A Conversation for H2G2's Musehome

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 1

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Some Museship positions that await fulfillment by you, the lovely h2g2 researcher(and/or creation) include, but are not limited to, the following suggestions:

(Muse of...)
~Music Stands

~English Majors
~American Ways
~British Pride
~Beatnik Poetry
~Advertising Artists
~Positive Thoughts
~Thank-You Notes

~Impressionist Artists
~Abstract Artists

~Human Props

~Culinary Delights
~Saran Wrap
~Rubber Stamps
~Good Restaurants
~Bubble Gum Chewers

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 2

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

Ooh ooh
can i please please please be the Muse of, like, Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus About Lotus Flowers???
(is that possible?)

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 3

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

It's a wonderful idea, and I'll be happy to put it into play-- consider your sweet self a psuedo-muse, whambamboo... I will give you your official title in... well, I'm going to need at least 24 hours... but you have been heard and your requests will be granted!!! smiley - smiley

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 4

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

Oh yes! I am a muse Thankyou sooooo much I now have a title YAY!

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 5

Curator Chick [Ivy of Xanth in the Magic Forest RPG] (Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Keeper of Museums) Join the SE US Gr

I could be the muse of stagehands . . . but what would I have to do to be the muse of curators? I'm already a life model if that counts as museship . . . the muse of figurative artists maybe? smiley - smiley

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 6

Curator Chick [Ivy of Xanth in the Magic Forest RPG] (Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Keeper of Museums) Join the SE US Gr

or the muse of art history? i've always wanted to be a muse! --kathy

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 7

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Muse of Art History sounds wonderful!!! smiley - smiley

Lemmee know if this is the title you'd like the most(keep in mind we have a muse for nude portraits all ready) smiley - tongueout

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 8

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

So, darling, what is it that you have decided!?? smiley - smiley

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 9

Curator Chick [Ivy of Xanth in the Magic Forest RPG] (Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Keeper of Museums) Join the SE US Gr

I don't know . . . how about the Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry? More and more, my interests seem to be falling away from any one area and coming into the space in between; interstices or border spaces, as the postmodernists would have it. Are there other people out there like this? I think that this page should be called a museum, by the way! I am so confused about writing GuideML--I'd love a link to this page and to put links to my evil twin's page and some of my other faves, but I don't understand how to do it.


Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 10

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Dear Dear Kathy-- in GuideML all you need to do is put The Musehome to link to the Musehome, for example... smiley - tongueout

There is a site on h2g2 dedicated to GUideML... you'll find it on my userpage... somewhere beneath a cute logo about astronomy.... http://www.h2g2.com/U98816

You're not alone in not knowing quite what you want to do in life... smiley - hug

smiley - magic ::ZAP!!!:: You are now the Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry... I really like that title...

Hope to see you around the Musehome!!! smiley - smiley

Happy Musing...

And... I almost named this joint the Museum, but.. I thought that'd get confusing... and we all ready have a Natural History Museum at h2g2...

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 11

Curator Chick [Ivy of Xanth in the Magic Forest RPG] (Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Keeper of Museums) Join the SE US Gr

Thank you!!!! I appreciate the advice and am slowly learning how to put guideML into my site. When I have time inbetween my disciplines, I will be adding a little more about what I want to do in life to my own site. I am very happy to be a muse!!!!! May I suggest the name Mouseia--in Greek it means a gathering of the muses--but be sure to acknowledge Dr. Lynne Teather at UToronto for the idea. (Mouseia is the best site for indexing work in museology on the web.)


Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 12

Curator Chick [Ivy of Xanth in the Magic Forest RPG] (Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Keeper of Museums) Join the SE US Gr

can you give me an example of a link outside H2G2 in GuideML?


Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 13


Hi Kathy!

A link to a place outside h2g2 should be done like this:

Choose your own text

As Dragonfly told you an "inside" link for an entry should be:

My second home

(or - if the title of the "Text" should be the title of the entry - just: <LINK H2G2="A420661" /&gtsmiley - winkeye

This is also the right way to put a link for a forum.
This thread

However, if you are linking to a researcher (a U-number), you should use the BIO-link:


For more GuideML the link to the clinic is http://www.h2g2.com/GuideML-Clinic

smiley - smiley

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 14

Curator Chick [Ivy of Xanth in the Magic Forest RPG] (Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Keeper of Museums) Join the SE US Gr

Thanks everybody! My site is up and running and looking better in guideml--don't expect me to have too much time to update it on a regular basis, though!


Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 15


The page is nice looking, but the links needs to be looked at! :-( You've forgotten the "http://", which is quite important.

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 16

Curator Chick [Ivy of Xanth in the Magic Forest RPG] (Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Keeper of Museums) Join the SE US Gr

oops . . . fixing problem

will also post journal entry soon--i've had a major revelation


Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 17


BTW. If you want a link at the page, but don't want it to show in the link panel, then use ordinary HTML:


If you want a link only to be in the panel, not at the page, you should put a references section at the end of the page between and :


Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 18


Oops! Missed a single "
You can surely find where yourself! smiley - winkeye

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 19

Curator Chick [Ivy of Xanth in the Magic Forest RPG] (Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Keeper of Museums) Join the SE US Gr

Give up on the ", but I've fixed the other problems. Thanks for all your help. I'll put a link to you or your pet cause on my page if you'd like . . . My journal entry should be up in about 5 mins if you wait.

smiley - smileyKathy

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 20


The missing " was (not) in the previous post, not on your page! smiley - tongueout

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Positions Available as of 9/00

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