A Conversation for H2G2's Musehome

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 21

Curator Chick [Ivy of Xanth in the Magic Forest RPG] (Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Keeper of Museums) Join the SE US Gr

oh, i found it . . . i'm done now and probably need to go to bed so i can keep my new resolutions!


Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 22

Curator Chick [Ivy of Xanth in the Magic Forest RPG] (Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Keeper of Museums) Join the SE US Gr

Dragonfly--you can put a link to me if you'd like . . . I'll be getting some more interdisciplinarity stuff together soon, and count guideML among my trillion other disciplines . . .


Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 23


I just had another look at your page. Now it looks quite strange. smiley - sadface
I tested the page (http://www.h2g2.com/testuserpage157085), and I'm afraid I may have confused you???
Remove the and -tags and move to the end, just before !!!

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 24

The ever-wandering Muse of Erotic Poetry

If it isn't too much trouble, I'd like to stick to my nickname. After all, I am the Muse of Erotic Poetry, no doubt about it. I could also be the: Muse of Erotic Prose and Poetry, Cheesy Love Songs, Oboists who sound uncannily like ducks, irrational behavior, romantic sentiment, Toga stripping (don't ask), etc. The list goes on... But for short, I am the Muse of Erotic Poetry (and Prose)

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 25

The ever-wandering Muse of Erotic Poetry

If it isn't too much trouble, I'd like to stick to my nickname. After all, I am the Muse of Erotic Poetry, no doubt about it. I could also be the: Muse of Erotic Prose and Poetry, Cheesy Love Songs, Oboists who sound uncannily like ducks, irrational behavior, romantic sentiment, Toga stripping (don't ask), etc. The list goes on... But for short, I am the Muse of Erotic Poetry (and Prose)

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 26

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Hee hee hee... ::blushes:: How interesting... I play the oboe, or played it for awhile, rather.... smiley - hug

THANK YOU, Ottox for helping out Curator Kathy while I was away-- I'm about out the door for another day of work, then there's a BRONCO game, but I will return... smiley - smiley

I'll add The Wandering Muse of Erotic Poetry to the Musehome roster-- would you like a link to your userpage from the Musehome, my dear!?? smiley - blush

It's a bit late to change the name of the Musehome... That might upset a lot of userpages... But I love your ideas-- and I appreciate your knowledge, Kathy-- keep it coming!!!!

I'll be adding the new changes in a dozen or so hours... smiley - smiley YAY!!!

Happy Musings!!!!

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 27


do you think there would be a need for a muse of unfinished fiction? i'm also good at thank-you notes (noticed them on the list). they're not my forte, not my favorite either, but i always manage to get through them in the end. writing them is such a drag tho. especially when you've already thanked a person in person. but etiquette dictates that a written note must be sent, so.....

i'm much better at unfinished fiction smiley - smiley

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 28


How about unfinished thank-you notes? smiley - bigeyes

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 29

The ever-wandering Muse of Erotic Poetry

Wow! Could you? Please? Pretty please with sugar on top? That would be the highlight of my day!

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 30

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Highlight your day, Ever-Wandering Muse of Erotic Poetry!!! ::ZAP!!!:: smiley - magic

And ::ZAP!!!:: smiley - magic, you too, Broelan!!! Inspire Unfinishes Science Fiction!!! Every great project must begin at some point, right!?? RIGHT!!!

LEt me know, Broelan, if you'd like a link to your userpage from the Musehome, and I'll take care of that for you!!!

All muses are invited to have a drink at Bacchu Bar-- http://www.h2g2.com/A426872...

Be sure to see what other places will be of use to you at your "new home"...

Happy Musings!!!!

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 31


can it be just 'unfinished fiction'? covers a little more.... a link would be great, thanks smiley - smiley

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 32

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Consider it done!!! smiley - magic

(Don't forget the Christmuse Dinner at http://www.h2g2.com/A481844)

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 33

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

O, o, o o! Can I please please be the Muse of Procrastinating Novelists? smiley - smiley

I'm very good at putting off wonderful story ideas till later... smiley - winkeye

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 34

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Wonderful title!!! Are you aware that there is an h2g2 Procrastination Society!?? smiley - smiley

I'll be happy to add you to the roster as soon as you let me know if you would like a link to your userpage put on the Musehomepage(I recommend you say YES, so I can contact you...)...

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 35

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

There's a procrastination society?? I must have missed that.... I'll have to check it out when I get a chance.

And of course you can put a link to my userpage on the Musehomepage. smiley - smiley

Thank you muchly. smiley - biggrin

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 36

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

NO Problem!!! ::ZAP!!:: You are now the Muse of Procrastinating Novelists!!! smiley - magic

Be sure you check out the Musehome when you have time.... and here's a link to that Procrastinator's Society-- http://www.h2g2.com/A431911


Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 37

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat
Can I be the Muse of Fungi Soldiers? I know it's strange, but it would make me happysmiley - blush

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 38

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Errrr.... ok... let me know if you want a link and I'll put you on the roster, and give you that magical smiley and special stuff like that!!! smiley - winkeye

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 39

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat
YES PLEASE!!! Er *clears throat*, I mean yes, pleasesmiley - blush

Positions Available as of 9/00

Post 40

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - biggrin

smiley - magic

::ZAP!!!:: You are now the Muse of Fungi Soldiers!!! smiley - smiley

Be sure to familarize yourself with the Musehome, as there will be a quiz later... smiley - winkeye NO, I am kidding!!! smiley - smiley But do have a look around and meet your fellow muses!!!


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