A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What's attached to your body?

Post 21

Gnomon - time to move on

Going to do a bit of do-it-your-elf?

What's attached to your body?

Post 22

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - groan Exactly.

It's for work, honest. smiley - whistle

What's attached to your body?

Post 23

Cheerful Dragon

Glasses, wedding ring, engagement ring, watch. Sometimes earrings, necklace/pendant, bracelet/bangle and one or two other rings. I used to wear a locket every day (anniversary present from hubby), but the bolt ring broke and I haven't got round to fixing it (or having it fixed).

What's attached to your body?

Post 24


(Blimey you entirely missed the point Mal, the *hat* isn't decoration that's *essential*..what's on it is...


I'm pleased that more and more people undergoing chemo for cancer around here, feel okay about not covering up their hair falling out. Seeing as 1 in 4 people get cancer it's a bit silly to pretend about the chemo. I'm proud to live somewhere, where people can be open about that.

My hat wearing is for purely psychological reasons though. It'll soon be the Russian Siberian rabbit fur hat wearing season again though..).

What's attached to your body?

Post 25

Mrs Zen

Wedding ring
Signet ring
Contact lenses or glasses

What's attached to your body?

Post 26

Witty Moniker

2 rings
Phoenix pendant

What's attached to your body?

Post 27

Malabarista - now with added pony

I smiley - envy all the people with earrings. They're not worth it for me, you'd never see them...

What's attached to your body?

Post 28


Earrings and a Mohican. Simples!

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