom I didn't like (can't remember who) and then I somehow forgot about it and watched something different.smiley - erm

And how are you? And Tina? I hope you're both well.

makepovertyhistorysmiley - cheers (although this "cheers" guy seems to be a bit too drunk for this here... just pretend he whouldn't be)

I just realize how long this post is... hope you have some time... although when you've come as far as that it's too late anyhow.smiley - winkeye

Monismiley - smiley


Post 69

Neil the Indefinite

ttyl (talk to ya later)
i.e. e-mail me if I don't reply tomorrow, I want to reply but it's 2am gotta sleep. my bad organising.
(I can be forgetful on hootoo)


Post 70

Neil the Indefinite

Liebe Moni,

Hallo! Zuerst sollte ich erklären, dass ich von den Ereignisse Heute in London nicht geschädigt.

Hey. First I should declare that I'm completely unharmed (and unaffected) by the incidents today in London.

It's terrible, I know, but no need to panic and the emergency services did a good job. I feel a bit luckier, not to be involved this time.

Anyway, on normal matters... commiserations on the physics exam. I think I failed Analysis, but hopefully I passed overall, hope u have a calm and patient wait for results! Mine are on their way this month.

Remind me to visit your two new pages, while I say, if you're wavering on londinivm, u should register and take it as it comes. In fact, you can talk to me on messenger: [email protected] if you're online can talk to you about this or anything else more rapidly than here.

Hootoo is still good though smiley - winkeye Oh and about the game, don't worry it doesn't really involve a great deal of skill - it's a combination of intuition and tuition - things that we teach each other and things that u discover for yourself while playing. I don't blame u if u're not keen or get bored of it quickly. But it would be cool to get you in. smiley - biggrin If u arrive before I'm on messenger u can find me at #10697 as Nigellus (Neil latinised)

Funny you should mention skin, I got very slightly sunburned marching in Edinburgh and now the skin on my nose is flaking off! Again it sounds worse than it is. So, glad u mentioned it, a bit coincidental. Hope it clears up soon (both of us)! We could exchange pics again and see who has more skin missingsmiley - smiley lol

Today is rained and the sun shined too. It's happening a lot.
Tina is fine.

Talk to you soon,


Post 71

Neil the Indefinite

Hallo Moni!

I am still in the UK but am in the departure lounge so I'm getting very close to leaving the country.

So this is just a quick hello:


And I hope you have a nice weekend.

See ya,


Post 72

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Hallo Neil!smiley - smiley

Ich hoffe du verbringst ein paar schöne Tage in Deutschland.smiley - smiley

I've made it to level 2 in londinivm last night.

How good my weekend will be mainly depends on whether my uncle got the new Harry Potter or not. I get it as a very late (about 4 months) birthday present... we'll see.
Fortunately I've still got lots of other things to read.

see you


Post 73

Neil the Indefinite

smiley - laugh


Ich habe drei schoene Tage in Deutschland verbracht!

Dazu muss ich auch sagen, dass ich Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (in Deutsch!) verkauft. Es wird schwierig zu lesen...!

Tschuess Moni,
Bald sprechen!



Post 74

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor


Es freut mich, dass es dir gefallen hat.smiley - smiley

Ich denke du hast dir nicht gerade das leichteste Buch ausgesucht. Aber du wirst es schaffen. If you don't understand anything in it you can ask me.smiley - smiley

see you


Post 75

Neil the Indefinite

Danke Schon! Wie sagt man, hilfsvoll? Helfsfähig? Hilfungsbereit? (Hilf mir bitte.) smiley - smiley

Meine letztes brief kommt aus Lübeck, jetzt bin ich wieder zu Hause. Alles klar? Wunderbar.

Doch muss ich mich selbst korregieren: das erstes Harry Potter Buch *auf* Deutsch gekauft?

Ich habe nur eine Seite geliesen (gelest?) Sogst du nicht darüber, ich sollte in meinem Verb Tables Buch gucken.

Bis Bald,



Post 76

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

It's hilfsbereit.smiley - smiley
I didn't realize that you wrote "in Deutsch", for I often say it like that.
Es heißt gelesen.smiley - smiley

Ich bin beim neuen Buch erst auf Seite 60 oder so. Bis jetzt ist es gut. Ich bin schon gespannt wie es weiter gehtsmiley - magic
Unfortunately I've got too little time to read because of "working", but I'll take it with me in the train and read there.

schöne Grüße


Post 77

Neil the Indefinite

Also, sehr gut.

Ich denke dass ich Morgen lesen werde.

Tschüss,smiley - fullmoon


Post 78

Neil the Indefinite

There is really so much to read on here I don't know where to recommence. I've stayed up all night on the net reading all sorts of random things from Star Trek to Alesia.

So I'll say goodnight, hope your headache is better in the morning. Drink plenty of water! smiley - smiley


Post 79

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - cool

smiley - smiley thanks

I've unfortunately still got a headache (just took a pill) and that makes studying much harder than it could be.


Post 80

Neil the Indefinite

I'm sorry about your headache, how are you today?

I must ask you something I've been unable to find an answer to on wikipedia. It came up while Hayley and I were visiting Schloss Belvedere:

Why do so many buildings have pale green rooves?

Were they originally pale green or is it some kind of oxidation or effect of acid rain?

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