A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 321


It takes all kinds, 2legs. This electric gizmo works a bit better on a wet beard (better again in the shower, apparently).
Don't think I could do a proper wet shave nowadays - I take it you don't have the cutty cutty shake

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 322

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - laugh I just use the gilette or Wilkinson sword ones... with the reusible ahandle and you change the blade... I still want to get an old fashioned straight razor though... I'm sure it can't be all* that* diffiulct.... or dangerous to shave with smiley - snork
(I do cheat with shaving though and just take the razor into teh shower with me when I wash, and just use the soap/gel I'm showering with... saves time... smiley - blush

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 323

Taff Agent of kaos

i have a straight razor and a sharpening strop

drop us a line and i'll tell you about it

smiley - bat

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 324

Catachresis - not just a metaphor

>> There's nothing easier to clean off pots than porridge. The only thing is not to let it dry.

If you let it dry, just fill the pan with cold water and leave it for half an hour. It goes soggy and slides off.

You don't need shaving foam, just a wet face, so the shower is perfect. Actually you can shave a dry beard. The natural oils on the skin are enough. You can't do that two days running, though. Then it WILL hurt. smiley - sadface

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 325

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I've finally realised the electrical shop that has a lot to do with Indian cuisine plus its sister stores that deal with PCs is made of fail.

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 326

fords - number 1 all over heaven

ARE made of fail - naughty fords!

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 327


Don't say that - I've just bought a washing machine from them this afternoon smiley - erm

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 328


Oh hold on - it was the other one. The one that rhymes with one half of Wallace & Grommet (hint - not the Wallace half)

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 329

Baron Grim

You were correct the first time, fords.

"... the electrical shop...is made of fail." The modifying clause doesn't effect the agreement between subject and verb.

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 330

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Was I? Oh well, I'm wasn't as tired as I thought smiley - biggrin

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 331

Baron Grim

smiley - laugh

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 332


"Things I did know but forgotted"

1) Take the drum securing bolts out *before* using the machine for the first time.

This avoids the neighbour rushing through asking if you're demolishing the house with a dozen sledgehammers smiley - blush

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 333

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Oh, and don't forget to put the securing bolts in a place which is 'safe' to the extent that if you ever for any reason need them again, you'll never be able to find them smiley - doh

When I shave in the shower, I just use what soap and/or shampoo is on my face, works well enough... err or any other part of me one might be shaving smiley - blushsmiley - angel
I found using an electric razor made my face a lot dryer, irritated and conversly also sometimes more greesy/oily than using just the ordinary disposible razor, or disposible razor blades... I think its because it took a lot more 'strokes' with the electric to get anythign remotely ressemgling a close shave... a bit of moisturiser doesn't hurt from time to time but I generally forget to use it every* day smiley - zen

What I just found out, or re-found out, is how much I utterly dispise having to go 'into town' to do things smiley - groan

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 334

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>>...how much I utterly dispise having to go 'into town'..<<

There is a fine line between a maturing realisation of the
total uselessness of the teeming masses who populate our
decadent and corrupt society and the onset of a case of

The latter can be nipped in the bud.
smiley - holly

smiley - cheers

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 335

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Yes I kinda agree but it could be argued that the " teeming masses who populate our decadent and corrupt society" are mainly made up of people like you just 'popping into town to do something' smiley - winkeye

What should be banned however is people spending days clogging up town centres who are merely shopping for shopping's sake (because they enjoy it smiley - yikessmiley - yuk but don't actually NEED anything. (fashion shopping by folk with too much money)

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 336

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

It appeared to largely consist of people with no real clear agenda to be there, no purpose or destination, just idly wondering about, standing still in the middle of the street, and clogging the place up; the only reason I went into town was that the three things I needed to do; posting a parcel, getting money from the building society, and putting money from the building society plus another cheque into my bank account, could not be done online... even though, I don't think the revinue have any excuess for not paying my tax I got back straight into my bank account... smiley - dohsmiley - groan There were unfortunately, too, quite a lot of children aimlessly wondering about in town smiley - groan

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 337

Catachresis - not just a metaphor

Yes, but on the other hand ...

You're in Paris. It's May. You're sitting at a cafe with an incredibly expensive drink in your hand, soaking up the atmosphere.

Don't you rely on the teeming masses of people with no clear agenda, no purpose or destination, to give the experience that je ne sais quoi?

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 338

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

This isn't Paris; Its not even cansus...

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 339

Catachresis - not just a metaphor

smiley - biggrin

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 340

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

I just had two h2g2 tabs open in Safari. Somehow I manage to get one tab to be a picture of the whole h2g2 page hanging off the end of my arrow/hand cursor. When I let go the tab opened in a new window and the other window had only one tab in it now.

I have no idea how I did that, and can't seem to replicate it smiley - erm

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