A Conversation for The Dinner Party

Croquet on the lawn

Post 101


*sips this straight away.*
Hang on! This tastes suspiciously like that low alcohol "Boo-lie" drink. Or possibly "Kampagne" Has someone been playing tricks on me?
*glares back at cat*
smiley - fish

Croquet on the lawn

Post 102


*leans on crocket mallet and laughs at the recent exchange of events*
Ah, Coely, what do you expect after trying to get our favourite cat to eat a pretend doughnut? smiley - winkeye

Croquet on the lawn

Post 103


~Greebo puts on her best... who me... me would never... ever... do anything naughty... expression~

Croquet on the lawn

Post 104


er... how long have I been drinking this stuff? Was I trying to see up the Scotsman's kilt when

*goes a very pale shade of blue at this thought*

Croquet on the lawn

Post 105


*returns from the off licence walking cos the car broke down on the way* *drops drink to the nearest convenient spot on lawn* did i miss anything?

smiley - smiley


Croquet on the lawn

Post 106


Nope. Looks like you hit the lawn just fine there.
smiley - fish

Croquet on the lawn

Post 107


great! so help yourselves everyone...

smiley - smiley


Croquet on the lawn

Post 108


*starts pouring drinks*

Croquet on the lawn

Post 109


Just grab hold of my wand any time you want, miss.

Croquet on the lawn

Post 110


Can I have a real drink please?
*as the guests pass round the drink, the sun begins to rise. Birds sing and rabbits hop across the lawn.*
smiley - fish

Croquet on the lawn

Post 111


Blimey O'Reilly It's nearly dawn. Those birds don't half make a racket and the rabbits! Oh my God! I've been transported to Teletubby land! Aaaaarrrggg! *stands poised with mallet at the ready, not unlike Mel Gibson in Braveheart, actually nothing like MG in BH!*
If that damn Tinky Winky or Dipsy come near me I'll give 'em what for!

Croquet on the lawn

Post 112


*Adopts her best "lets assure this looney" personality*

There, there dearest! The wee telly tubbies won't want to play with you or your mallet. Now sit down on this big cushion and slip this little white jacket on and fold your arms across your chest... smiley - winkeye

*Whispers to Menza* Phone for a doctor, please sweetie...

Croquet at dawn

Post 113


Just leave him there Gwennie, I'm sure it's just temporary, and he was far too good at croquet anyway. Besides, now he's out of the way, I need Menza. We can win the game for sure. smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

Croquet on the lawn

Post 114


oh come on... teletubbies are good for you - they even instill tolerance for the gay community via tinky winky! *g*

smiley - smiley


Croquet on the lawn

Post 115


~Greebo winks at Coely...~

If me remembers rightly... Mel Gibson wears a kilt in Braveheart... maybe me should go and get my camera again... ~Greebo eyes Babel with interest~

Croquet on the lawn

Post 116


*rolls eyes disapprovingly*

Croquet on the lawn

Post 117


*rolls eyes and thinks 'Oh oh, here we go again. Better try and get out of this jacket'. Tries another Mel Gibson trick a la Lethal Weapon
stylie and dislocates his shoulder to remove the straightjacket. Stands up and throws the jacket back to Gwennie, unfortunately his left arm is dangling at an akward angle by his side*
Thanks, I needed that.

Croquet on the lawn

Post 118


*seizes Babel-17's arm with large teeth and relocates it with a loud CLICK*
There, that should do the trick, but don't pick anything up with it for a while. Something like .. er... a mallet for example. Definitely avoid that.
*smiles at Greebo now they are friends again smiley - smiley*
smiley - fish

Croquet on the lawn

Post 119


*starts hopping from one foot to the other*
ow,ow,ow,ow,ow,ow,ow. God, that hurts!
Think I'll sit down on this nice bench for a while.*looks a bit pale*
Er Menza old chap, could you pour me a double whisky please.
For medicinal purposes.

Croquet on the lawn

Post 120


*pours large smiley - empty*

Here you are Sir.

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