This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!

~drool~ thread

Post 7581

You can call me TC

Today I am almost breathless with smiley - drool I didn't think he still had it in him, but .....

...last night at choir practice, my fellow smiley - drooler pressed a CD into my hand - an almost non-birthday present. She grinned - I felt like a teenager getting ready for a date. It was Bruce Willis' CD - made back in 1987, but I've always wanted it. She also gave me a little voucher for a smiley - hug - I asked her who the hug was from ... I don't think my luck will stretch that far ..... !!!!

Anyway - I've been listening to it all day. smiley - wow

~drool~ thread

Post 7582

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Cow smiley - choc is something that has passed me by, must look out for itsmiley - tongueout

A Bruce Willis CD?
That's something else I've missed smiley - sadface

I saw him on stage singing "Under The Boardwalk" with The Temptationssmiley - wow (on video, not in the flesh) but I've never heard him sing anything else!!

A voucher for a smiley - hug? Where do you cash them in then?

I've been to see "Flight Path" this morningsmiley - wowit was excellent, edge-of-the-seat stuff, plus Sean Bean in a uniformsmiley - drool

smiley - towel

Oh and then there was this to report.

Patrick Swayze in a posing pouch. On a trailer, for the film which I'm going to see next week, hopefully. Can't recall the title, but it's got "Mum" in it and he's a golf instructor or something. There was a collective gasp in the audience as we watched God's gift to ladies of a certain age strip to show off his glorious bod.smiley - drool
smiley - towel

*mops brow*

~drool~ thread

Post 7583

Sho - employed again!

If I didn't hate the idea of the film Flightpath so much I think I'd even go to see it in German to catch Sean Bean smiley - drool in uniform.

One thing i love about Christmas: all those lovely O2 and Morrisons ads. Even the Gruesomes have started to be quiet when That Voice comes on the TV.

Sharpe on TV on Saturdays i think - I had to miss last week because smiley - chef had to watch Catwoman. I suppose he has to smiley - drool sometimes too.

I got my DVD of Barfuß yesterday. MMMMMMMM smiley - drool along with the Robbie Williams Calender the girls in the office are giving one of us for her birthday. Oh my smiley - drool

~drool~ thread

Post 7584


I love those Beanster voice-overs on the Morrisons & O2 ads! smiley - drool My family usually raise their eyes in exasperation at me and say something along the lines of, "Oh no! Not HIM again!" smiley - silly

Do you know, I keep doing my trolly busting grocery shops in Morrison's but haven't bumped into even so much as a cardboard cutout of the Beanster? smiley - wah

~drool~ thread

Post 7585

Sho - employed again!

I've been in every Morrisons in Sheffield, always in hope!! smiley - drool

~drool~ thread

Post 7586

Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry!

The film with Patrick Swayze in it is called "Keeping Mum" - it looks rather amusing, actually. Dame Maggie Smith is in it, too.

They showed a clip of it on Richard & Judy a couple of weeks ago, where he rang a mobile and Dame Maggie Smith's character picked it up but didn't say anything. He then went on to describe in some detail what he intended to do with the actual owner of the mobile (which involved covering her in coconut cream and licking it off) and then Maggie Smith said (I think) "Oh, sounds wonderful - when do we start?" smiley - rofl

I'm not sure about Patrick Swayze, but then I was never a big fan of Dirty Dancing, either.

~drool~ thread

Post 7587


I've seen that trailer too! smiley - rofl Currently it's a toss up between seeing Narnia or Keeping Mum on our next cinema visit, although I know my son would rather see the former. smiley - cdouble Jonathan Ross' poor review of Narnia has put me off seeing as I really don't want my mind's eye view of Narnia spoiled by a film. smiley - erm I felt exactly the same about watching the animated and film versions of LotR but thankfully Peter Jackson and his crew did a wonderful job. smiley - ok

~drool~ thread

Post 7588

Sho - employed again!

I'm petrified of seeing Narnia. But the Gruesomes (who have had all the books read to them this year) are keen. So tomorrow we will go, in English.

Gawd, I hope it hasn't been ruined. Peter Jackson should have done that too.

~drool~ thread

Post 7589


Perhaps Disney could toss him the contract for making the other films? smiley - grovel

From what I have seen of the White Witch in the trailers, it appears that Disney might have 'plagiarised' her style and make-up from Star Trek's Borg Queen. (Not that it's a bad look to go for!) What thinkest thou?

~drool~ thread

Post 7590

You can call me TC

Sounds OK - makes her a bit more modern without spoiling the idea of what she stands for, I would say.

~drool~ thread

Post 7591

You can call me TC

Hey - Sho

On J Ellen's thread about the flamingos, she tells that her husband put 40 flamingos (plastic) on their lawn for her 40th birthday as a surprise. Apparently you can rent them. I asked whatever else one can rent out there. Mudhooks pointed me to this site:

Looks like the sort of thing you make! Know anyone who's having a baby?

