This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!

~drool~ thread

Post 7521

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

agree with the daniel radcliffe resembling elijah wood.. noticed that myself when i saw a recent photo of him...guess thats not a bad thing as lots of girls idolise wood.. although too sweet and innocent looking for me smiley - evilgrin

ah the joys of breastfeeding...poor rains getting all worried already!! however i do recommend it as its natures perfect mix and always the right temperature and on hand [or boob] when needed..

i still don't know how my youngest had such bad colic from day 1 to 4 months and she was entirely breastfed.....she was properly latched on etc.. but had dreadful colic for no conceivable reason.... the midwives tell you not to worry and colics harmless though it may be is still very distressing.. and rattles your nerves.... smiley - grr

~drool~ thread

Post 7522

Sho - employed again!

Footbacon, it's been a while - an thanks for the smiley - drool, not so keen on the face but what a bod

TC, I've caught a couple of early Stargates recently, and young Daniel is smiley - drool - although older daniel has a lovely bod

Last night I finally got to see Shrek 2 - oh my, I'm in smiley - love with a cartoon cat!! I'm not so keen on the look of him, but Antonio Banderas' voice does things for me smiley - drool

Don't remind me of the mauling we got on the bf article - I just walked away in the end. I know that some people who bf are raging mental loonies who accuse bottle-feeders of child abuse, but anyone who seriously thinks that schlepping bottle paraphenalia around is easier than breastfeeding really should have come out with me for a day trip with 2 kids under 20 months old... smiley - biggrin Smug to say that with #1 I used to lug half a suitcase (well, a very big changing bag) with #2 and #1 together I used to have a handbag with 4 nappies in it, and a sippy cup.

~drool~ thread

Post 7523

Sho - employed again!

oh yah, and as for Elijah Wood - well, he's so sweet and innocent looking that I would love to get my grubby (and frankly quite disgusting at times) older woman hands on him smiley - evilgrin

I always remember the quote by Michael Hutchence (smiley - droolsmiley - cry) when he was seeing Kylie (no accounting for taste) when asked what his hobbies were. "corrupting Kylie" he sai. smiley - laugh The only time I've ever been jealous of her!

~drool~ thread

Post 7524

You can call me TC

Nick Cave had a go at that, too, didn't he? Or was it just on that record? That's a voice to get undressed to. (Nick's, not Kylie`s!)

smiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - drool

As for Elijah Wood, -doesn't do anything for me - although he's been in some amazing films. Nor does Edward Norton, who's been fantastic in everything he's ever done, but I admire him very much and wouldn't say no to dinner with him.

There was an article in our local paper this morning about Daniel Radcliffe and his attraction to teeny girls. Apparently the new film is not so good (Chris Columbus really protrayed the books so exactly, how could anything else be any good?). But they already see sex appeal coming into the picture, which we, of course, saw coming when he was 10! And in the meantime we had Alan Rickmann to smiley - drool over.

And they (AR and DR) have the big advantage over people like Elijah Wood in that they are English (I am always careful with that - I'm pretty sure neither of them are Welsh or Scottish) and not American.

I hope I'll have found a cinema showing the original version and will have seen it by this time next week.

smiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - drool

Oh, and Sho, in case you're interested, it's Dieter Nuhr I'm going to see. I'll link to a picture, but you also have to get the whole picture, voice, act, humour, to appreciate why I'm excited about it. Excited enough to buy myself a ticket as a birthday present to myself.

smiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - drool

~drool~ thread

Post 7525

You can call me TC

smiley - doh

Should that have been 'teenie girls' rather than 'teeny girls'?

~drool~ thread

Post 7526

Sho - employed again!

oh he's tasty. A German with a sense of humour? who'd have thought it? smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

I read a Guardian article this week about the premiere in London. (of The Goblet of Fire) They spoke to girls outside, and they all thought Daniel Radcliffe is lovely. They also liked Rupert Grint (Ron) but Draco Malfoy (forgotten his name) is "ewwww too old!" he's 18...
The writer went on to mention that peculiar teenage moral thing where the girls went on to mention that Ginny Weasley, at 14, is "too young for the 16 year old Harry"

smiley - erm

The reviews I've seen have all been good - I've promised to go to see it in German with one of my workmates and her mum (who is closer to my age than my workmate is). But I hope to see it soon in English.

