A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 7581


Eminem gets embroiled in a political storm, once again, with new single 'Mosh'. The cartoon styled video features numerous references to Bush's part in the Iraq war, American troops and mocks George Bush's most infamous gaffes including reading a book upside down, finally ending with a message urging people to vote.

You can watch the video in full here


Post 7582

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

That's excellent, Moth! So, Eminem's not the lightweight I thought he was...


Post 7583


Hi Adelaide. Yes, Eminem is anything but lightweight, he's the new Dante in my humble opinion. He's one of those Americans that defeat the absurd generalisation of this conversation smiley - smiley


Post 7584

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

~*~You misunderstand my reference to the Iraqi's 'democratic' vote. It was meant to imply that the US does not have a democratic vote either. (If I am to believe Michael Moore and the BBC who recently noted intimidation at Florida voting booths.)~*~

Let me just ask you one question, who (precisely) is Michael Moore, and what is his occupation?

~*~Dear Mr. X WILL~*~

I know this is going to sound petty and stupid, but the name is "Mr. X", not "Mr. X WILL".

~*~I am glad that you were not afraid. If your anger, rather than fear, at terrorism is a general emotion in America then would I be correct to assume that the war in Iraq is about retribution and revenge rather than keeping the world a safer place? And if this is the case was Iraq the correct target I wonder?~*~

You misunderstand. I was angry at Osama Bin Laden for making an unprovoked attack on the U.S.A.. Iraq itself has nothing to do with that.

And no, you would not "be correct to assume that the war in Iraq is about retribution and revenge rather than keeping the world a safer place." Like I said, Iraq does not factor into 9/11 at all.

~*~I'm only asking this for understanding.~*~

As well you should. Understanding is what almost everyone needs more of.

smiley - boing


Post 7585

I am Donald Sutherland

>> Let me just ask you one question, who (precisely) is Michael Moore, and what is his occupation? <<

I don't believe it. Anyone who claims to know anything about "The War on Terror", Iraq and Osama bin Laden must have come across Micheal Moore at some time or other.

He was on the TV to-night in Question Time from Florida.

He even has his own web site.




Post 7586


Dear Mr X

'You misunderstand. I was angry at Osama Bin Laden for making an unprovoked attack on the U.S.A.. Iraq itself has nothing to do with that.'
As I said I believe that the emotion of anger is a result of fear and no Iraq had nothing to do with the 911 but it feels as if they are certainly paying a price for it now.
As for an unprovoked attack on the US, presumably it is the natural thing for Iraqis to feel anger at an unprovoked attack from us?

'And no, you would not "be correct to assume that the war in Iraq is about retribution and revenge rather than keeping the world a safer place." Like I said, Iraq does not factor into 9/11 at all.'

I'm sorry but I think that Iraq is a direct extrapolation from 911. I seriously don't believe our troops would be there without that event. 911 is definately a factor in the war in both Afghanistan and Iraq

Thank you Donald for supplying Mr Moore with an identity for me. smiley - smiley


Post 7587

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back



Post 7588


Call me a paranoid old conspiracy theorist, but I happen to find the release of a video by the incredible disappearing Bin Laden oddly timed. You would have thought , wouldn't you, that Mr Laden would have been happy to see Mr Bush looking for new employment after November 2nd and yet here we have a little video promo for fear. Just the thing to keep Mr Bush in power I would have thought.
Mr Bush's busy marketing team couldn't have come up with a better little election ad, I'm surprised it didn't have an end marker suggesting people Vote Bush and keep the war on terror going.


Post 7589

Nbcdnzr, the dragon was slain, and there was much rejoicing

Well, Bin Laden works in mysterious ways. Bush should be able to appreciate that. smiley - biggrin


Post 7590

Nbcdnzr, the dragon was slain, and there was much rejoicing

Talking of conspiracy theories, how about the tv news networks? I just saw a documentary about Fox. Those people make me sick. There was this one clip about a boy whose father was killed on 9/11 and who had signed a petition against the war in Iraq. He was on a Fox show with Bill O'Reilly (or however you spell it), He was expressing his ideas about the war and the government, and Bill didn't approve. He started saying that the boy's father was a real American, and that he wouldn't have liked this. And that his mother would disapprove of him saying these things. It ended (off camera) with Bill saying to the boy to get out or he would do something to him. It was ugly.
They also had some polls about facts concerning the war on terror. Things like, is there a connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda. Fox viewers were many times more likely to have these facts wrong, than viewers from other channels.
They also shamelessly say things like: in 237 days Bush will be re-elected as president.


Post 7591

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

to deviate whos voting for who? and for us brits if we were in our overseas cousins shoes who would we vote for bushy or kerry?


Post 7592

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

maddox has a piece on bill o'reilly entitled bill o'reilly is a big blubbering vagina

check it out



Post 7593

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

~*~As for an unprovoked attack on the US, presumably it is the natural thing for Iraqis to feel anger at an unprovoked attack from us?~*~

When did I say that I supported it?

~*~Anyone who claims to know anything about "The War on Terror", Iraq, and Osama bin Laden must have come across Micheal Moore at some time or other.~*~

And again, when did I claim to know anything beyond "we invaded Iraq"?

You guys shouldn't automatically assume stuff.

smiley - boing


Post 7594

I am Donald Sutherland

>> And again, when did I claim to know anything beyond "we invaded Iraq"? <<

They do say ingnorance is bliss! Your lack of fear does demontrate your lack of understanding of the situation Mr X. I do know a little beyond "We invaded Iraq" and I am afraid and there is a lot to be afraid about. GWB and TB send a shivers down my spine every time they open their mouths.

War on Terror - the most meaningless statement any politician ever came out with.



Post 7595


himura musashi

Who'd I vote for in their shoes?
Well it would have to be Kerry, I'd maybe even vote for Ronald Macdonald given the choice. and maybe get a free plastic toy at the polling booth. I shall be voting the same way over here, getting rid of a government head that tells me lies. If they tell me just one provable lie, how can I ever believe anything they ever say about anything?


Post 7596


Mr X

"When did I say that I supported it?"

I don't think you ever did and I don't think I suggested that you supported the invasion of Iraq did I?
You said that you were angry about an unprovoked attack on Main land USA, and I think I tried to suggest that both parts to the war in Iraq have suffered unprovoked attacks and and therefore Mr Bush may be acting the same as Bin Laden . I'm not just writing for you Mr X I'm writing for other readers too.
I think that you claimed that the war in Iraq was not a war of revenge and retribution and I took it that you therefore thought that this was a war to make the world a peaceful place, as that was the other option offered in the post you answered. I thought this was a claim of more knowledge than you say you have about the situation. I don't think anybody has automatically assumed anything in response to your messages.


Post 7597

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

O'Reilly is a disgrace to the human race! I was just reading something today to the effect that Fox viewers are more likely to believe things which are patently untrue - such as that there is a link between Saddam Hussein and 911...


Post 7598

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

~*~I don't think you ever did and I don't think I suggested that you supported the invasion of Iraq did I?~*~

Just seemed that way.

smiley - boing


Post 7599


Mr X

I'm sorry if it seemed that way . It wasn't my intention.


Post 7600

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"


Shouldn't have assumed you did anyway.

smiley - boing

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