A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 7601

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

subversive smiley - book


Post 7602

Baron Grim


Looks like that smiley - bleep won...

smiley - groan Doomed, I say... Dooooomed.


Post 7603

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

lets jus hope he can prove us all wrong


Post 7604

Baron Grim

He doesn't have to worry about reelection now... He'll be appointing maybe 4 or 5 supreme court justices... he has a majority in both houses...

The gloves are off, look out smiley - earth


Post 7605

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

lets just hope....he...can...erm f**k it

smiley - run to homemade bombshelter

any one wants to join me bring food drink and an open mind smiley - tongueout


Post 7606


*where was that number for the guys that won the X prize?*


Post 7607

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Yes, the smiley - bleep won! How can this be? smiley - sadface


Post 7608


I suppose that's what happens when the opposing side puts up a candidate whose chin is too big. I'm quite upset about this. The news I listened to yesterday suggested that the evangelical vote tipped the scales. This is worrying too. Now we have two sets of fundamentalists trying to terrorise each other into believing one set of rules in an old book is better than another set of rules in an old book. I thought we'd come further down the road in that kind of thinking, we seem to be slipping back into the so called dark ages, where religions pursecuted each other with burnings at stakes and beheadings, both claiming that poor unfortunate God is on their side, but actually just wanting the power to rule minds to their own advantage. Blessed are the small minded, for they shall have no doubts.


Post 7609

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

4 more years of dead soldiers coming home in body bagssmiley - bubbly


Post 7610

Researcher U197087

Just popping up to offer my sympathies to right-thinking Americans, all 49% of you. smiley - rose


Post 7611

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

haliburton rules!!!!!


Post 7612

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - wahThanks Chrissmiley - wah


Post 7613

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

where to invade next i wonder


Post 7614

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

>The news I listened to yesterday suggested that the evangelical vote tipped the scales<

Yup, like the peanut brained moron on the news this morning who stated that 'religious people make better decisions than non-religious people'. Uh huh. Just like that Osama Bin Laden guy. He's a good religious boy.

I was ok with this yesterday. Today I woke up with a deep feeling of dread. I am afraid for my loved ones and my friends.

The world is an infinitely more dangerous place today than it was yesterday.

smiley - shark


Post 7615

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

"I suppose that's what happens when the opposing side puts up a candidate whose chin is too big." not true if bruce campbell woulda ran against bush we all know who would win "hail to the chin baby!"


Post 7616


Who to invade next?
Well the popular vote goes to Iran, but I reckon Bush will surprise everyone with a pre-emptive strike on, say, the Canary Isles. Who'd expect that ? You should never under estimate the power of the surprise ambush, smiley - smiley especially since the news is that global warming might cause a big chunk of Tenerife to fall into the ocean and drown New York. Most definately an act of natural terrorism.


Post 7617

badger party tony party green party

Moth the ratinalists and free thinkers only had temporary hold on the reigns till the religious types found a broad enough banner to rally enough voters under. Stem cell research/abortion and the war on (Islamic)terror seem to have done that for Bush. He also had a convincing win in Florida, not surprising when it has a large anti castro population of Cuban Ex-pats who Bush has pleased by mooting a greater efort to "free" cuba of its dictator.

It is worrying that a secretive, lying, religiously inspired warmongering demagogue who has sold out to big business is at the steering wheel of a nuclear power, but enough about Britain, the US has a head of state willing to put others in positions where they will die to serve very narrow personal ends. not just on the battle fields of the world but in underfunded, legally restricted health facilities and illegal terminations.

Bush and Blair may be guilty of doing all the things we call them for here but we are guilty of lettign them get away with it.

one love smiley - rainbow


Post 7618


Blicky no argument there from me. Having brother Jeb in charge of Florida and the money sent for Hurricane aid probably didn't harm the vote there either. How will we get rid of Blair with no decent opposition? At least (hopefully) we won't have the religious vote here although evangelism is a growth industry in the UK (see the whatsit called thing that people keep asking me to attend 0h yeah the alpha course.) What strikes me about the vote is that New York, the actual victim of 911, went with Kerry and I think this speaks volumns, whilst oddly the poorer states still believed that Bush would make them less poor! Don't they get it yet that Bush looks after the rich and helps to keep them that way?
Well while hundreds of thousand of people are killed and the body bags keep coming on a regular basis, while al quada now has a foot hold in Iran that wasn't there before, at least they won't have to worry about gay marriages and we won't have to put up with hunting because it's cruel.
NB (not a hunt supporter, but the time spent on this issue clouds the time spent on the dead)


Post 7619

Baron Grim

Looking at the different exit polls and such the mass of new voters listed 'moral issues' as their number one concern over the economy and terrorism...

So, apparently the one thing they were most worried over was guys kissing guys... Homosexual monogamy...OOOH, spooky! smiley - ghost


Post 7620


I read the same thing about how the decisive thing for most voters were "moral issues." Quite simply put, I am baffled but not surprised, dismayed but not shocked, depressed but not apathetic, and angry. I'd love to say "smiley - bleep it dude, let's go bowling," but unfortunately I can't in good conscience turn myself into The Dude, as much as I like his style. I am also, more so than ever, worried about the future.

For the first time since this thread started years ago, I am going to say something that is definitely wrong about my fellow Americans in general (about 51% of them, in fact) ...

They are too smiley - bleeping lazy to think for themselves and would rather everyone else just think like them instead, or even *for* them!! smiley - grr In a nutshell, that's what all this stupid "moral issues" crap is about! I think there is a lot of fear and paranoia these days, and that only exacerbates the situation.

I think Osama bin Laden's most recent video tape to the US only seemed to have made it more likely that Bush would be elected - not sure what his intentions were (he might be very cleverly planning on Bush being in office in order to further intensify the fear and loathing amongst potential followers, but that would still seem counter to any goal of gaining recognition as some sort of sovereign state/power or whatever it is he really wants). In any event, it's fundamentalist vs. fundamentalist in a real-life fight-to-the-death. If it weren't so damn terrifying, it'd be funny to compare this to the Spy vs. Spy cartoons from Mad Magazine. smiley - erm

However we got this far gone, it's scaring me now.

- JD

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