Here in Germany it has a 12 certificate, 6 if accompanied by a parent. I have to see it first before i decide if Gruesome #2 can cope with it.

But what I'm really waiting for is number 5. Sirius Black again smiley - cry and Ralph Feinnes is in it, or so I heard.

~drool~ thread

Post 7527

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Thanks for all the smiley - hugs ladies - I need them right now!

I'd love to have some milk production tea if you can get some Sho smiley - ok - one of the probs with feeding according to my midwife is that as she's not suckling 'properly', she's not stimulating enough milk and is therefore only getting the fore milk which fills her up but doesn't satisfy her... then she wants to feed constantly and doesn't give her gut a chance to rest and then gets colic. smiley - ill
The plan is to try and get more milk so that she doesn't get bored waiting for the let down... smiley - erm

Thanks for the tip about the chamomila granules Gwennie, I've tried her with the tincture (diluted obviously) with no real joy, but I may as well try everything! Only problem there is getting her to take a dummy... smiley - erm

I saw an old ep of Farscape yesterday - Hasn't Claudia Black improved with age! smiley - bigeyes She's stunning in Stargate...

~drool~ thread

Post 7528

Sho - employed again!

Righty ho, LSF, I'll get you some tomorrow and chuck it in the post. You're an old hand at herbal tea, I'd guess, so you won't need the warning about how disgusting fennel is....

smiley - tea

Just wait until you have cabbage leaves down your bra, you'll know you have reached a new low!

~drool~ thread

Post 7529


Just keep feeding her regularly, LSF - eventually the supply will keep pace with the demand.

I found Sheila Kitzinger's book really helpful - also the one by the Stanways.
NCT breastfeeding counsellors or people from La Leche can also be v helpful.

In another wee while - everything will have settled down nicely and you'll be glad you persevered smiley - hug

Little secret - what got me through the first few weeks was the fact that a girl I knew, who was never a serious contender for mother-of-the-year, had managed to feed her baby for 10 weeks. Right, I thought, I'll manage it for 12 weeks smiley - nahnah Of course, the problems had all resolved long before then so I kept going for as long as it suited us.

~drool~ thread

Post 7530


LSF - best of luck with the breast feeding: it is one of the most rewarding things that a woman can do. I remember thinking "Ah! So that's what my boobs are for!"

The knowledge that you are totally sustaining another human being...

But it is hard work, no doubt.

smiley - hug

~drool~ thread

Post 7531


OK ladies! Your assistance is required: it's time for another calendar! Yay! Over 'ere...

~drool~ thread

Post 7532

You can call me TC

If Serephina's not looking, I'll nominate Ged, but I haven't looked at the thread yet. Just wanted to throw in to LSF an idea I had:

I never had to try it myself, but would it be possible to pump (or squeeze) off the first few sucks (the Colustrum, is it?) and watch for the milk to get richer and thicker and then start feeding her that?

Some mums drink their own superfluous milk, but you could possible store it in a bottle for after the feed or between feeds, as it is a thirst-quencher, as much as anything, and does contain some nourishment, too.

And once you get into producing milk big time, it squirts all over the place anyway, so she'll be choking on it rather than having to suck, which is a good start to the meal. (in that not so much effort is involved on her part to get things going)

Right - now I'm off to look at the calendar suggestions ...smiley - run

~drool~ thread

Post 7533

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

trillians advice about pumping off the thinner 1st milk would be my advice too.... then hopefully the richer milk will satisfy her better.. in the old days we had loads of problems like this.. we were made to feed baby for 10 mins on one breast then 10 mins the other.. no wonder bottle feeding became so popular as the babys were all starving.. only getting the thin thirst quenching milk..

of course the formular fed babies seemed more satisfied.... last few years we now know to let baby stay on the one breast.... there is 17 yrs between my 1st baby and last and how things have changed..thank god..

bad luck with the colic...but it does pass and doesn't harm them although your nerves will be rattledsmiley - smiley

~drool~ thread

Post 7534


Hi Ladies, *waves*

Sorry I haven't been around, had a heck of a time getting here. Every time I tried to sign on, I couldn't connect for some strange reason.

