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UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again tonight

Post 121


no comment until the polls close smiley - winkeye - http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/HouseRules-Election

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again tonight

Post 122


just did the dirty deed, it was fairly quiet at the polling station.

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 123


Polls have closed the BBC gagging order no longer applies - anyone want to talk UK politics ..?

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 124

Jim Lynn

Any ideas why the turnout is so low?

My theory is that people don't care enough. With Thatcher, people either loved her or hated her. With Blair, you might think he's slick and not trust him, but I doubt a lot of people really hate him. People are annoyed that Labour haven't done a better job, but they haven't made enough of a mess of things for people to want to change.

Not to mention the fact that Hague doesn't convince as a potential Prime Minister, despite many people thinking he does quite well in opposition.

It's a bit like the Eurovision Song Contest - you don't bother watching the songs, but watching the votes being counted is a lot of fun.

Who knows - maybe Portillo will get thrown out again?

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 125

Metal Chicken

Any results been declared yet? We should have a couple by now I'd have thought.

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 126

Jim Lynn


so far:

Forecast: Labour landslide: 160 majority, but low turnout

Barnsley Central
Lab hold - 7 Jun, 23:46 BST
Houghton & Washington East
Lab hold - 7 Jun, 23:38 BST
Sunderland North
Lab hold - 7 Jun, 23:23 BST
Hamilton South
Lab hold - 7 Jun, 23:21 BST
Sunderland South
Lab hold - 7 Jun, 22:43 BST

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 127

Metal Chicken

Can't help wondering if the turnout is low because people are:
a) so sure of the result it doesn't seem worth making the effort or b) have lost interest because neither of the two main parties offer a credible overall set of policies but in most seats it's assumed not to be worth voting for a 3rd candidate even if there's one on offer.

Do you think electoral reform to some kind of proportional representation could reignite the wider public interest in casting their vote? The lack of moves in this direction from Labour was one of my big disappointments in the previous government.

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 128

Bald Bloke

Following on from Jim's point

I think the low turnout is because...
There are a large number of people who are not particularly satisfied or dissatisfied with the government and as there is no real threat from any form of opposition, so they can see no point in bothering to turn out.

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 129


Results in so far Labour 32, Liberal 2, Conservative 0.

As to the low turnout I think its because people don't feel they have a choice, people I know appear to feel that the Conservative's are too disorganized to form a government & the Liberal's don't have the experience.

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 130

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Shame really. The Lib Dems seem to have it sorted, and people really agree with them but no one wants to vote for them as they've no chance. Prop rep would be fantastic, and the little guys would do really well. Especially the graan party.

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 131

Jim Lynn

The LibDems are the only party that can afford an honest manifesto because they know they'll not be elected anyway, so they might as well claim the moral high-ground.

Rolling results:
La C Li Oth
61 0 3 1

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 132


So at the moment the Liberal are the opposition ..?

Sooner we get PR the better, we have it in elections for M.E.P.'s and here in London we had it in the elections for the GLA.
I normally vote liberal but where I live they will be in third place, a bit of a wasted vote in the first past post system but in PR elections I do not feel it is wasted.


UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 133

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Yeah possible, but still, surly they could still lie to look good to get more votes.

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 134

Jim Lynn

Hasn't worked for the Conservatives this time, has it? Maybe honesty would have worked better?

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 135

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

Thats a dreadfully true statement.

Political partys should be all about standing in one corner, saying : these are our beliefs, if you agree, vote for us.
Unfortunately, the big two have become so stagnant they merely fight for re-election.

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 136

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

(in reference to posting 131 BTW)

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 137

Jim Lynn

If there are any Americans reading - do you find our political system as incomprehensible as we find yours?

Just wondering.

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 138


the bbc are forcasting a result of

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 139


(From Torbay)
I don't think the Liberals should jump up and down about the Torbay result. It's mostly a reflection on their candidate, perceived to be a nice bloke, a local and a very good constituency MP, and on local issues. The general feeling in these parts is very far removed from national Liberal policies, and it's important to note that Adrian Saunders has distanced himself from his party's line on Europe.
The Conservative candidate was, frankly, a non-entity, and mishandled the campaign very badly (no-one I have spoken too recieved any literature from him before Wednesday this week!)

UK Elections 2001 - Open for Business again

Post 140


The Liberal part line on Europe is one of there most attractive features in my opinion. http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F19585?thread=98809

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