Buna seara: Enter of Your Own Free Will

From Soup to Nutz

The group watches 'Ben Hur Meets the Zombies.

Hi, I realised it was about time to update this intro page, as it was becoming increasingly wildly inaccurate. I'm h2g2's Post Editor, by the way. Please send your essays, stories, poems, photos, and artwork to the Post. A hungry readership is waiting.

I'm serious about this, if nothing else on Earth. The h2g2 Post and the Edited Guide are the best venues on the interwebs for sharing your views on Life, the Universe, and Everything. See that mobile in your hand? Snap a photo of that weird thing you just saw. Mail it to postteamhg-at-gmail-dot-com. Just got back from Kathmandu or Kalamazoo? Write it up! We want to know. Got a joke you're dying to tell, or a cartoon you wanted to draw? Stay within the guidelines of common online decency, and we'll be glad to publish!

See this page? It's called the Front Page for a reason. It shows up on the front when passersby click on our site. (Not like us Researchers, who get our Personal Spaces.) You will note that in addition to the latest in fresh Guide Entries, some Topical Stuff, and that all-important set of links to this week's issue of the h2g2 Post, there's something called Create. There you will find monthly challenges. They are hints about stuff you might like to write. Pay attention, these are the good bits.

If you are new to h2g2, welcome. Please browse, make yourself at home, leave a calling card here and there. You're sure to enjoy what you find here. And send Stuff to the Post. It makes us very happy.

And now, for your further annoyance, I will include a few more cartoons and pictures. Click on them, and you'll see archives with even more of the noxious reading matter.

Persian exterminator.Shooting Easter eggs.
Baron Georg von und zu Franckenstein.
Please don't fall on me when you die.Kittens, all looking in the same direction for once.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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