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Neil the Indefinite Posted Apr 23, 2005
Hi Moni
Die lange Deutsche wörte die ich mich erinnere sind Wiedervereinigung und Atomausstieg, die auch die Themen meiner Mündliche Prüfungen sind. Auch finde ich "Umweltorientierte Steuerpolitik" besonders denkwürdig (und wünschenswert). Ich finde alle die lange Deutsche wörte nicht eine Beeinträchtigung sonderern eine Neuheit.
Your quote buffet is good. I've already stolen one of them in fact. (You could argue though that nobody owns words) couple of suggestions: fantasy is usually with an F in English Ph is more imaginative though. Also: "It's the job [that's] never started ^that^ takes longest to finish." but I don't know precisely how the quote went anyway.
I'm not that familiar with Monty Python really. I only know the famous sketches (Dead Parrot, Silly Walks, Spanish Inquisition) and two films (The Life of Brian, The Holy Grail). When you say they are buried in front of you, this makes me wonder whether the towers in your room are made of papers, and whether these are made on architectural principles.
Schönburg is perhaps not completely misguided because the same principles when applied to graphics can create beautiful fractal pictures, e.g. Mandelbröt and Julia sets. This sounds like the same idea but maybe it didn't work quite as well.
Have you been to Prague yourself? A programme on TV said yesterday how wonderful it is - the disadvantage being that it's therefore overcrowded with tourists.
The list of things I want to listen to grows longer, with Fantastische 4. Unfortunately, instant free music (on the internet) is not as easy as it was 3 years ago. Your link to Grönemeyer is some use though:
Momentan ist richtig,
Momentan ist gut.
Nichts ist wirklich wichtig,
Nach der ebbe kommt das flut.
I like it already, and I get to hear a little clip!
Which of your courses takes the most time?
Talk to you soon,
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Apr 23, 2005
Lieber Neil!
Thanks, I'll correct my quote buffet an add new things. I wondered about the JRRT quote too, I found it on the Internet, although I've heard it before. But I thought: they certainly speak English for a longer time than you Moni, so don't think about it, they know better.
Umweltorientierte Steuerpolitik, you should tell them that this word exists.
But we make fun of long words ourself, there is for instance the well known word Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitänstochers... you can now add relatives and pets and all fitting words.
Ritter der Kokosnuss is certainly The Holy Grail. I really like it.
The towers are made of both, paper and books. The only principles so far are: what was used last lies on top and nothing shall be damaged. I should really tidy up my room.
I've not been to Prague, but I've been to the Czech Republic, it's right next to Austria so the way is not too long. I've visited a few nice castles there.
Die meiste Zeit nimmt derzeit Hochbau in Anspruch. Wir haben es zwar nur 1x pro Woche (Montag 17-21 Uhr (ich verschwinde spätestens um 20.30 still und heimlich), aber wir müssen zu Hause viel dafür arbeiten. Ich bin gerade dabei mir eine gute Form für eine Rampe und ein Wasserbecken zu überlegen, die ich in mein Haus einbaue. Leider komme ich nicht wirklich weiter. Später muss ich dann noch Pläne zeichen und ein Modell sollte ich auch bauen. Wir werden sehen was ich schaffe.
Next week another course starts where we have to design a lightwaight construction and then build it.
And in the drawing course we've got to draw a cartoon of at least 40 pictures.
I've got no idea when I shall do all that.
Do you have to do so much for uni too? I've got a friend who studies Celtology and only has 15 hours per week. She now thinks about starting a 2nd study because she's got nothing to do! Ha! I'd really like to say that one day!
...I just listen to Muse, but I don't know what to think about them yet. All I can say by now is: I'll go on listening, they somehow help me to draw. But suddenly my pool is rectangular! He (the guy who controlls what we've done) will ask me why. Is it a good explaination to say: I listened to Muse?
I'll come back later, maybe I can find a good Fanta4 link.
Neil the Indefinite Posted Apr 23, 2005
Hey Moni
I thought Umweltorientierte Steuerpolitik was an SPD-Grüne policy in Germany? I may be mistaken. It's lacking in Britain anyhow, I don't know how it is in Austria. Austria was mentioned in the Atomausstieg though.
Danube cruising society captain something?
Muse were for a long time my favourite band. I like listening to them and I think they have lots of unique and powerful songs, which I like to take in. I like to absorb their moods, but after a while I realise most of them are not really in tune with my real feelings. But at least that leaves me knowing more. I'm not sure how they can make a pool rectangular, but are you happy with it like that?
My room is a terrible mess. Unfortunately I cannot boast many towers of work, although there are some, they aren't very tall. My classes total 17 hours a week, which may not sound much. This number is large compared to my friends who study subjects like classics, but small compared to my friends who study chemical engineering. I find it much easier to listen to the lectures than to actually practise Mathematics consistently.
Leider erfolgt man nicht bei Mathe ohne beide diese zwei Dinge. Diese Probleme wachst immer schlecter als meine Zweitenjahrprüfungen kommen. Diese Krise behandelt nicht ein unbeliebtes Fach, sondern fehlende Wiederholung und undiscipliniert zu sein.
