A Conversation for Buna seara: Enter of Your Own Free Will
Sub-editing 'Harold and Maude'
SashaQ - happysad Started conversation Nov 7, 2023
I've Sub-edited Harold and Maude: From Flop to Cult Classic. The new version is A88038642 - please subscribe!
I hope everything is still OK for you. A very useful Entry - I don't think I could watch the film, but I am glad to have learned about it
Sub-editing 'Harold and Maude'
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Nov 7, 2023
Subscribed, gave it a read-through, looks fine to me, thanks!
One nice thing about the Guide: we can learn about things we wouldn't necessarily be interested in or run across otherwise.
Sub-editing 'Harold and Maude'
SashaQ - happysad Posted Nov 8, 2023
Yes indeed - the idea of the film is interesting to me, as Maude reminds me a bit of my late partner (D had to make a choice between probably living longer with me, but with lower quality of life, or probably dying from surgery, but with the possibility of better quality of life if the surgery went well)
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Sub-editing 'Harold and Maude'
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