A Conversation for Mercenary War Room on the Starpilot

Mercenary Lounge

Post 41


*already has access to Axe-7*

Venom, I generally have access to my own programs anyway smiley - smiley

Mercenary Lounge

Post 42

Peter aka Krans

I've just posted a notice on our real forum.

Please read & comply. smiley - cheers

Mercenary Lounge

Post 43



(OTT) Wow, I'll be sure to follow those instructions Krans smiley - silly.

Mercenary Lounge

Post 44

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*reads and complies* Have you informed the guilty parties? *channel-surfs*

Mercenary Lounge

Post 45


*wonders where Venom got his surfboard from*

Mercenary Lounge

Post 46

Peter aka Krans

No, I haven't. But it's perfectly obvious what I mean if you read some our latest encounters with the individual concerned...

Mercenary Lounge

Post 47

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

I'm sorry about N'kai, people, but I've got a job for ya'...
I want you to take this bomb, and put it in Red Dog's bedroom (or wherever he'll be a lot) and detonate it. It won't blow up, as such, but it will release a scent that smells of cats! It'll last for 24 hours at least! smiley - biggrin Can you do that for me?

Mercenary Lounge

Post 48


*looks at the personal page of the previously discussed person*

I still can't see anything wrong.

Mercenary Lounge

Post 49

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Please conduct all business dealings in the Negotiations forum, this is, as above mentioned, the Mercenary Lounge. We like our privacy...

Mercenary Lounge

Post 50


Do we? I go in my office if I want privacy.

Mercenary Lounge

Post 51

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Well, when a place becomes a Mercenary Lounge, it becomes Mercenaries ONLY... Negotiations is where negotiations are to take place...

Mercenary Lounge

Post 52


Then where's the toilet?

Mercenary Lounge

Post 53

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

SHSS lobby. We have one here, nicer, but I assumed you wanted the public one.

Mercenary Lounge

Post 54

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Wargamer, we accept the mission. The price comes to:

Infiltration: .25mil
Core Infil: .25mil
Item Dropping: .5mil
Retaliation: .75mil
Tax, Liscense to Kill and Registration: *3

5.25 million credits please.
*accepts the bomb and the credits*

Mercenary Lounge

Post 55

Peter aka Krans

Okay - you've got the job, CV, so go and do it. We don't need the whole team for this one...

...but if you get into trouble, yell and we'll come running.

Mercenary Lounge

Post 56


I'll go with him, if only because I've got nothing better to do that cover his a$s and play practical jokes on him (which is a habit I'm trying to give up smiley - biggrin).

Mercenary Lounge

Post 57

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

I'm in the ACF War Communiques thread if you want to watch some dogs chase after cat scent with no cat at the end of the trail. And I think I can handle the ACF...

Mercenary Lounge

Post 58


*heads to the ACF despite Venom's protests of competence*

Mercenary Lounge

Post 59

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*a holo appears, of CV with the ACF HQ in the background* Guys, I suggest you don't come here. The place reeks of cat smell, so bad that I can't stand it. Those backup packs were overcalibrated. But FYI, mission accomplished. I should be in hyperspace when you get this message. *the holo fades out*

Mercenary Lounge

Post 60


*walks back in, having been decontaminated so he doesn't smell of cat urine*

Anyone knows where Venom is? I've got a sneaking suspicion that it was him who put a cat-pack in my satchel. I had to go to the Tripwire and get some more smiley - oj!

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