A Conversation for H2G2's Musehome

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 41

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat
Cheers!smiley - biggrin

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 42

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)


Can I be 'Muse of playing Beatles songs badly on the guitar very late at night to annoy the neighbours and Pork Pies'.

Thank you so much smiley - biggrin


Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 43

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Certainly!!! But what are Pork Pies and neighbours!?? I have neighbors... smiley - tongueout

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 44

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

..and we have a voting system that works....smiley - tongueout

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 45

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

OH!!! OUCH!!! Too True... It might have something to do with better candidates!?? smiley - tongueout Tee hee hee... smiley - tongueout

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 46

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

.. I wouldn't be too sure about that....smiley - smiley

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 47

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Ummm... HEY!! I never voted for Clinton, and i will never live in Florida!!! smiley - tongueout

I still say that we'll know NOTHING on Christmas Eve... Mom disagrees...

I think we might know nothing perpetually... I blame the school system!!! smiley - tongueout

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 48

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

..I blame the French!! smiley - biggrin ..for everything...

But then that's just me!

I still think the old fashioned cross-in-a-box works better!! smiley - erm

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 49

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Well, obviously enough, you are correct!!! But not about the French... poor French... Try and forgive them, s'il vous plait!?

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 50

Matchgirl (SubbitySub)

ohoh, can i be the muse of Interesting Vocabulary Words That Pop Up in Conversations at the Oddest Times?

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 51

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Oui oui!!!

::ZAP!!!:: smiley - magic

You are now what you say you wish to be... but be sure and roam around the Musehome and introduce yourself to a few other muses... smiley - winkeye

Check out the Christmuse Dinner at http://www.h2g2.com/A481844, too!!! smiley - smiley

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 52

Acolyte Mathnerd, Seraph of General Evilness and Black Trenchcoats(court devil of the Kindom of Balwyniti, Muse and Keeper)

Hey Dragonfly!
May I please become the muse of Coffee, Cigarettes, and Beat Poetry? It describes me kinda well, and I love the title. smiley - biggrin

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 53

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Well.... smiley - erm well, dear...

::seperates her RL self from her online persona::

Ok... well....

::can't really seperate them::

I-- don't really know if I can have a muse of ::coughs:: cigarettes...

Touchy issue..... let me think on it!!!

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 54

Acolyte Mathnerd, Seraph of General Evilness and Black Trenchcoats(court devil of the Kindom of Balwyniti, Muse and Keeper)

oh come dragonfly. i'm sure many of us smoke. all of the beat poets i know live off of coffee and cigarettes. the whole thing goes together. please, please, please???

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 55

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

ARGH... I guess I have to surrender to society, but not with a great deal of pride!!! smiley - sadface

and smiley - magic and all of that!!!

VERY HAPPY you are aboard the Museship... hee he hee... smiley - tongueout

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 56

Acolyte Mathnerd, Seraph of General Evilness and Black Trenchcoats(court devil of the Kindom of Balwyniti, Muse and Keeper)

smiley - hugsmiley - kiss
thank you SO much dragonfly!smiley - hug

i'm so happy! ::spins around until she trips and falls down on her face::

happy, happy, happy! smiley - biggrin

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 57

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


...Are you ok!??

(say yes so I can go to bed-- heck!!! Look at the time!!! I have to go to bed anyway!!! smiley - tongueout)

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 58

Acolyte Mathnerd, Seraph of General Evilness and Black Trenchcoats(court devil of the Kindom of Balwyniti, Muse and Keeper)

of course. i'm fine. smiley - smiley

just a little dizzy. go to bed then dear, but don't forget to put the hamsters i gave you in the other thread up before you retire! smiley - winkeye

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 59

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Those unruly hamsters... smiley - winkeye

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 60

Acolyte Mathnerd, Seraph of General Evilness and Black Trenchcoats(court devil of the Kindom of Balwyniti, Muse and Keeper)

::random hamsters appear out of nowhere without any help from anyone::
::they start nibbling at the official records of muses::

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Positions Available as of 9/00

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