A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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What's attached to your body?
quotes Started conversation Dec 1, 2011
Other than clothing; what rings, watches, piercings etc do you strap onto, or insert into, your body?
Personally, I have absolutely none.
What's attached to your body?
Geggs Posted Dec 1, 2011
Well there's my wedding ring. And I guess the keyfob, for the doors at the office, which hangs off my belt, probably counts too.
And that's it.
What's attached to your body?
Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... Posted Dec 1, 2011
Contact lenses (or glasses).
What's attached to your body?
Geggs Posted Dec 1, 2011
Oh yes, I forgot to mention my glasses, and yet they should be obvious - they're right in front of my face!
What's attached to your body?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Dec 1, 2011
A 1972-vintage automatic (self-winding) wrist watch, a tungsten-carbide wedding band, glasses with polycarbonate ("bullet-proof glass")
lenses and a simple silver neck chain with no attachments. I suppose you might also include a tattoo as that was something that I had
inflicted on myself.
What's attached to your body?
Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... Posted Dec 1, 2011
What's attached to your body?
I'm not really here Posted Dec 1, 2011
Sadly all my piercings are gone, although I can still put earrings in from time to time, and of course I still have my tats. I wear a watch constantly now (didn't take it off in India as it was my alarm clock and the habit stuck) and that's it.
What's attached to your body?
Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... Posted Dec 1, 2011
What's attached to your body?
Effers;England. Posted Dec 1, 2011
A watch. I love watches.
Reading glasses. It's scary how much I need glasses for short sighted stuff now..I am that long sighted. Remarked upon when tested.
That sightedness is still as good, but with age the muscles working the eye lens for focussing close to, have apparently given up mostly.
What's attached to your body?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Dec 1, 2011
I got tired of the int-the-pocket, out-of-the-pocket with pharmacy grade reading glasses. So went for the graduated
focal sort, with automatic tinting with UV. The lenses are great for work-places, welding and soldering neither chips
or melts them, etc.
Sadly, my distance vision is fading. I used to count the speckles on the Canada geese as they flew south, now I just count
the geese.
What's attached to your body?
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Dec 1, 2011
I'm somewhat shortsighted, but that's ok, I think my glasses suit me
I wear a watch every day - usually a plain metal one, but sometimes a silver one with amber stones in the bracelet . Normally, I'd wear rings, too, but they're all too big for me now.
And I don't tend to wear necklaces very often, but if I put one on, I'll also forget to take it off, so at the moment, I've still got the glass beads I got from the King and Queen of Drachenwald at the last SCA court
What's attached to your body?
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Dec 1, 2011
Solar-powered watch, varifocal glasses, wedding ring.
Everything else is in my handbag.
What's attached to your body?
Effers;England. Posted Dec 1, 2011
I now just put on my Aussie bush hat, which I've decorated with shells and feathers, bought somewhere north of Adelaide.
What's attached to your body?
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Dec 1, 2011
Oh yes, hats - I suppose they do count more as decoration than as clothing these days! Though I do wear a woolly knitted hat under my bicycle helmet just to keep my poor ears from freezing off these days
What's attached to your body?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Dec 1, 2011
Ah well, if hats are to be counted, then nearly every time out of the home I also do wear a very nice grey-wool fedora that I have become quite fond of. A "gentleman's hat" when I were a wee lad ...
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What's attached to your body?
- 1: quotes (Dec 1, 2011)
- 2: Geggs (Dec 1, 2011)
- 3: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Dec 1, 2011)
- 4: Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... (Dec 1, 2011)
- 5: Geggs (Dec 1, 2011)
- 6: Rosie (Dec 1, 2011)
- 7: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Dec 1, 2011)
- 8: Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... (Dec 1, 2011)
- 9: I'm not really here (Dec 1, 2011)
- 10: Lanzababy - Guide Editor (Dec 1, 2011)
- 11: Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... (Dec 1, 2011)
- 12: Effers;England. (Dec 1, 2011)
- 13: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Dec 1, 2011)
- 14: Malabarista - now with added pony (Dec 1, 2011)
- 15: Gnomon - time to move on (Dec 1, 2011)
- 16: Gnomon - time to move on (Dec 1, 2011)
- 17: Effers;England. (Dec 1, 2011)
- 18: Malabarista - now with added pony (Dec 1, 2011)
- 19: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Dec 1, 2011)
- 20: Malabarista - now with added pony (Dec 1, 2011)
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