This is the Message Centre for Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

animalism is not PC

Post 61

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

No, not Mars! Live on Topics...

animalism is not PC

Post 62


Snickers, I've heard of Paparazzi living on Toepics, but never anyone living on Topics. Isn't it dangerous? All those topical diseases, not to mention the topic of cancer . . .oops. Still I suppose if you're ruler of the topics then you'll never be short of topical subjects.

animalism is not PC

Post 63


Topics? Snickers?

You're all nuts.smiley - bigeyes

Actually, I wouldn't mind a swimming pool filled with Smarties (minus the water thankyou).smiley - smiley


animalism is not PC

Post 64


but what if you bellyflopped into it? I bet that would really smart, eh?

animalism is not PC

Post 65

Martin Harper

I just love ancient repeats of "topical news quizes" - whose entire reason for existance has dissapeared... smiley - winkeye

animalism is not PC

Post 66


No, no, no! I keep Have I Got News For You on tape, to remind me what a turd Jeffrey Archer is, when he drops out of the headlines - not very often I admit. Let's see, there's the 'Archer' (£2000) given to a prostitute, the 'spotty back' trial, his "b*****d Kurds" address to a group of Kurds, his shares in Anglia TV, his falsified CV, and somehow they still manage to make him a Lord and pick him as a candidate for Mayor of London.

I prefer topical skin creams. I mean, since when were "cold sores" on everyone's lips?

animalism is not PC

Post 67

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

No one ever tires of seeing the Tub of Lard either, although that one's perhaps a little over-rated now.

I'm so bitter; I don't have Sky, so I couldn't watch the "Blackadder". smiley - sadface

animalism is not PC

Post 68

Martin Harper

We went down to the pub just to watch Blackadder on their screen... desperate, eh? smiley - winkeye

animalism is not PC

Post 69

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Verdict? An awful lot of people said it was good, but not good enough for Blackadder, which should be brilliant. Since I'm obsessed, I'll probably like it whatever.

animalism is not PC

Post 70


I don't have Sky either.smiley - sadface

And as for visiting the Dome, there's a phrase featuring wild horses that springs to mind.smiley - winkeye


animalism is not PC

Post 71

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Sorry, I'm knackered... which one? Not meaning to sound gormless or anything. smiley - smiley

animalism is not PC

Post 72


'Knackered' is not a word to use when speaking to a horse.smiley - winkeye

The phrase regarding not being dragged somewhere.smiley - bigeyes


animalism is not PC

Post 73

Martin Harper

"Wild horses couldn't shag me there"?

animalism is not PC

Post 74

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Come again? (no innuendo intended - well, it is now, but that's besides the point somewhat.

animalism is not PC

Post 75


Ah widnae like tae git dragged barabaws fae here taeradome?

I Liked Blackadder B&F, it even got a genuine LOL (Baldrick after Will Scarlet).It leapt around a bit, but was well worth watching.

animalism is not PC

Post 76

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I still haven't seen it... smiley - sadface

animalism is not PC

Post 77

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

hi Zed
I saw the christmas special of Blackadder. It was good that was

If you look really closely, you know sumtimes Tony Hart used to go out and meet kids and do huge murals and stuff? Well Damiens Hurst is the one with the evil glint in his eye looking straight at the camera and clutching half of a cat.

There was this bloke/artist (as they are two different species) who may or may not have been damien hurst, who made a mould of his head, took 2 pints or sumthing of his own blood, injected it into this plaster cast, bunged it in the freezer, took it out and displayed his frozen head of blood in an exhibition? Oh er
And there was this woman who made a chocolate cast of herself and used it for an exhibition. Somebody had the cheek to eat a bit of her as well.

animalism is not PC

Post 78


somebody had the cheek......
haw haw haw
chocolate cheek cookies!!!

animalism is not PC

Post 79

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

very good, apart from I think they ate her elbow, but I dont want to draw the comedy limelight away from you so I'll just shut up now

animalism is not PC

Post 80

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Get going to my orgy - it's not much of an orgy with just the four of us...

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