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why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 1


everytime I do the dishes and drain the kitchen sink there's always, and I do mean always one lonely teaspoon left hiding in the suds. Can anyone tell me why?

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 2


Regarding the operation of the Bambleweeny I.I.G. The spoon needed a really to stir the strong cup of tea (before it could start randomly generating alternate versions of reality) will often suffer a time and space shift. The destination portal appears to be your sink. smiley - smiley It will be Vogons next. smiley - run

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

The rest of us all blame 2legs! smiley - yikessmiley - run

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

My lodger always seems to leave a single stray fork in the bottom of the sink... rarely a teaspoon... smiley - weirdsmiley - erm and, never a spork... smiley - sporksmiley - ufo
smiley - alienfrown

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 5


I am coming to believe that I am the god of small items of cutlery!

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 6


You should always check for stray fooons they can be lethal and their favourite food is........ you guessed it Sporks which is probably why you never find any in your sink

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 7

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

With me it's usually some kind of knife. Or a very small measuring spoon -- 1/4 tsp, for instance. It's because it's too small to notice. 2Legs is not to blame here, but with a little ingenuity we can nlame him for something else. smiley - winkeye

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 8

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

[Aha! You see? I made a typo in that last post. It happened because I was thinking about 2Legs smiley - tongueout]

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 9


Sorry FWR I think that title lies with Anoia the god of things that get stuck in drawers ( I hope Pratchett is allowed in these discussions)


why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 10


Think nlame is a rather nice word!

And Digger...turn that bloody coffee machine off! You know you're not allowed anything foolish after caffeine!
Have a good holiday matey.smiley - biggrin

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 11

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Yay Bob, Yay Bob. Verily we must refrain from thinking of the Great 2legs!

Lettuce Spry smiley - grovel

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 12

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - zen mhrily so...

Oh lord of the one remaining teaspoon, left in the bottom of the sink,
bless us we remember it, and forgoet not to think,
of the poor lonley teaspoon,
its life of being left behind,
dum de dum de dum de dum mind. smiley - ermsmiley - sorrysmiley - run

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 13


very profound, love it!

can i wear a special hat?smiley - biggrin

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 14

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

We always wear special hats.... Of course, we've still got our special tin hats, made of alaminium foil laying about, from the time, a while ago when the world was goign to end... err I think they stopped the aliens reading our minds or soemthing... must have worked, the world didn't end, and I even put clean knickers on for the occasion too... Bit of a let down really smiley - zensmiley - huhsmiley - alienfrownsmiley - ufo

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 15


That's the trouble with Armageddon, big build up then...back to work, and look there's another teaspoon!smiley - smiley

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 16

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Oh. my! smiley - wow

You don't think... it couldn't be... its the teaspoons, stopping the world from ending! smiley - wowsmiley - grovel

Quick, everyone, hold your teaspoons aloft... lettuce meditate on the teaspoon smiley - zensmiley - zensmiley - zen
*puts tin foil hat on and holds up teaspoon* smiley - zen

**starts chanting** smiley - zen

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 17


Maybe that's why we have rather teaspoony shaped constellations...Erick von d eat your heart out, cutlery of the gods?

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 18

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - zen Ohmmmmm smiley - zen

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 19


And flying saucers....smiley - tea

why is there always one teaspoon?

Post 20


According to the history of eatingutensils dot com, the first spoon dates to 1000 bc ( presumably before cutlery) adorned with religious symbols , not sure who's sink it was found in but I will continue my research to firm this up...

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