A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9981

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Yesterday 36/59 (90% chance of rain) (actual: 37/55, 3.11" rain)
Today 53/63 (90% chance of rain)
Wednesday 53/57 (80% chance of rain)
Thursday 49/67 (10% chance of rain)
Friday 49/68 (20% chance of rain)
Saturday 47/64
Sunday 42/62
Monday 38/62

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: -6
Average min/max for today's date: 42/63
Record high temperature for today: 88 (1972)
Record low temperature for today: 14 (1930)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9982

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

The heavy rain forecast for yesterday mostly stayed away from Austin. Not the first time that's happened. San Antonio has had a pretty good soaking overnight and the remnants of that are arriving here soon. In fact I just heard some thunder.

Yesterday 53/63 (90% chance of rain) (actual: 52/59, 0.19" rain)
Today 53/57 (80% chance of rain)
Thursday 48/63 (10% chance of rain)
Friday 48/61 (20% chance of rain)
Saturday 45/62
Sunday 40/60
Monday 37/62
Tuesday 40/63

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +4
Average min/max for today's date: 42/63
Record high temperature for today: 84 (2017)
Record low temperature for today: 12 (1963)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9983

Baron Grim

I heard quite a bit of heavy rain and thunder last night. Some of the thunder was close and loud enough to even startle my cats who usually are oblivious to the weather. My dog was likely catatonic, no pun intended.

My father reported 2.53" of rain in the 24 hours ending at 07:00 this morning.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9984

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

There was a lightning strike close by here not long after I posted this morning. Fair startled me it did smiley - yikes

It looks like the coastal plains did best out of the rain. A bit too much. I've seen totals of 10" - 12" around Fayette County.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9985

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Yesterday 53/57 (80% chance of rain) (actual: 50/54, 1.04" rain)
Today 48/63 (10% chance of rain)
Friday 47/59 (20% chance of rain)
Saturday 49/60
Sunday 38/61
Monday 37/64
Tuesday 42/68
Wednesday 44/67

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: -1
Average min/max for today's date: 42/63
Record high temperature for today: 87 (1971, 1918)
Record low temperature for today: 20 (1940, 1926)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9986

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Yesterday 48/63 (10% chance of rain) (actual: 47/63, 0.08" rain)
Today 47/59 (20% chance of rain)
Saturday 49/60
Sunday 39/62
Monday 34/64
Tuesday 40/68
Wednesday 44/66
Thursday 45/63 (10% chance of rain)

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +2
Average min/max for today's date: 42/63
Record high temperature for today: 83 (1975)
Record low temperature for today: 20 (1904)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9987

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Yesterday 47/59 (20% chance of rain) (actual: 49/58, no rain)
Today 49/60
Sunday 38/65
Monday 37/68
Tuesday 42/67
Wednesday 43/68
Thursday 47/66 (10% chance of rain)
Friday 42/69 (40% chance of rain)

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +2
Average min/max for today's date: 43/64
Record high temperature for today: 83 (2015, 1972)
Record low temperature for today: 19 (1940)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9988

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I don't think I mentioned the fog. We had fog or mist most mornings last week starting on Monday or Tuesday. A couple of them were real pea soupers.

Yesterday 49/60 (actual: 48/64)
Today 38/65
Monday 39/71
Tuesday 43/70
Wednesday 43/66
Thursday 47/65 (10% chance of rain)
Friday 51/69 (20% chance of rain)
Saturday 56/64 (70% chance of rain)

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +3
Average min/max for today's date: 43/64
Record high temperature for today: 81 (2015)
Record low temperature for today: 18 (1948, 1925)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9989

Baron Grim

I think it was Friday, if not then Saturday, that we had fog until about 3:30... when it started raining. It was weird seeing rain with fog at the same time.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9990

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I don't think I have either. That's very strange.

I'm very happy to see the temperatures during the coming week. Yesterday afternoon was everything I think of as January in Texas (or June in London) - clear blue sky, around 70°, nothing more than a light breeze. Perfect smiley - bigeyes

Yesterday 38/65 (actual: 42/68)
Today 39/71
Tuesday 44/72
Wednesday 43/71
Thursday 47/69
Friday 54/73 (50% chance of rain)
Saturday 57/67 (80% chance of rain)
Sunday 49/65

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +2
Average min/max for today's date: 43/64
Record high temperature for today: 86 (1917)
Record low temperature for today: 16 (1951)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9991

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Yesterday 39/71 (actual: 42/68)
Today 44/72
Wednesday 44/73
Thursday 49/71 (10% chance of rain)
Friday 55/72 (60% chance of rain)
Saturday 55/68 (50% chance of rain)
Sunday 51/65
Monday 48/66

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +4
Average min/max for today's date: 43/64
Record high temperature for today: 90 (1971)
Record low temperature for today: 4 (1949)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9992

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I think I've missed a day smiley - huh Too late to do anything about it now.

