HiI'm an overwieght middle aged sarcastic male Star Trek fan - which as Comic Book Guy was told on the Simpsons must explain why I such a hit with the ladies.
I look after a country park and nature reserve in east London and have worked in nature conservation for most of my adult life.
My interest are -
Natural History - I'm currently getting to know my new site together with its people and wildlife (who are sometimes one and the same in this part of the world).
Travel - I've been to all the inhabited continents, worked as a conservation volunteer in Spain, Mexico, Boliva, Costa Rica and Brazil -where tucuxi (esturine dolphins) swam with me, surveyed whales and dolphins in the Canaries and Bay of Biscay (where I spotted the second True's Beaked Whale ever seen), lived in Australia and had amazing adventures in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal Kenya, and Borneo
Wildlife photography - my pictures can be seen at PX500.com/tucuxii
Family history - I've traced my family back to the riegn of Elizabeth I and am pleased to say they were all poor and mostly honest - well great great great granddad Isaac was tried at the Old Bailey and was transported to Australia. His son was one of the secretaries of the International Brotherhood of Glassblowers and corresponed with Fredrick Engels which explains my politics
I enjoy quirky films (Brazil, Life of Brian, Withnail and I etc)and quirky books (Douglas Adams, Catch 22, Terry Pratchet)
I'm a secular Buddhist and like Slatibartfast a great fan of science
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."