This is the Message Centre for Titania (gone for lunch)

Sole heir to the throne

Post 41

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

one head is more than enough - in particular when you are smiley - hangoversmiley - zen

smiley - pirate

Sole heir to the throne

Post 42


How useful. One can be sleeping while the other w*rks!
Or they could pit themselves against each other in a game of Scrabble or......

Sole heir to the throne

Post 43


That I can imagine, Pierce. But not all of us.....smiley - winkeye

Sole heir to the throne

Post 44

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

aargh? what's this? don't make me go through the smiley - bleep backlog

smiley - pirate

Sole heir to the throne

Post 45

Titania (gone for lunch)

Sissy!smiley - tongueout What doesn't kill you will make you stronger - and a bit of backlog never killed anyone!smiley - nahnah

Sole heir to the throne

Post 46

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

says who smiley - huh

and why would i even want to be stronger? smiley - whistle

smiley - pirate

Sole heir to the throne

Post 47

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

Hope things are still going well in your position of power, Ti, regardless of how many heads you may have!

Sole heir to the throne

Post 48

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thanks!smiley - hug

There's an awful lot of more I need to learn - and suddenly the end of October (when His Majesty will resign) seems awfully close!smiley - yikes

Sole heir to the throne

Post 49


Don't say that. I've another smiley - bleep birthday before then. smiley - doh
and DON'T WORRY. /We/ know you can do it. Tell 'em we're on your side, so who can be against you?????? smiley - huh


Sole heir to the throne

Post 50

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

aye smiley - dontpanic if things go haywire you can always rely on us to come to the rescue

that should scare them enough, i'd say smiley - evilgrin

smiley - pirate

Sole heir to the throne

Post 51


Teehee! Wouldn't want to be in T's shoes if /I/ went to the rescue...

You have been warned, Don'r smiley - bleep it up, gel.
smiley - love Dig

Sole heir to the throne

Post 52


You got through it once. That was the scariest bit. It will soon become second nature. smiley - applause

Sole heir to the throne

Post 53


Of course it will. Anyway, who could go wrong with the Team behind you? (Pushing or hiding?)


Sole heir to the throne

Post 54

Titania (gone for lunch)

*trying very hard not to hyperventilate*

Right, today was the last day the King reigned - he's decided to be on vacation until 30 November (all those saved weeks from the past). After that, he's officially retired.

And I'll be out of office for the next three days, trying to learn more about the system, the setups, and so on.

Monday morning next week, I will get my own room instead of a desk in a large room shared by many others.

I'll get a view of the sky looking out the window instead of a brick wall.

And I will, no doubt, be facing an overflowing mail inbox...

I can do this - I can remain calm - I can remain in control of things despite things going haywire in the past three days - I know I can, I know I can, I know I can.

Sole heir to the throne

Post 55


This is exciting. You'll do great! Your own office. WooHoo! smiley - bubbly

Sole heir to the throne

Post 56

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thanks Hippy!smiley - hug

Am now thoroughly exhausted mentally - have scribbled and scribbled and scribbled, because I couldn't possibly memorize everything we dissected during the course. And made notes of 'things I need to do/check up on Monday.

But at least I've got a general idea of the various setups - you can't create C until you've created subparts A and B. And if I get error message Y it means I've made a mistake while setting up X.

I think the various consultants are informed if any of their customers is in the building because I came across two of ours, and both of them already knew I was attending this course.

One thing most of the consultants seem to have in common is a kind of nervous high level energy - zap!zap!zap! OK, sure - it makes it cheaper to bring in a consultant since they charge per hour but it makes it a bit difficult to watch over their shoulder trying to figure out/memorize what they're doing.

Sole heir to the throne

Post 57


It sounds like you need a quiet weekend to recharge your batteries. smiley - hug

Are you feeling more comfortable about it all yet?

Sole heir to the throne

Post 58

Titania (gone for lunch)

Comfortable? Are you kidding? My brain is aching to check up what functions we use and how - I can barely wait until Monday!smiley - silly

Sole heir to the throne

Post 59


Good for you! smiley - applause Not that I'm a bit surprised. smiley - laugh I'll repeat, you are going to be great at this job.

Sole heir to the throne

Post 60

Milla, h2g2 Operations

smiley - laugh I hate it when work gets to interesting! smiley - biggrin

My latest obsession is trying to create a bit of text to say that one particular computersystem doesn't have to jump through the hoops proving it's regulatory excellence, because all it is is a glorified control panel, electronic turning knobs, essentially.

smiley - towel

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