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Choosing 5 people to give their names to school houses.
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Sep 5, 2013
Choosing 5 people to give their names to school houses.
Rockhound Posted Sep 5, 2013
Curie, Lovelace, Tereshkova, Seacole & Franklin?
At primary school we had Cook, Drake, Columbus and Scott. House points were tracked via four wooden galleons (each with a cross in the house colour of red, yellow blue and green to distiguish) that sedately plowed along their own wooden furrow across a painted backdrop of crashing waves and turquoise seas.
Secondary was three locals of yore - Wight, Romney and Oldham - until more recently they were changed to Turner, Beckett, Elgar and Redgrave when the school focused on performing arts status.
Choosing 5 people to give their names to school houses.
Pastey Posted Sep 5, 2013
At the schools I went to we had, rather imaginatively: 1, 2, 3 and, 4.
How about: Gin, Vodka, Rum, Grenadine, Creme de Menthe?
(admittedly it also needs lemon juice, tonic and Tabasco, but there are large schools that could cope)
(yes, those are the ingredients in a Gargle Blaster )
Choosing 5 people to give their names to school houses.
AgProv2 Posted Sep 5, 2013
When I attended my own alma mater, it was a single-sex grammar school with six houses named after gracious local benefactors - Brown, Cooke, Hallam, Kaye, Patten and Rowbotham. Kids in Patten used to get excited at the thought of their House being named after the American general, but no, it was a former Alderman of the Borough Council, as were most of the rest... "Hallam" was a puzzle, though, as we were on the wrong side of the Pennines and Hallam was a Yorkshire benefactor from Sheffield. Maybe he bunged some to the poor cousins over the Snake Pass, who knows?
Since the school went co-ed and lost the sixth form, it's expanded to eight houses named after famous artists: Klee, van Goch, Picasso, Lowry, and four other arty types. it's just not the same....
Perhaps five Houses named after famous schoolpupils in literature?
Bunter, Flashman, Jennings, Molesworth, Potter?
Distaff equivalents present a problem.... Pandora Braithwaite House? (after the spoilt brat turned New Labour Stepford Wife in Adrian Mole). Roald Dahl's Matilda? Hermione in the H.P. stories? Susan StoHelit or Jocasta Wiggs in the Discworld?
There just don't seem to be all that many memorable schoolgirls in literature. Maybe a St Trinian House on general principles? On this basis the above listing becomes Greyfriars (Bunter), Rugby (Flashman), Linbury Court (Jennings), St Custards (Nigel Molesworth) ,Hogwarts (Harry Potter)
Choosing 5 people to give their names to school houses.
swl Posted Sep 5, 2013
Our School only had 3 Houses - Kinnarchie, Caldcoits and Pirnie. I have absolutely no recollection what or who the names represented.
Choosing 5 people to give their names to school houses.
AgProv2 Posted Sep 5, 2013
Of course, there's always the Assassins' Guild school in Ankh-Morpork in the Discworld....
Viper House, Cobra House, Tree Frog House (boys)
Mantis House, Black Widow House, Raven house (girls)
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Choosing 5 people to give their names to school houses.
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