~drool~ thread

Post 7592

You can call me TC

Blast from the past. This is probably going to bore you lot like mad, but I just feel like writing it all down. I'm quite excited!!!

Yes, I'm all a-flutter. Again. I got an e-mail this morning from an old boyfriend. We've been in touch for about 3 years via friendsreunited (we went to school together), and have got together too (with some others from school - not just the 2 of us)

To wind back a bit: He had come from the Secondary Modern to join us at the Grammar School for A-levels. He was very tall and relatively good-looking and even the tarty girls in the class fancied him. And then he asked me out! I went with him just to show the others! Was fond of him, and very fond of his family, and kept in touch with his sister for a while, but when I left to go abroad after school, it seemed normal to me to finish with him. He surprised me by being really cut up about that and crying. He must have been a bit of a wimp, really, because I recently discovered that he reacted the same when another girl finished with him just before he asked me out.

I still went out with him after school had finished and I was at Tech and he was at university. At the parties we had during the summer we left school, one of the favourite songs was "Maggie Mae" by Rod Stewart. It always takes me back now, when I hear it - who wouldn't want to be 18 again?

Anyway, he studied maths then changed over to Quantity surveying, maths proving too abstract, he married a solicitor who was more highly qualified than him and earned more.

He went through a low patch (I am told) his self-confidence buckling completely at that point. His wife proved to be a brick, though (I think this is how it went) and built him up again. Now he's a Dr of summat and a lecturer at a university and has published books and is more confident in himself. I don't think I would have been a suitable wife for him, he would probably have gone completely to the dogs smiley - dogsmiley - dog if I'd have stuck with him.

We got on really well and there was a little spark there when we met up again. I even felt the urge to give him a peck on the cheek when he drove me home and we said Goodbye.

This morning, he wrote me a short e-mail saying that he was going to see Rod Stewart with his wife tonight, and that he would think of me when he (RS) sang "Maggie Mae"! Just to think that he has the same memories of that song as I do!!! I am surprised myself at what an effect that tiny, half-line e-mail has had.

It's nice, though!!!!

smiley - wowsmiley - magic

~drool~ thread

Post 7593


Aww! What a nice tale! smiley - hug I have also rekindled old friendships (non of them old romantic ones) via FR. smiley - ok It was so interesting to note how so many of the 'girls' were still recognisable but the 'boys' had vastly altered - mainly in the hairline and waistline departments.

~drool~ thread

Post 7594

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hmm that's a lovely story TC but what does the wife think of her hubby's meeting with an old flame? I'm pondering *his* motives here, call me cynical but men are only interested in other women for one thing. And it ain't friendship.

smiley - cheerup

~drool~ thread

Post 7595


Ok! I'm calling you cynical! smiley - winkeye But I do tend agree with you and can't help wondering whether the chap's wife knew. You never know, perhaps he was completely honest with his better half. smiley - angel

~drool~ thread

Post 7596

Sho - employed again!

cute story - my hubs knows that The Carpet Crawlers (Genesis) takes me back to pre-marriage boyfriend days, but since he likes the song he (says he) doesn't mind.

It's funny how the women seem to have aged better than the men. I went to an all girls school, so I can't really compare, but I've heard that a lot. Especially for those of us who have been to 20year (and longer) reunions.

I've just come back from watching The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe. If I were Gruesome #1's age, I'd be all dreamy like her too.

But smiley - drool Aslan's voice smiley - drool (Liam Neeson always does that to me anyway, but he has pitched it really low for this - knee-tremblingly low!)

~drool~ thread

Post 7597

Sho - employed again!

oh, and, TC - thanks for thinking of me with the link. I actually saw JEllen's Flamingos thread, but hadn't had time to check that link.

Anyhoooooo - making a stork might be a good idea, people always put out a stork and a washing line with baby clothes, here, when they have a newborn in the house.

And if anyone is interesting in a peek at all my woodwork, which I now have in an online photo gallery, please send me an email: majclanger at arcor dot de (put from h2g2 on the subject, or I might not open it!)

~drool~ thread

Post 7598


Mair saw Narnia film yesterday and said that it was very good but at the moment I think I would rather see Keeping Mum. smiley - rofl

The school reunion I attended was 16 years after I left my old school and it was wonderful to meet up with everyone again. smiley - ok

~drool~ thread

Post 7599

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

We have regular reunions, and the women definately age better than men!smiley - laugh

I'm going to see "Keeping Mum" on Tuesday smiley - ok

smiley - drool

~drool~ thread

Post 7600

Sho - employed again!

Narnia was abso-bloomin'-lutely brilliant! and I was sooooo scared of going.

Apart from that, nothing to report on the smiley - drool front.

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