This is the Message Centre for Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

animalism is not PC

Post 81

Martin Harper

five now - and I'm sure you'll get more...
perhaps you should advertise in the naughty bits forum... smiley - smiley

animalism is not PC

Post 82


Did someone mention eating chocolate elbows? I guess the artist made a good fist of it.

animalism is not PC

Post 83

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I think I might... but do we really want insane 14 year old Jedis running amok amidst such displays of depravity? smiley - smiley

animalism is not PC

Post 84

Martin Harper

Don't put your foot in your mouth by making bad jokes like that...

animalism is not PC

Post 85

Martin Harper

Just as long as he's careful where he sticks his light sabre. smiley - smiley

animalism is not PC

Post 86

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Oh God... I'm sure you've heard the Jedi joke; if not, it involves glow-in-the-dark condoms... smiley - winkeye

animalism is not PC

Post 87

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

interesting - please tell me the joke as I have not heard it b4
Yes, somebody did eat someones elbow because it was made of chocolate

animalism is not PC

Post 88


Teaser. Now I'm gonna have to track this one down.

animalism is not PC

Post 89

Martin Harper

the orgy? or the naughty bits forum? smiley - smiley

animalism is not PC

Post 90


Ah, enlightenment. It's from Roseanne, not the orgy!

animalism is not PC

Post 91

Martin Harper

? the joke?
care to tell us it? smiley - smiley

animalism is not PC

Post 92

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

It was in the BBC Talent script of a friend of mine. Just imagine sex in the dark with said glow-in-the-dark condoms... your imagination's all you need... smiley - tongueout

animalism is not PC

Post 93


My overactive imagination has just combined it with the safe sex scene from Naked Gun.

I think I need to go and lie down (yes, in a dark room) for a while.

animalism is not PC

Post 94

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Right - now you've had a lie-down, you can come to the orgy...

You can have a lie-down there too, if you like. smiley - winkeye

animalism is not PC

Post 95

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

Not a very quiet lie down mind you...

animalism is not PC

Post 96

Martin Harper

Nor is it a dark room... so far people are happy with the lights staying on... smiley - smiley

animalism is not PC

Post 97

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Exactly... smiley - winkeye

animalism is not PC

Post 98

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Well, we can turn the lights if you prefer.

animalism is not PC

Post 99

Martin Harper

I'm easy either way.
Maybe just dimmed a bit?

animalism is not PC

Post 100

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I'm game.

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