A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Favorite words

Post 61

Contemplation (Zaphodista in a Cloak of Goo)


Favorite Words

Post 62


"Hello everyone, old and new friends alike." (You know who you are smiley - smiley )
"First, I must thank Contemplation 96169!!! I owe you! It feels good, not only to have 'new tools' to assist my neighbor, in overcoming his obsessive mis-use of the word TOMA . But you really went out of your way to do a kind deed for person/persons unknown. I've become use to doing things for people. But it's almost starteling (to me) that a person I don't know would go to such lenghts to help. I send you a heartfelt BRAVO!" *Pan wonders if THIS is where all the nice people are hiding?* smiley - smiley

"ATOM? Good one Big Joe! But trust me, the fellow of whom I speak-ain't no rocket scientist!" smiley - tongueout

Jerzey,well I guess that's how it got to the top of the list... there's nothing wrong with liking what many other also like. smiley - bigeyes

For (was it Mnfu?) Somewhere h2g2 gas a page full of info. on how to do lots of things. The faces are so simple even I can do them smiley - winkeye
Here goes: leave no spaces between any of the characters. The 1st two I did were___: + - + ) smiley - smiley
Big Joe got ___ : + - + P (capitol 'p') smiley - tongueout (no plus symblos ever)
Jersey got___ 8 (eight) + - + ) smiley - bigeyes
And I gave you the one I use most often, in a varity of ways...the wink! ; + - )
"Just for the record, I never thought I would EVER use a smiley face! I never had, nor do I when writting in a conventional manner. But for some (as yet not understood by me) reason, they seem to be quite 'natural' here at h2g2." smiley - sadface

Moondancer, did you start this? It's a very good idea. Peace, love and happiness throughout the land~Pan

Favorite Words

Post 63


Hi Pandora,

You are welcome, I have learned much my self.

The face that is missing, and they have it in Yahoo Messenger is a kiss, and even thought they don't show up here as a kiss I will use it anyway because I am sure anyone I wish to give it to will have enough imagination to know what they have received.

:X :X :X :X :X smiley - smiley


Favorite Words

Post 64


*Pan throws her arms around Moondancer & gives her a big hug!* "Give me your cheek then, I'm not one of those fake 'in the air' kissers!" 8X *Pan's own verson* "That's quite clever... another good one! One could give a peck as such: 8x Hmmm, why, there are numerous ways to show a kiss! Took the ever romantic Moondancer to think of it." smiley - smiley

Favorite Words

Post 65


*Pan throws her arms around Moondancer & gives her a big hug!* "Give me your cheek then, I'm not one of those fake 'in the air' kissers!" 8X *Pan's own verson* "That's quite clever... another good one! One could give a peck as such: 8x Hmmm, why, there are numerous ways to show a kiss! Took the ever romantic Moondancer to think of it." smiley - smiley

Favorite Words

Post 66


"Oh & I forgot!!!!!! The one verson of TOMA is about being a mime...if you look on my front page of 'my space'...there's a short story about a bad mimemare I have every now & then...which BTW only started after the neighbor started with the TOMA. Coincidence? I think not. I don't really believe in coincidence."
*que the spooky music*

Favorite Words

Post 67

Kobolt - aka 'I didn't fail, I found 5000 ways that don't work'

Has anyone got superflouous (SP?)

And I also like polyhexameythlneadipamide which is actually latin, but I'm the only person I know who can say it properly and keep a straight face, btw it means 'Nylon' in latin

Also Polyacrilonitrite-Acrylic

and Polyvinylidenechloride-Clingfilm smiley - smiley

Favorite Words

Post 68


"Um, I don't think I have it...how do you get it? You seem to have a 'thingee' for P's... it could be Praudian." smiley - winkeye

Favorite Words

Post 69

Walter of Colne


Any word starting with polyhex ain't actually Latin.

Favorite Words

Post 70


Good morning,

I am amazed that the Latin's had a word for Nylon and Acrylic, I can understand about the Clingfilm they would have had something to cover their food with. smiley - smiley

I have a customer who asked me if I could find out about a quote for him he thinks it is Wordsworth. "There's a fine gold of friendship that makes it's way through business". He said it had a profound effect on him and would like to know where it came from. If anyone knows, could you please help?

Thanks smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Favorite Words

Post 71

Kobolt - aka 'I didn't fail, I found 5000 ways that don't work'

Very sorry folks, I meant it was the scientific word for those things, please accept my apologies for the mix up smiley - smiley

Favorite Words

Post 72


"I say that a thousand lashes with a wet noodle is the correct punishment for such a terrible offense!" smiley - smiley

Favorite Words

Post 73

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

As my initials are PVC I hate latin names for plastic. I quite like the word addendum tho'.

Favorite Words

Post 74

Walter of Colne

Gooday pandora,

Can I please have the lashes anyway, with or without the nonsense?


Favorite Words

Post 75


I took GCSE Spanish at school (a few years ago!) and I quite like the spanish word for 'fantastic' which is !Estupendo! (probably spelt wrong - I didn't do very well in the exam you see!)

Mimes the word

Post 76

Contemplation (Zaphodista in a Cloak of Goo)

Hello, Miss Pandora...

You are most welcome for the info... I have far too much of it, and getting the chance to give some of it away is a wonderful thing. Frees up some of the clutter. smiley - smiley

And your 'Bravo' was a nice perk to my day smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

I went and looked at your dream. Interesting. I don't think I have ever heard anyone dreaming of mimes before. Just might be something more than coincidence.

Either that, or a precursor to some form of insanity. Who can tell?
smiley - tongueout

Mimes the word

Post 77


"HA! Contemplation 96169...I do many things that others have never heard of...stick around & you may find out what I'm speaking of! And I understand that many forms of insanity are quite nice! I could use a vacation. Maybe that's where I'll go -
insane. Care to join me? smiley - bigeyes I promise to be a fun travel companion! I don't snore at all - but I do tend to talk in my sleep!"

"Walter, you naughty fellow, you! I'm starting to think you chased Pete away so you could have me all to yourself!?! Now, with regard to those noodles, sauce with those then?" smiley - winkeye (I must say that the Aussies have shown the World what wonderous spotsmen they are!!! It dosen't matter (much) if your Country win, looses or draws...you're all so polite to all the athletes and cheer on everyone! I really like that. What great sports!)

Mimes the word

Post 78

Contemplation (Zaphodista in a Cloak of Goo)

Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most...

Sometimes the best vacations of all are when you leave you senses. smiley - tongueout

And back onto the subject for a moment...

Stimulation is a nice word. I like stimulation smiley - tongueout


Mimes the word

Post 79

Walter of Colne


It's not my fault if Pete turns aside at the first whiff of grapeshot. He can talk the talk alright, but ...... No staying power, these philandering types. Best all round if he has shot through.


Mimes the word

Post 80


"What can I even say about the last two posts? I like stimuli & Wlater, you're just so right. When you're right...you're right." ~Pan

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