A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 81


One of these days Icy, your wit will get you in trouble smiley - biggrin

I have to admit, I'm dead chuffed at the threads on site about her death. You just know that if we were still with the beeb it'd have been locked down with no mention of her. Yet we've shown that we're capable of discussing this without resorting to what the beeb always feared.

Well, sometimes anyway smiley - winkeye

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 82


The BBC have oped this up to comment via ta BBC economic's editors blog "Margaret Thatcher: Economic legacy of an Iron Lady"
Basically the top rated comments largely echo my views on the matter and are more or less diametrically opposite to the majority of the British politicians comments:

Thatcher provided the opportunity for the greed of Banks to destroy this economy.
Thatcher gave away our housing stock as an electoral bribe.
Thatcher’s privatisation boot sale has led to the foreign ownership of our utilities.
The worst PM in living history"

Great to hear the great and good fawning over this monster aided and abetted by the state broadcaster. She destroyed the manufacturing base and replaced it with casino banking which produced nothing but greed , selfishness and the financial mess we are in today. Can we hear more from the ex working classes from the decimated communities and less from the elites!!"

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 83


She was the catalyst to what we have now, NOTHING, a once great Country, reduced by greed, by so few but effecting so many.

If she to be buried, lets make the coffin big enough to put all the remaining, greedy, ineffectual, slime balls in there too

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 84

Pink Paisley

The body is be cremated.

Good move.


Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 85


No - I agree with the Guardian - they should privatise it, and have it sponsored by some appropriate corporation. No state money.

And while they're fundraising, they should save some for a fence around any form of memorial, because I think there will be a long queue of people with their tap dancing shoes on outside it...


Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 86


Quick! Privatise the graveyard and get a foreign investor to set up a dancing school above the coffin!

It's what she would have wanted...


Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 87

Pink Paisley

The Margaret Thatcher National Funeral, sponsored by Coalite.


Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 88

Ancient Brit

Mistakes will happen. smiley - biggrin
Just heard a memorable one " Can't celebrate her death but do regret she was ever born "

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 89


Mehdi Hasan (Political director of The Huffington Post UK) asks the question: "Was Thatcher A 'Champion of Freedom and Democracy'?"

He concludes: "Forget the row over who gets credit for the fall of the Soviet Union - Mikhail Gorbachev or Reagan and Thatcher. If (wo)man is judged by the company (s)he keeps, then Thatcher - self-professed friend to generals Pinochet, Suharto and Zia, ally of Saddam Hussein, admirer of the Saudi royals, soft on apartheid - must be judged a champion of despotism and dictatorship, not of freedom or liberty. The historical record is so clear and indisputable that to believe otherwise is wilful blindness."

smiley - shrug

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 90


"The hearse was sailing away from my self declared exclusion zone but I still deemed it to be a significant threat to my soveriegnty there was therefore no alternative other than launching the faecal torpedos. Officer....this is not the time for lily livered weak willed beaurocratic red tape put away that note book Constable and REJOICE REJOICE"

Do you think this will work (it did for Attila the Nun)

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 91

Bald Bloke

Punchline from work today. The rest of the joke won't pass the filther.

"She's only been in hell for five minutes and she's already shut two furnaces and a pit."

and of course Steve Bells view.

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 92

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!


Margaret Thatcher’s funeral will have a Falklands War theme, Downing Street announces

thats rather tasteless isn't it?

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 93


will we give Tony an Iraq themed one?

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 94


It's very tasteless.

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 95


They could possibly have chosen a more memorable example - how about hundreds of whining miners ?

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 96


"will we give Tony an Iraq themed one?"

If I knock up a dossier showing he could be deployed in forty-five minutes could we pop him in the ground with her - they really deserve each other

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 97

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Regardless of my own thoughts about the whole affair, I think calling it 'Falklands themed' is a bit rich, from what it goes on to say in the story. That's poor journalism because the headline suggests something far more overt than pallbearers and military personnel in the congregation, which isn't unusual for a ceremonial funeral. True, it says there'll be 700 of them, a substantial presence, but that's not my vision of a 'themed' funeral in this context.

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 98


Don't think they would liked to attend but if they had any coal left they may have offered some for the crem

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 99


my post @ swl

Should Thatcher get a state funeral?

Post 100


@Tux, well if you really sex it up, I'll see what I can do smiley - winkeye

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