This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!

~drool~ thread

Post 7561

You can call me TC

And there's a

~drool~ thread

Post 7562

You can call me TC

*Puts on kettle, sits down with smiley - tea*

- am I the only one about?

~drool~ thread

Post 7563

Sho - employed again!

during the day I can't log on.

Moaning Myrtle was in HP2 which I have seen dozens of times because the Gruesome Twosome like that one the best. But I don't remember her from Bridget Jones - but then, what else do I remember about that apart from Colin Firth smiley - drool and Hugh Grant smiley - drool

Thanks, btw, for the Wet Guys. Mmmmmmmmmmmm

~drool~ thread

Post 7564

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

A bit disappointing that 'risque' wasn't *sulk* smiley - winkeye

~drool~ thread

Post 7565


I'm here!

Computer room's about the warmest in the house - no radiators downstairs to sit in front of the telly with, and the little darlings are out at a school disco. Will have to brave the snowstorm to collect them soon, though.

Rufus Sewell, yeah he was scrumptious!

Might make my self a hot chocolate. And a piece of shortbread.

~drool~ thread

Post 7566

Mr Prophet (General Purpose Genre Guru)

Still not quite up to making the walk to the cinema for HP4, sadly. Shirley 'Moaning Myrtle' Henderson was also in Hamish Macbeth - speaking of Shakespeare, sort of.

~drool~ thread

Post 7567

Sho - employed again!

The Gruesomes are pestering me to take them to see HP4, but I really think it's too scary for them

So I'm holding out for Narnia. And am smiley - wah to see that the lovely James McAvoy smiley - droolhas what appeares to be a ginormous false nose as Mr. Tumnus.

The goaty legs and horns I could get over, but the nose? smiley - wah

~drool~ thread

Post 7568

You can call me TC

Oh dear. Somehow the trailers of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe haven't whetted my appetite at all. Althought I religiously read them all, I don't think I really liked the books much. As Matilda says "Mr Lewis doesn't write any bits that make you laugh" (or words to that effect)

~drool~ thread

Post 7569

Sho - employed again!

well, they made me smile in places, but generally they were too exciting to do anything than whip on to the next page and the next and the next. I read them all to the Gruesomes earlier this year and they loved them.

and to get on topic smiley - drool... Atlantis tonight. That Dex chappie is a real hottie!

~drool~ thread

Post 7570

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Shirley 'Moaning Myrtle' Henderson - I thought it was "Taming of the shrew" that she was in?smiley - erm

I was watching that - and wondering - where do I know this woman from? And Andrew walked in and asked if I was watching Harry Potter, because he could hear Moaning Myrtle, LMAO!

Oh and oh, I'm still a gooey-fied mess...I...smiley - erm almost burst...guess who was on "Richard and Judy" tonight?

smiley - tongueout

Patrick Swayze

smiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - towelsmiley - drool

Judy actually bit her knuckles while she was interviewing him.

She had a permanent smile on her face.

I would say what I think - but the post'd be yikesed, so you can guess.

In the meantime I'm going to wander off and bite my knuckles and smile and pretend I just interviewed Patrick Swayze.smiley - loveblush

smiley - cdouble

~drool~ thread

Post 7571

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

so david tennent [new dr who] was in harry potter...well i was he the evil son of trigger [fools and horses] the one who is disguised as the teacher.. sorry i'm not very familiar with the characters names..

~drool~ thread

Post 7572

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Thanks for the smiley - tea Sho! smiley - biggrinsmiley - smooch
And thanks for all the advice ladies. smiley - hug

Oh GB, I don't like the sound of your bleeding smiley - tit experience! smiley - yuk
Poor you. smiley - cuddle
It does feel like Lilith's going to draw blood, not helped by the fact that she is already teething... smiley - yikes

I don't get the chance to go online much at the moment for obvious reasons and my pc has been decidedly smiley - ill again. smiley - cross
Hopefully next time I manage to go online I'll be able to smiley - drool over all the lovely specimens from - the page is down today. smiley - wah

~drool~ thread

Post 7573

You can call me TC

the wet ones are down "till the 5th of the month", too. Hope they'll soon be back "up".

Just as I had decided to download the front page of wetmen for my desktop. Should have done it sooner.

Maybe the site will be even better when it comes back - although I can't think of any improvements.

~drool~ thread

Post 7574

Sho - employed again!

wetter maybe?

I hope we always have a smiley - towel handy

LSF: let me know when/if you want more tea, this time I can just put them in an envelope and they will get there quicker. Cow chocolate also if you want smiley - hug

Right, in the throes of Christmas stuff so no time to smiley - drool

More's the pity!!

off I smiley - run

~drool~ thread

Post 7575

You can call me TC

*Sets up a store of smiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towel for the 5th.*

~drool~ thread

Post 7576


So! It appears that a bunch of smiley - droolers have been slurping up too much bandwidth. I wonder who they could be? smiley - whistle

~drool~ thread

Post 7577


Just back from a day in London - and have to report some serious smiley - drool news from theatre-land.

I nearly came over all funny on an escalator in the tube system smiley - loveblush because of posters everywhere advertising........

smiley - droolNigel Harman as Sky Masterson in Guys & Dolls

(What _was_ Nigel Lindsay in?)

smiley - droolPatrick Stewart in something - only 23 appearances and I didn't catch what it was smiley - doh

smiley - droolAnd Darius as one of the leads in Chicago.

If ever there was a time to come to London, ladies - this is it.

~drool~ thread

Post 7578

Sho - employed again!

~drool~ thread

Post 7579

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Have we got a "uuuuu-h" smiley? Because that's the noise I just made when I read Teuchter's post...smiley - drool

Almost made me wish I lived in London...smiley - tongueout

LSF, don't let me put you off - that only happened with *one* baby (and I breastfed four) and I'm sure it was my fault!smiley - yikes

Yes - David Tennant played the son who was in Azkaban, DT wasn't in the film much because he spent most of it disguised as Mad-Eye Moody.smiley - rofl

Cow chocolate - what is that?

~drool~ thread

Post 7580

Sho - employed again!

Lindt chocolate (they have a purple cow advertising their stuff) make a bar of milk chocolate, with white "chocolate" cow spots. So it looks like chocolate cow hide.

it tastes like.... mmmmmmmmmm

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