This is the Message Centre for Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

animalism is not PC

Post 21


I can hardly wait.smiley - bigeyes

Perhaps if Mr Darcy had apparently been burnt alive in his mansion, only for Lizzie to discover him alive and well(ish), albeit blind, it would have been more to your liking?smiley - winkeye


animalism is not PC

Post 22

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

If there's one book that I hate more than "Pride and Prejudice", it's "Jane Eyre"; please don't provoke me...

animalism is not PC

Post 23


Even with all that death and suffering?smiley - winkeye

So what books DO you like?


animalism is not PC

Post 24

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Well... dystopias: you know, "Nineteen-Eighty-Four", "A Clockwork Orange", "Facial Justice", "Brave New World", "The Handmaid's Tale"... there tend to be lots of deaths in dystopias, as well as suitable amounts of sex and duplicity. I also like William Boyd, particularly his short stories (much sex and death, but mostly sex); and Steinbeck (I cried at "Of Mice and Men"); stuff. At the moment I'm reading this bizarre gay novel called "Nightswimmer" by Joseph Olshan; that's got a fair bit of death in it.

I'm dreading going to interview when they'll say "and why do you like English Literature?"... smiley - smiley

animalism is not PC

Post 25

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I'm reading "Mrs Dalloway" by Virginia Woolf at the moment. No one's died yet.

Now, in a vein that is tenuously related to our original subject, tenuous being the operative word - has anyone read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K. Dick? It's the book upon which "Bladerunner" is based - different, but as far as I can see (half-way through, plus the last chapter - bad habit) brilliant...

animalism is not PC

Post 26


I've not read 'Androids' but I read several of his other books, most of which featured little or no sex, occasional deaths in odd ways, but large amounts of barking insanity. Not just people doing strange things, but actual journeys in rubber wallpaper land. I had to give up reading them in case >I< was given a tastefull jacket with extremely long cuffs...

How different is 'Androids' from the film? Do you know of the 2 recent follow ons, writen by other people? They follow on from the 'BladeRunner' film.

Do you get SkyOne on TV? New Blackadder series coming soon!


animalism is not PC

Post 27

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

What? New Blackadder? How? Why? New? I didn't know they were making one... is it just repeats, or what? (I can't believe I don't know this...)

And no, I don't have Sky... smiley - sadface

animalism is not PC

Post 28


um, I don't know much, just saw a trailer on SkyOne, Blackadder Back And Forth it said, it looked like new footage. I think I will have to try very hard to video this then, when it arrrives, they didn't give a date. If I see any more I'll let you know. I went to the Sky1 website, 1st it blew my puter up, when I got going again it said nothing useful smiley - sadface


animalism is not PC

Post 29

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Aaaaah... that explains everything... almost. "Back and Forth" is the name of the Dome episode itself. I doubt it'll be a new series, as such; there would have been far more hype.

Still... I'll have to see it. Somehow. Even if my homicidal tendencies are forced into play.

animalism is not PC

Post 30


See! You do know everything! smiley - smiley Theres handy then.

Um, who are you going to homicide at? Just so's I know?


animalism is not PC

Post 31

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Hmmm, maybe... I'm only guessing... but it's nice to know that I know everything, all the same - it'll come in very useful for my A-Levels. smiley - smiley

Of the homicide - you needn't worry; it's aimed at my boyfriend, the only person of my aquaintance woh could possibly claim to a higher level of Blackadder obsession. For a start - he does have Sky. Secondly - if he dies, I get to have a go with my first proper corpse... smiley - winkeye

animalism is not PC

Post 32

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Umm... does anyone know *when* exactly "Back and Forth" is going to be on?

animalism is not PC

Post 33


Uh, I think we'll neatly sidestep the homicide issue smiley - bigeyes and no, I don't know when back and forth will be on, they're not saying smiley - sadface not even in the Sky Satellite magazine my brother gets. But as soon as I find out I will let you know. It's definately one to video!


animalism is not PC

Post 34

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Must go to Dome... must get script...

animalism is not PC

Post 35


So, we're back to necrophilia again are we smiley - smiley?

animalism is not PC

Post 36


Damn, I hate it when I think I'm at the end and I'm not. Just ignore me smiley - smiley.

animalism is not PC

Post 37

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

No, fine... I'd rather like to turn the discussion back to necrophilia. Or near necrophilia. Or Blackadder. Or whatever it was.

animalism is not PC

Post 38


I'm intrigued, I can just about work out the mechanics for a male necrophiliac (hence the tasteless joke), but how does it work for a female?

animalism is not PC

Post 39


Why do you think they call them 'stiffs'?!smiley - bigeyes *can't let other people have the monopoly on bad jokes*


animalism is not PC

Post 40

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

It's funny you should ask this; I've been doing some research... NO...

I read this interview with a female necrophiliac recently; I'll have to post the URL when I find it, and then all will be revealed... suffice to say that it involves techniques other than penetration...

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