This is the Message Centre for Al Kennedy

Away Mission #1

Post 1

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*The away team appear on the Pizzar ship...*

*E looks cautiously around...the corridor appeared to be deserted...*

OK, lets see what they're hiding on here...

Away Mission #1

Post 2

Demon Drawer

*DD plus two red uniformed extras beams down beside E*

Away Mission #1

Post 3


*Joolsee is relieved to see the extras, and breathes a bit more easily.*

Away Mission #1

Post 4


* A voice in pain cries from a bulkhead - it is Bluebottle.*


Away Mission #1

Post 5

Demon Drawer

*DD hits Doughnut Communicator*

I believe we beamed BB to the wrong location when we had difficulties get a lock on him and relocate to here.

Away Mission #1

Post 6


*Beams in*

I hate matter transference beams. I mean, think of all the stuff that could go wrong! Two people beaming, they could get their arms reversed, etc.

*Looks around ship*

Does anyone else notice that these walls are bleeding? I find that rather odd, because of . . . wait a minute.

*Licks walls*

Oh. Tomato sauce. How creative.smiley - fish

Away Mission #1

Post 7

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

*beams in*

Wow! You mention the walls, Afgncaap5? I think I could simply eat my way through this entire ship if I didn't happen to despise pizza. I mean really hate it with a vengeful rage. Pizza was responsible for the death of my...

...of my... it's too painful to talk about.

Anyway, could someone recap why we're actually on board? Are we looking for somebody?
Crewmember Bluebottle, would you mind explaining why you are crying so drastically for help?

Away Mission #1

Post 8

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Could it have something to do with the fact that you seam to have seamlessly become one with a loving caring bulkhead?
Is this a relationship between consenting inanimate objects & adults, or do you want me to have a go at slicing you out with my super-sacred battleblade (a klinklong's only weapon , never leave the massacre without it!)?

Away Mission #1

Post 9


I don't know... Here I am, kidnapped by aliens by some weird and fearsome device, awaiting torture and deadedness, and you go around licking walls...
...I guess it makes you learn who your friends are. smiley - sadface

Away Mission #1

Post 10

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

*without warning goes absolutely and unremittently into a fit of uncontrollable and unbecoming rage fury obsession archimandrite*

What's that!? Kiiiiiidddnaaapped! Raaaah! Rii'hakon porticullis, k'plagh vromon!
Facing deadedness and possible ketchup stains in your cool space uniform, bluebottle?
Rimash kump'liagh bulwark!

Prez to bridge. I seem to have made contact with Crewmember and general goodguy Bluebottle. He is in need of assistance badly. I request permission if it's okay to go into a flying rage and slash my way through this cheesey ketchupy place towards him, taking almost no prisoners and generally having a ball at it.

Vroomkrip annalah! Bluebottle, don't despair.. soon I will be completely berserk and heading your way!

Away Mission #1

Post 11


*BS appears, somewhat belatedly, as there was trouble with the transporter beam*

Just remember you are a representative of the Federation Presh. You are not alowed to go berserk without an order from your commanding officer....


Away Mission #1

Post 12

Demon Drawer

Transported chief have you been able to get a lock on BB yet.

Chief O'Lyon: No not yet we are having Mozerelli interferance.

Try and use the Cheddar compensator.

Away Mission #1

Post 13

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

*raises big sacred Super Slaughterblade in two bristlyhaired hands over hairy head*

Raaahhh!! Kuishan k'plagh! Kuishan Megaburger K'plagh!


I'm coming for you BB!

* stomps over to nearest wall and just slashes it open*
*dives through and runs on hacking and slashing for a while until lost*

E, BS, does anyone know what general direction I shoud be going to get to BB?

Away Mission #1

Post 14

Demon Drawer

Left at the next olive and just under that salami, if my tri-corder readings are correct.

Away Mission #1

Post 15


LOL smiley - smiley

Away Mission #1

Post 16

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

So, that's *hack, chop* left here at this olive (Hey olives! *gulp, chew*) and then *cough, splutter* under-

*cough, urgh*
*pant, gasp*

Sorry folks, I choked on the olive. First chew, then gulp. I must remember these things.

I'm at the salami. But I'm also getting strange non-BB readings behind it.
I'm not alone here, am I?

Away Mission #1

Post 17

Demon Drawer

Red Shirted extra 1: No it's ok Prez I'm right beh....

*RSE1 is strangled by a triple headed multi-limped creature which has suddenly appeared from behind a slice of tomato*

Away Mission #1

Post 18

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Ensign InsertName!

Prez to bridge. There'll be one plate less at the dining table tonight.

Away Mission #1

Post 19


*BS turns the multi-limbed creature into overdone Salami with a short blast from his Phaser*

That's for Ensign InsertName, a damn good man.

Away Mission #1

Post 20

Al Kennedy

Excuse me, but is there actually ANYONE left here on the ship apart from myself, CD4, Mandarb, PP, Croz and Joanna i.e. all the more quiet members of the crew? Oh, there's Ensign InsertName and Ensign InsertName. Well, hurry back.

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