This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!

~drool~ thread

Post 7621


Tyr most deffo sans ye chain mail shirt! smiley - cool Gosh! 'Ee were gorgeous!

(We need a thud smiley! A prone, big feet in air thingee!)

Love Indian Jones! smiley - ok

Would I be greedy if I made another nomination - Pierce Brossnan for August? smiley - drool

By a smiley - weird coincidence, whilst I was queuing my local 'Pound Store' for some batteries (they're for a radio - nothing naughty!), what did I spy upon a nearby display but the last Depster 2006 calendar! smiley - wow I couldn't resist getting it. T'hubby thinks I've gorn bonkers! smiley - boing

~drool~ thread

Post 7622


Could we also have Nekkid Lacoste Guy - three different photos on the same page for October...

One of him getting out of bed and walking away - a la smiley - drool advert
One of him sitting in a chair, wearing 'that' smile - also from the advert
And one of him coming towards me with a 'determined' look on his face

And if we still have a spare month going - how about Sean Bean in his Mellors outfit, coming towards me with a 'determined' look

~drool~ thread

Post 7623

You can call me TC

Ooooh yes!!! Goody!

One month is for Brad Pitt. Not as in Troy, or (heaven forbid) Twelve monkeys - but as in Thelma and Louise or Mexico.

And if November's still free, please reserve that for me and James Purefoy - in his Knight's Tale getup.

~drool~ thread

Post 7624

You can call me TC

.. or as in Meet Joe Black

~drool~ thread

Post 7625

Sho - employed again!

and/or... his Mark Anthony Get Up (or not.... after his bath)

This is rapidly turning into a Bean-feast. I haven't seen him in Lady Chatterley's Lover - is it any good? (apart from the smiley - drool factor of course) smiley - drool

I'm not looking forward to the end of Christmas. There will be a lot less (fewer?) of the Morrisons & O2 ads on TV.

I watched Barfuß the other day (treat to myself for my birthday) and ... do we have a spare month for Til Schweiger in his dripping wet shirt? (can we imagine that I am walking towards him, smiley - towel in hand, with a determined look in my eye?)

~drool~ thread

Post 7626

Sho - employed again!

here we go (of course, we could get more smiley - drool for our money if we made the pages really BIG and put the Beanster all in one month...)

The Drool Thread Calendar 2006

January - Sean Bean – in full Captain Sharpe regalia, nominated by Teuchter

February - Mr. Darcy (Colin Firth incarnation) in a wet shirt, nominated by Sho

March –Sean Bean again and Viggo Mortensen in the same picture, both chaps in full Middle-Earth regalia, nominated by Sho (actually not me... but I'll concur)

April - Johnny Depp, as himself, for April. Or as he was in From Hell. Sho again

May - TC’s Wet Men from the provocateuse site

June - Tthe Deppster as he was in Chocolat, nominated by Gwennie – who would quite like a PotC Deppster too

July – Indiana Jones with that sweaty and disheveled hero look - nominated by Leopardskinfynn

August - Pierce Brossnan - nominated by Gwennie - any particular "version" of him?

September - Spike (from Buffy) with sculpted chest and abs bared with that *I'm going to throw you on the bed* - nominated by Leopardskinfynn

October - Nekkid Lacoste Guy - three different photos on the same page for October...

One of him getting out of bed and walking away - a la drool advert
One of him sitting in a chair, wearing 'that' smile - also from the advert
And one of him coming towards me with a 'determined' look on his face - nominated by Teuchter

November - James Purefoy - in his Knight's Tale getup - nominated by Trillian's Child

December - Brad Pitt (as in Meet Joe Black) - nominated by Trillian's Child.


No room for Tyr smiley - wah

Unless... we make an Alternative Thread Calendar 2006???

~drool~ thread

Post 7627


How about an illustrated desk diary, Sho? That way we could fit in 365 different pictures smiley - laugh

The Beanster as Mellors was suitably 'dirty' and gruff - and very smiley - erm active in a variety of different situations, of which 'Up Against Tree' was my favourite

~drool~ thread

Post 7628

Sho - employed again!

actually I've decided to track down some pictures as we've described.If I can find them all or suitable ones then I'll make a calendar...

~drool~ thread

Post 7629

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I'll have one of those calendars please

smiley - 2cents

I've just found out they're going to kill off baby Densmiley - cry although, he's lost his fire, I will miss himsmiley - sadface

There's nothing else much worth lusting after in my eyes at the moment, I do like LaCoste man. smiley - drool Even the way he raises his eyebrows is sexy.smiley - tongueout

I'm *really* looking forward to Dr Who tomorrow night smiley - ok
smiley - tardis
even though I've read somewhere that it's Rose who gets to save the smiley - earth because Tennant is too busy asleep, recovering from regenerating.