Congrats on the wee one! Never been a Mom, so I don't know what to tell you about the breast feeding thing. Hope that gets easier soon.

What else is going on?

Wish I could help with the calendar, but I think I'm on the wrong side of the Atlantic for that. (sigh) Rod Stewart, oh yeah. smiley - drool

What episodes of SG-1 and Atlantis have you seen over there? We are still in re-runs over here and will be until sometime in January.smiley - sadface

~drool~ thread

Post 7535

Sho - employed again!

with Stargate SG-1 Sam has just rejoined the team. But I can't remember the ep names, and so far I hate it smiley - wahsmiley - zzz

Atlantis, we now have Dashing New Dreadlocked Alien smiley - droolsmiley - drool but to be honest, it's pretty routine sci-fi stuff, not the edge the Stargate writers usually give it. Very disappointed.

However, just back from the sofa where I watched Rome.

Hang on to your hats, ladies: Mark Anthony in the alltogether. From the.... *fans self* ... front. And all wet and...

Yeppers, none other than Drool Thread Regular: James Purefoy in the nude.

~drool~ thread

Post 7536


Mark Anthony in the scuddy - being strigilled, no less smiley - bigeyes

Though I actually think that the squaddie what made off with the gold is the smiley - drool one of the lot of them - even if he does have a metal plate in his skull.

Anyone seen the trailers for the new Deppster film - The Libertine? They discussed it on Front Row tonight and gave it big yaays.

~drool~ thread

Post 7537

Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry!

James Purefoy is Mark Anthony in Rome? Dang. I *knew* there was a good reason for me to watch it - I seem to be running out of spare time at the moment! Do you think he'll be strigilled (if that's a word) again in the next ep?? smiley - droolsmiley - bigeyes

Haven't seen the Trailers, but as I was driving around this afternoon I heard a review on Radio One and their conclusion was.... see it just to drool over the Deppster.

I'm hanging on for PotC 2, myself smiley - pirate .

~drool~ thread

Post 7538

Sho - employed again!

Well, anything with the Deppster is ok by me!! I was looking for a picture of James Purefoy to show someone from work, and came accross a whole webbie with pictures of scrummy men with bare feet.

Not Mark Anthony in the nude though. Unfortunately.

It's repeated on BBC3 if you get it, on Sunday night (around 10pm I think)

I have it on vid... smiley - drool

anyway, this barefooted site also has hands, and I am now even more in smiley - drool with Eric Bana than before

4th pic down.

And if I could spell Matthew Mcwhat'shisface's name, I'd be pouring scorn on the claim that he is the sexiest man alive. We all know it's the Deppster

~drool~ thread

Post 7539


I'm rather taken with Matthew. smiley - drool Tall, curly hair, GREAT BODY, face isn't bad either. Oh, what a smile. Then there is the voice and accent.

Matthew has an accent that reminds me of honey. Thick, sweet honey, fresh from the hive slowly dripping off hot homemade bread, with just a touch of sipping whiskey in his voice. I have visions of Rhett, Miss Scarlett and a long staircase when I hear a voice like that.

I am from the Southern United States, and us GRITS (that's Girls Raised In The South) do tend to like men with Southern accents.

The Deppster lost his southern accent years ago. He can sound like he is from anywhere, but he doesn't sound southern at all, anytime.

~drool~ thread

Post 7540

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

totally off the wall here...seeing wildcat mention grits...what are they? the food type i mean.....i was in new york earlier this month with my older daughter and we still didn't find out exactly what grits are.... i think its a breakfast food...maybe potato fried in batter? what we would call a fritter????

anyone please tell us.............

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