So it sounds like you have a lot to do. I don't have as much to do as some people, I wish I would just get it done. In four weeks my exams will be over, until then I perhaps shouldn't be here so much. I'm sorry because I'll miss it but I can't spend so much time here.
So I'll talk to you soon, but it will probably be longer between my replies. I must work harder!
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Apr 24, 2005
Hallo Neil!
Atomausstieg. Yes, one of the most funny things in our history I think. We actually have a nuclear power station, but it never did anything. They built it an thought "oh, people will like it". Then they made a referendum, they thought they couldn't loose anyhow. "Unfortunately" people said "we don't want it"... It's still standing there, a few parts have been sold and the building itself is used by the police or the army or something like that.
They never tried to build one again.
Yes, danube cruising society captain. I've got no idea where this word comes from, but everybody knows it.
I like the new rectangular pool. Shapes and colours have much to do with feelings, but it's not easy to explain. It's like: some things just feel red or green, although ther's no obvious reason.
It can get much harder if some things don't produce such feelings, and there is no reason for eighter one or the other shape. It's difficult.
I often also dream about the things I've got to design, sometimes that helps, sometimes it's just rubbish.
Ich habe 24 Stunden pro Woche, das ist relativ viel, aber in Medizin hat man angeblich 40. Es ist immer leichter Vorlesungen zu zuhören als selbst zu versuchen was zu stande zu bringen.
It's easy to know that the roof of Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier is leaking, or that's just impossible to live is some houses which are called "great architecture".
But: make it better! Try! It's not that easy.
It's always much work. It's always: here I am, trying to make my brain think, but it seems like it's just gone away to have lunch.
Meine Semesterprüfungen kommen erst Ende Juni, aber sie kommen schnell. Eine meiner Prüfungen werde ich wahrscheinlich auf Herbst verschieben, das ist bei uns kein Problem. Trotzdem bleiben noch genügend Prüfungen übrig, die ich nicht verschieben kann.
Es wird schlimm. Ich weiß. Aber ich habe das letzte Semester auch überstanden, gestern ist die e-mail mit der Nachricht gekommen, dass ich mir mein letztes Zeugnis abholen kann.
I wish you good luck for your exams .
I shouldn't be here so much too, but I can't help, I just like to be here and so I am.
Don't be too because you can't be here that much, hootoo will still be here in a few weeks (unless the great flood of newbies wont drown us all) and I'll be certainly here too. I'm used to waiting for replies.
So cheer up and don't work too hard and don't forget to make some breaks
(the first law of learning!).
Neil the Indefinite Posted Apr 25, 2005
(Paste this into an isolateral font e.g. notepad, or posting font because the spacing is bad in the threading font.)
Do you think the picture looks more like a flower or a wind turbine?
Apparantly wind farms are unpopular in England - I can't see the problem. They complain they are unsightly, but I think they look neat - at least prettier than cooling towers.
Also, I heard from mathematical sources that the number of petals on flowers is always taken from the Fibonacci sequence:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89...usw (Un+1 = Un + Un-1)
So apparantly it's improbable for a flower to have any other number. I haven't yet found one to prove otherwise - if you find one please let me know!
I may be speaking more politics than usual because there is a general election on 5th May. I may be speaking more maths than usual because my exams are coming.
Thank you for the I wish you ,viel Glück' in due course.
Revision has increased today
Ich habe diesen Brief fast völlig auf Englisch geschrieben!
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Apr 26, 2005
Hi Neil!
For me it looks like a flower. Or does the new generation of wind turbines have leaves? Maybe a sunflower? I like sunflowers, so I'll call it a sunflower. No sunflower smiley?...
We don't have many wind turbines here, I once heard that the wind in our region is almost too strong. We get most of our power from water I think.
But I can remember the fields of wind turbines in the USA, that's really impressing.
Zufällig habe ich ein Buch über Blumen in meinem Zimmer liegen, dass ich meinem Papa immer noch nicht zurück gegeben habe. Viele Blumen scheinen 5 Blütenblätter zu haben, und so lernt man ja auch als Kind Blumen zu zeichnen. Aber ich habe beim durchblättern sehr schnell auch Blumen mit 4 Blütenblättern gefunden.
Die Mathematiker sollten also mal mit einem Biologen sprechen.
Ich schreib dir den deutschen und den wissenschaftlichen Namen auf, mit Englisch kann ich in diesem Fall leider nicht dienen:
Sand-Mohn, Papáver argemóne
Wiesen-Schaumkraut, Cerdámine praténsis
Aufrechtes Fingerkraut, Tormentilla erécta
Alpen-Waldrebe, Clématis alpína (4-5 Blütenblätter)
(the best thing for you will be to get a book from the library, it's not too hard to find examples and I've got no idea if the flowers I mentioned grow in England)
Ich hoffe das hilft dir.
