
Hiya I'm Whambamboo which obviously isn't my real name.
I love Douglas Adams and I started reading them at the fragile age of 11 which made a great impact on my life ( also why I have a warped imagination). I think all Douglas Adams books are cool, and the Dirk Gently ones are my fave after hitchikers guide. Its cool that I get too add my own entries and stuff like that. This website is a really great idea and I'm glad I found it. I have seen the Hitchikers video programme which was good but not how I imagined it to be. One of my favourite characters is Slartibartfast, cos when u tell people about D.A. they ask "His name is WHAT?" for slarti (as he is affectionately known). Thats all of my entry for now. bye - x whambamboo x

right, seeing others pages and realising fully what I had to do, here is sum actual decent info::::

I like Red Dwarf, The Young Ones, nething reeeely. The books I like are ones written by Tom Holt, Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams. I hate Goosebumps, Point Horror and trash like that. Two of my favourite books I ever read were High Fidelity and Amanda's Wedding. I also like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am a big fan of Oz the werewolf (cute) and stuff. Friends also do I like as well as Star Wars(hans solo is yum) and other Scifi programmes such as farscape. Prince William is going to get married to me and I am going to lead a happy and prosperous life. I am also a compulsive liar.


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whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

Researcher U154881


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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