A Conversation for Buna seara: Enter of Your Own Free Will
Sub-editing Dr Walker
Bluebottle Started conversation Jan 25, 2024
A88040775 - Dr Mary Edwards Walker: Army Physician, Feminist, Eccentric
I'll be subbing the above, so please subscribe.
I've added a link and have only one question. And that's the size of Fort Walker. Is it really exactly 77,332 acres? Only in kilometres it's listed to two decimal points (312.95 km2), you wouldn't rather round it up to 77,332 acres (313km2)?
(77,000 acres seems less the size of a fort, more an entire warzone)
Sub-editing Dr Walker
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jan 25, 2024
The Army's site says 76,000 acres now - maybe they got rid of some of it since 1940.
'Encompassing nearly 76,000 acres of diverse terrain, including a 27,000 acre live fire complex, Fort Walker is uniquely postured to meet training and range qualification requirements for full spectrum operations.'
That would be 307.56109 square kilometers.
Yeah, the thing is enormous. You can practise all kinds of meanness there. It's less than half the size of Fort Bragg, though. (161,000 acres)
Sub-editing Dr Walker
Bluebottle Posted Jan 25, 2024
That fort's still bigger than any of the ten smallest countries in the world (and the smallest five combined).
I've tweaked the measurements. But for the sake of consistency if acres is rounded to the nearest significant number then I think kilometres should also round to the nearest significant number, otherwise it doesn't read right.
Sub-editing Dr Walker
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jan 25, 2024
I'm fine with that.
I misunderstood you - I thought you wanted MORE decimal points.
And yes, those things are huge. And no, I don't think it's a good use of the land.
Sub-editing Dr Walker
Bluebottle Posted Jan 25, 2024
Gotta feel sorry for the poor bloke on sentry duty who is ordered to 'Walk round the perimeter ten times' and then isn't seen for six weeks...
Anyway, would you like to read through and let me know if you're happy with it to go on its way?
Sub-editing Dr Walker
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jan 25, 2024
Could we add a link to 'hoop skirts'? A87886219
>>awarded – 618 of them posthumously.<<
If you do a rollover, there's the dreaded symbol salad. Could we get rid of the hyphen by changing it to a comma?
Otherwise, it looks good.
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Sub-editing Dr Walker
- 1: Bluebottle (Jan 25, 2024)
- 2: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jan 25, 2024)
- 3: Bluebottle (Jan 25, 2024)
- 4: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jan 25, 2024)
- 5: Bluebottle (Jan 25, 2024)
- 6: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jan 25, 2024)
- 7: Bluebottle (Jan 25, 2024)
- 8: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jan 25, 2024)
- 9: h2g2 Guide Editors (Feb 5, 2024)
- 10: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Feb 5, 2024)
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