A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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Has Rye and coke become a rip off?
quotes Posted Oct 25, 2013
>>Have you got the right size?
I wasn't offered any other sizes...I shall experiment, thanks.
Has Rye and coke become a rip off?
Icy North Posted Oct 25, 2013
I haven't found the punchline yet (suggestions welcome):
A man walks into a doctor with a Christmas tree in each ear...
Has Rye and coke become a rip off?
Superfrenchie Posted Oct 25, 2013
Well, a friend of mine once decided that Q-tips were dangerous, so he used ear-cleaning spray instead.
And promptly broke the plastic tip of it inside his ear.
Has Rye and coke become a rip off?
Beatrice Posted Oct 25, 2013
And the doctor says:
"I've some bad news for you. It's tinselitis".
Has Rye and coke become a rip off?
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Oct 25, 2013
The volume can be kinda magical.... It was rather cool, walking across the car-park, at Donnington, early in the morning.... and feeling* the kick/bass drum, from one of the stages, as they were setting up the levels and suchlike (and we were a long* way from the statges, whilst in the car park...)
Simularly... although kinda almost* annoying, later in the day, we were at one stage... err, not even sure now which group it was... and then the main stage, behind us, just got louder... and louder... and louder... and louder... So we had to go investigate, and discovered Lamb of God (I think it was), who were definately the loudest band all day... (unless, of course, by the end of the day, our hearing wasn't on good form so they didn't seem quite* so loud, later on ).
Being outside, it never affected my ears, in the same way less loud gigs, at inside benues have... F Faith no more at the Cambridge Corn excahnge, when I was in my twentys, left my hearing affected for days afterwards... but that's an acoustically terrible venue anyhow, which probably didn't help much
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Has Rye and coke become a rip off?
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