Yesterday 44/73 (actual: 46/75)
Today 49/71 (10% chance of rain)
Friday 57/72 (60% chance of rain)
Saturday 54/72 (20% chance of rain)
Sunday 50/68
Monday 49/63
Tuesday 43/65
Wednesday 44/69

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +8
Average min/max for today's date: 43/64
Record high temperature for today: 83 (1963, 1911)
Record low temperature for today: 12 (1951)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9993

Baron Grim

Yes, yes you did. smiley - winkeye

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9994

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

What threw me about that was that the previous day was a day off but yesterday I was back at work and doing this much earlier, so the date stamp still said 'yesterday', yet the numbers were from two days back smiley - cdouble I didn't have time to work it all out as I was getting ready to go and catch a bus, so that's the first time I've missed a report since I began using this format, except for during the hiatus smiley - sadface

And it took me a longer route than usual to get here this morning. Just lately I've been getting the Cloudflare page about one time in four when I try to do this in the morning, but today I got "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" from my More Postings bookmark, which has happened before but not for some time. I managed to navigate here from my Egg Banjo edited entry bookmark and My Space link.

Yesterday 49/71 (10% chance of rain) (actual: 49/73, no rain)
Today 57/72 (60% chance of rain)
Saturday 54/71 (10% chance of rain)
Sunday 50/69
Monday 49/63
Tuesday 42/66
Wednesday 45/69
Thursday 58/75 (10% chance of rain)

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +7
Average min/max for today's date: 43/64
Record high temperature for today: 84 (1924)
Record low temperature for today: 7 (1951)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9995

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

As I was getting ready for bed last night we had an almighty thunderstorm which gave us 0.3" of rain in about 30 minutes.

Yesterday 57/72 (60% chance of rain) (actual: 58/68, 0.31")
Today 54/71 (10% chance of rain)
Sunday 50/69
Monday 49/63
Tuesday 42/66
Wednesday 46/70 (10% chance of rain)
Thursday 59/73 (20% chance of rain)
Friday 57/71 (40% chance of rain)

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +9
Average min/max for today's date: 44/65
Record high temperature for today: 81 (2008, 1911)
Record low temperature for today: 16 (1951)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9996

Baron Grim

We got 1.43" overnight and it was still raining at 7:00am when the reading was taken.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9997

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

The coastal plains have been getting hit pretty hard in these recent rains, the Hill Country where it's needed, not so much.

Yesterday 54/71 (10% chance of rain) (actual: 47/71, 0.04")
Today 50/69
Monday 50/66
Tuesday 42/68
Wednesday 42/69
Thursday 57/73 (40% chance of rain)
Friday 57/73 (40% chance of rain)
Saturday 55/70 (40% chance of rain)

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +5
Average min/max for today's date: 44/65
Record high temperature for today: 85 (2021)
Record low temperature for today: 15 (1912)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9998

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

A 44mph wind gust at the airport yesterday, and more of the same this morning.

Yesterday 50/69 (actual: 47/69)
Today 50/66
Tuesday 43/70
Wednesday 44/69 (10% chance of rain)
Thursday 56/70 (40% chance of rain)
Friday 57/72 (50% chance of rain)
Saturday 54/71 (20% chance of rain)
Sunday 51/59 (40% chance of rain)

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +4
Average min/max for today's date: 44/65
Record high temperature for today: 82 (2008, 1943)
Record low temperature for today: 17 (1912)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 9999

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Yesterday 50/66 (actual: 51/65)
Today 43/70
Wednesday 45/72 (10% chance of rain)
Thursday 59/72 (20% chance of rain)
Friday 57/74 (20% chance of rain)
Saturday 60/72 (40% chance of rain)
Sunday 52/63 (50% chance of rain)
Monday 43/61 (10% chance of rain)

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +4
Average min/max for today's date: 44/65
Record high temperature for today: 83 (1925)
Record low temperature for today: 18 (1899)

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 10000

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

As we go past 10,000 posts for the second time (smiley - cdouble) there was a beautiful sunrise this morning, but I'm looking at that Tuesday morning temperature with a smiley - raisedeyebrow The afternoon temperature hints that this isn't another freeze on the way. I hope we're done with that for this winter.

Yesterday 43/70 (actual: 44/71)
Today 45/72 (10% chance of rain)
Thursday 58/75 (20% chance of rain)
Friday 59/74 (20% chance of rain)
Saturday 61/72 (60% chance of rain)
Sunday 56/67 (80% chance of rain)
Monday 41/60 (20% chance of rain)
Tuesday 36/65

Yesterday's departure from the historical daily average: +4
Average min/max for today's date: 44/65
Record high temperature for today: 86 (2017)
Record low temperature for today: 10 (1899)

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The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

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