A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10001

Baron Grim

As long as the pipes don't freeze and the power doesn't go out, I'm perfectly OK with more winter. What I'm not looking forward to is yet another "hottest year on record" summer. And the next one after that, and so on.

I'm a redhead... we don't like heat.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10002

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I'm a British person. We also don't like heat, but after the past four winters I crave scorchio again. I no longer dread the summer, I welcome it.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10003

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I haven't forgotten to adjust the historical daily average section, it's been +4 deg. for the past four days.

Yesterday 45/72 (10% chance of rain) (actual: 47/70, no rain)
Today 58/75 (20% chance of rain)
Friday 61/74 (20% chance of rain)
Saturday 61/65 (70% chance of rain)
Sunday 56/69 (70% chance of rain)
Monday 40/59
Tuesday 35/65
Wednesday 39/68

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +4
Average min/max for today's date: 44/65
Record high temperature for today: 87 (2017)
Record low temperature for today: 11 (1933)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10004

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

It isn't +4 any more.

Yesterday 58/75 (20% chance of rain) (actual: 60/73, trace of rain)
Today 61/74 (20% chance of rain)
Saturday 61/66 (80% chance of rain)
Sunday 55/70 (70% chance of rain)
Monday 41/61
Tuesday 37/64
Wednesday 41/70
Thursday 49/67 (20% chance of rain)

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +12
Average min/max for today's date: 45/66
Record high temperature for today: 87 (1962, 1960)
Record low temperature for today: 13 (1933)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10005

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

19° in 2011. I remember that day day well, standing at the bus stop with a couple of inches of snow on the ground and hardly a vehicle on the road. Astonishingly, a bus showed up after a long wait, I made it to work, so did a good number of others, and although we were expecting a relatively quiet day it was surprising how many people couldn't make it to work because of the snow but were quite capable of getting to the cinema smiley - cross

Yesterday 61/74 (20% chance of rain) (actual: 61/76, no rain)
Today 61/66 (80% chance of rain)
Sunday 55/66 (70% chance of rain)
Monday 41/63
Tuesday 40/65
Wednesday 43/70
Thursday 54/69 (40% chance of rain)
Friday 55/62 (70% chance of rain)

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +14
Average min/max for today's date: 45/66
Record high temperature for today: 90 (1954)
Record low temperature for today: 19 (2011)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10006

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

We had two rounds of storms yesterday morning, an hour or two apart, but it looks like today's predicted rain has already fizzled out.

Yesterday 61/66 (80% chance of rain) (actual: 58/67, 0.64" rain)
Today 55/66 (70% chance of rain)
Monday 41/64
Tuesday 38/69
Wednesday 42/69
Thursday 54/72 (20% chance of rain)
Friday 58/64 (80% chance of rain)
Saturday 51/59 (30% chance of rain)

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +8
Average min/max for today's date: 45/66
Record high temperature for today: 86 (2017)
Record low temperature for today: 10 (1899)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10007

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Yesterday 55/66 (70% chance of rain) (actual: 46/59, trace of rain)
Today 41/64
Tuesday 38/67
Wednesday 42/67
Thursday 54/72 (10% chance of rain)
Friday 58/69 (30% chance of rain)
Saturday 48/59 (10% chance of rain)
Sunday 39/63

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: -2
Average min/max for today's date: 45/66
Record high temperature for today: 83 (1951)
Record low temperature for today: -1 (1899)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10008

Baron Grim

I went to bed with the A/C on... woke up rather chilly. Switched the A/C to heat and waited for the warmth that never arrived, only to see the familiar flashing lights on my indoor units that indicate that it's failed yet again. I switched the outdoor unit off and took a picture of the control board and the model number and will be ordering a new control board. Hopefully, after being turned off all day, it will work when I get home and until a new board arrives.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10009

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Oh bother smiley - sadface

Your control board isn't the only thing that's not working right. My MP page link persistently brings up the Cloudflare page now and the only way for me to get here is via any other bookmarked link, then my own My Space (in Glorious Goo of course) page and scroll down to conversations.

Yesterday 41/64 (actual: 41/62)
Today 38/67
Wednesday 43/67 (10% chance of rain)
Thursday 54/75 (10% chance of rain)
Friday 60/68 (50% chance of rain)
Saturday 41/53
Sunday 36/61
Monday 44/73

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: -4
Average min/max for today's date: 45/66
Record high temperature for today: 84 (1924)
Record low temperature for today: 2 (1899)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10010

Baron Grim

Your connection sounds worse than mine. While I have been seeing an inordinate amount of cloudflare errors, I can usually connect through my previously open (brunel) pages I have pinned. I keep a tab with My Space pinned on all my devices and various computers. Since I use Brunel's little "My Convos" pop-out it refreshes every minute or so. When the server error inevitably arises, I'll see it there first. Then I'll just occasionally do a manual refresh to that page to see if it recovers.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10011

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

It was "Service temporarily unavailable" yesterday. I gave up after several hours so I have to catch up.