~drool~ thread

Post 7630


Atta girl, Sho! smiley - ok Yes please! smiley - cool

Oh! Pierce Brossnan as 007 please! smiley - grovel

I also highly recommend Lady Chatterley, which is usually available on DVD priced at around £5. smiley - bigeyes

The tree incident in Lady Chatterley was rather 'distracting' smiley - drool and for several days after watching it, I looked at the big old trees lining the route that I walk my dogs through in a completely different light! smiley - rofl

~drool~ thread

Post 7631

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Ant & Dec have got Christmas off to a great start.

Robbie Williams in the buff, except for a smiley - hollyposing-pouch

smiley - bigeyes

~drool~ thread

Post 7632

Sho - employed again!

when I have some spare cash, I'll be flinging the Euro equivalent of around a fiver at Mr. Amazon...

smiley - chef is working right now, until around 5pm. We gave the gruesomes some boring pressies last night, just so they could open something (and we all got socks, due to the Gruesomes reading too much Harry potter - it's going to be a new family tradition, I can feel it coming on)

This morning they've had their stocking stuff (sparkly jewellry and books) and something to play with (Polly Pocket rockstar for #1 - I'm taking bets on how long it is before I remove the batteries, and Doggie Daycare - with real functioning bath for #2, so we have little wet patches all over the carpet)

Poor little souls have agreed to wait for smiley - chef to get home before opening anything else. Bless 'em.

So they're occupied - and I'm working on the calendar. I'll let you know how I get on....

~drool~ thread

Post 7633

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Merry Christmas droolers!
smiley - mistletoe
smiley - kiss

May your stockings be filled with beautiful naked men...
smiley - drool

~drool~ thread

Post 7634

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I'll have David Tennant to go please....smiley - tongueout

smiley - loveblush

I'm completely in smiley - love with the new Doctor Whosmiley - wow

smiley - loveblushsmiley - cupid

Got to wait till Spring for new material thoughsmiley - cry

~drool~ thread

Post 7635


*Relieved to have made it through Christmas Day without committing homicide* smiley - bat

David Tennant was excellent smiley - ok as Dr Who, although he doesn't introduce smiley - drooling. smiley - bigeyes

I'm so pleased as one of my friends gave me the book 'Grumpy Old Women'! smiley - boing (I wonder why?) smiley - whistle Hubby gave me a contribution to my Dr Who 1st series box set fund. smiley - bigeyes

~drool~ thread

Post 7636

Sho - employed again!

My sister-in-law got the grumpy old women book too. Any good?

The Christmas Dr.Who smiley - tardis was fantastic!! Loved the Attack-Christmas-Tree - and I am won over to the 10th Doctor Fan Club. (Although I still prefer Christopher Ecclestone). I'm not smiley - drool over David Tenant though.

And... Artsworld! I love that channel (the Snowman ballet yesterday was wonderful) if only I'd known... late late late last night was the 4th and final part of Lady Chatterley's Lover.

smiley - drool

Mellors clad only in trousers shovelling coal, dirty, sweaty smiley - drool

I have collected a few pics for the calendar, actually I'm only now missing the Lacoste man (my browser isn't sophisticated to dl him apparently) and a good one of Aragorn & Boromir.

And, TC, which wet man would you like?

oh, and Joe Black... I can only get good ones of him with a woman - does anyone mind?

~drool~ thread

Post 7637

Sho - employed again!

completely forgot to mention: I got Kingdom of Heaven on DVD for Christmas. smiley - chef could only get it as a double pack, so I have to suffer with Richard Burton in Cleopatra too.

smiley - drool

The hardship!!

~drool~ thread

Post 7638

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Wet man? Hmmm I'll have to ponder...Mr Rochester?smiley - evilgrin

Joe Black with a woman? Don't care....

If you decide to do an extra month there's always Dax & Worf's wedding in red leather..smiley - drool

Click on the "photos" link on that page for a real treat smiley - tongueout

~drool~ thread

Post 7639

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

By the way, it's B'Elana's birthday today:


for free smiley - bubbly and calorie-freesmiley - cake

smiley - bigeyes

~drool~ thread

Post 7640

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I saw that and thought of you...smiley - bigeyes

smiley - blush

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