Clematis montana:
Don't care about German if you are in a hurry and have some work to do (and you seem to have to learn).
Did you ever visit the Personal Space of U42? Or am I once again the last one who finds it? (I'm always the last one who finds out anything)
Moni(read Tolkien today, so I need an
Neil the Indefinite Posted Apr 27, 2005
Dear Moni
Ok, I guess there are enough flowers who have 4 petals in that picture to disprove the hypothesis. Four-leaf clovers
are another example but they are kind of legendary and maybe mutants. Sunflowers, on the other hand, I'm not sure how many petals they have but the seeds in the middle are arranged in 34 spirals.
I knew that DNA was U42 but I'm not sure if I actually read it until now, it's quite poignant. I'm sure you're not the last to find it.
Vielen Dank, für deine Forschung bei den Blumen. Du bist sehr hilflich (not sure if that is a German word. E.g. impressing->impressive).
I like Tolkien very much. LotR and HHGttG are my two favourite books. For a while my third favourite book was 1984(George Orwell) which is very good but it's very bleak (no feel-good factor at all). The last two books I read are not very good. The next one will be a maths book, and I won't try and compare that!
See ya,
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Apr 27, 2005
Lieber Neil!
Es freut mich, dass ich dir helfen konnte.
I'll read the thing about sunflowers later, it sounds really interesting (I'm not saying that just to be polite), but I've got no time right now.
DNA's page made me really sad, but the end of the Salmon was worse.
His conversations are still there, although he didn't post much. But he wrote more Entries than I suspected.
My mum is to blame that I am such a great Tolkien fan, she read LOTR when she was pregnant. When I was a child she read the Father Christmas Letters to me, so somehow I know Tolkien my whole life.
I'm just reading The History of Middle-Earth Vol. 6, The Lord of the Rings part one (that whole long thing is the title of ONE book).
It's about Tolkiens manuscripts, something for advanced Tolkien readers I'd say.
I also liked Leave by Niggle, it gives you a good impression of how Tolkien felt (to be found in the book Tales from the perilous Realm). In my opinion the pictures he drew are quite nice too (book: J. R. R. Tolkien, Artist and Illustrator).
I've never read George Orwell. My third favourite book is Otherland by Tad Williams I think, it's rather uncomfortable too.
I will have to struggle around with a book about concrete in the next days, but that's not really reading. I'll have to look at all the pictures carefully and find out how I can construct the house I've planned.
I've got to go to uni now,
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted May 15, 2005
Hi Neil!
I use Brunel.
In Goo the letters are too big, if they whould be smaller I think I'd use Goo.
Alabaster is too boring, it's got nothing to catch the eye.
Brunel has a clear structure and it's colourful and by now I'm used to it.
What do you use?
Neil the Indefinite Posted May 15, 2005
Brunel, but every so often a link sends me to a goo page and I wonder whether I should be using that instead.
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted May 15, 2005
Funny. That has never happened to me so far, and I've got no idea why this happenes. But me and my computer are very often opponents in a battle anyhow, so I often don't really know what's going on in there...
Neil the Indefinite Posted May 19, 2005
So you are you going to fight first, the computer or the teacher?
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted May 19, 2005
I'm fighting against the computer already, just now I try to conquer the pools I desingned while listening to Muse. The fight against the teacher will be on Monday.
The differences between the two battles are: the computer is a long-term enemy, while the battles against teachers are usually shorter.
Neil the Indefinite Posted May 19, 2005
Cool. Which songs from Muse are you listening to?
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted May 19, 2005
I'm not listening to them right now, was my grammar wrong? They are the pools I designed when you sent me the link. But I should really listen to them again, I like this music somehow.
But I found out something interesting: my uni-friend listenes to Muse. When we visited her last week, we wanted to listen to music and she said something like "what do you want to hear? You don't want something too hard, hm? So let's try Muse..."
So maybe it's just me, maybe everybody else here knows them for years...
Neil the Indefinite Posted May 19, 2005
No, you were right, I was inaccurate. Muse used to have a slogan "tenderness and brute force in equal measure" I'm not sure if it was official at all. I wondered which of their songs you heard because they vary.
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted May 19, 2005
..I've just got problems with hootoo... it told me that I shall log in
That's a very good slogan.
I can't remember which songs I listened to exactely, I just listened to whatever I could find. I think all there was on the link you've sent me.
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- 25: Neil the Indefinite (Apr 25, 2005)
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- 27: Neil the Indefinite (Apr 27, 2005)
- 28: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Apr 27, 2005)
- 29: Neil the Indefinite (May 15, 2005)
- 30: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (May 15, 2005)
- 31: Neil the Indefinite (May 15, 2005)
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- 33: Neil the Indefinite (May 16, 2005)
- 34: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (May 16, 2005)
- 35: Neil the Indefinite (May 19, 2005)
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- 37: Neil the Indefinite (May 19, 2005)
- 38: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (May 19, 2005)
- 39: Neil the Indefinite (May 19, 2005)
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