Yesterday 38/67 (actual: 37/69)
Today 43/67 (10% chance of rain)
Thursday 54/73 (10% chance of rain)
Friday 60/67 (20% chance of rain)
Saturday 42/54
Sunday 36/61
Monday 44/74
Tuesday 44/74

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: -3
Average min/max for today's date: 46/66
Record high temperature for today: 86 (2014)
Record low temperature for today: 10 (1899)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10012

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I didn't need a reference for this date's low temperature record. It's indelibly burned into my memory. Tomorrow's too. Thankfully those posts from 2021 didn't get erased.

Yesterday 43/67 (10% chance of rain) (actual: 42/67, no rain)
Today 54/73 (10% chance of rain)
Friday 61/68 (20% chance of rain)
Saturday 41/54
Sunday 34/59
Monday 40/71
Tuesday 51/77
Wednesday 55/82

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: -1
Average min/max for today's date: 46/67
Record high temperature for today: 61 (2019)
Record low temperature for today: 8 (2021)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10013

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Yesterday 54/73 (10% chance of rain) (actual: 59/71, no rain)
Today 61/68 (20% chance of rain)
Saturday 40/52
Sunday 34/58
Monday 39/70
Tuesday 49/79
Wednesday 58/81 (10% chance of rain)
Thursday 61/82

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +9
Average min/max for today's date: 46/67
Record high temperature for today: 84 (1982, 1927)
Record low temperature for today: 7 (2021)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10014

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Yesterday 61/68 (20% chance of rain) (actual: 52/77, no rain)
Today 40/52
Sunday 34/58
Monday 38/71
Tuesday 48/79
Wednesday 58/82 (10% chance of rain)
Thursday 61/84
Friday 55/72

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +9
Average min/max for today's date: 46/67
Record high temperature for today: 92 (1959)
Record low temperature for today: 17 (1903)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10015

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Yesterday 40/52 (actual: 39/52)
Today 34/58
Monday 37/69
Tuesday 48/78
Wednesday 56/80 (10% chance of rain)
Thursday 61/82
Friday 54/72
Saturday 49/75

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: -10
Average min/max for today's date: 46/67
Record high temperature for today: 91 (1986)
Record low temperature for today: 14 (1900)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10016

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Yesterday 34/58 (actual: 33/58)
Today 37/69
Tuesday 46/78 (10% chance of rain)
Wednesday 58/80 (20% chance of rain)
Thursday 61/83
Friday 54/73
Saturday 50/74
Sunday 53/80

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: -14
Average min/max for today's date: 47/67
Record high temperature for today: 93 (1986)
Record low temperature for today: 21 (2021)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10017

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Yesterday 37/69 (actual: 37/69)
Today 46/78 (10% chance of rain)
Wednesday 59/77 (20% chance of rain)
Thursday 62/84
Friday 53/73
Saturday 48/75
Sunday 51/78
Monday 60/84

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: -4
Average min/max for today's date: 47/67
Record high temperature for today: 97 (1986)
Record low temperature for today: 26 (2021)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10018

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

No need for the heater to be turned on this morning, and I suspect for some time with the exception of Saturday morning.

Yesterday 46/78 (10% chance of rain) (actual: 45/80, no rain)
Today 59/77 (20% chance of rain)
Thursday 63/86
Friday 54/74
Saturday 49/76
Sunday 52/80
Monday 60/85
Tuesday 64/87

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +6
Average min/max for today's date: 47/68
Record high temperature for today: 99 (1996)
Record low temperature for today: 26 (1939)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10019

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

"Service unavailable" all day yesterday. Catching up time again.

Yesterday 59/77 (20% chance of rain) (actual: 62/77, no rain)
Today 63/86
Friday 55/75
Saturday 49/78
Sunday 51/80
Monday 60/85
Tuesday 64/83
Wednesday 64/69

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +13
Average min/max for today's date: 47/68
Record high temperature for today: 95 (1996)
Record low temperature for today: 27 (1978, 1963, 1911)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10020

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Yesterday 63/86 (actual: 65/88)
Today 55/75
Saturday 45/79
Sunday 53/82
Monday 60/86
Tuesday 64/85 (10% chance of rain)
Wednesday 63/66
Thursday 47/68 (40% chance of rain)

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +19
Average min/max for today's date: 48/68
Record high temperature for today: 95 (1996)
Record low temperature for today: 20 (1901)

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The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

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