A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 281

You can call me TC

I haven't tried it yet, but how do you get it to go right AND left if it only works with the left arrow key?

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 282

Baron Grim

I only had to hold down the left arrow key, but that was on my work computer. Here at home I can't get it to work (Linux OS).

Upon reading this article, maybe it had to do with which video I was viewing. It needs to be one with the new style navigation bar.


Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 283

Baron Grim

Nope, it must have been a conflict with my system. I just tried it with this video (recommended) and got nothing... well nearly nothing, I thought I saw some dim dots randomly flashing across the screen but that's not a game.

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 284

You can call me TC

Oh, well I won't bother then. I'm on Linux and I couldn't get that "Pulsate" thing to work properly either. (despite doing everything they said)

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 285

Baron Grim

Hey, I just got it to work by clicking on the progress slider and then holding down the left arrow. Give it a try.

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 286


You press two keys to get it started, and then use the arrow keys as normal to move it about. The snake is white, so choose a video with a dark background.

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 287

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Maybe it's cos I'm using Opera smiley - sadface I've had a lot of grief with websites recently, including this one constantly asking me to continue my registration. I've been registered since bloody 2001! smiley - cross

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 288


I got it to work with Opera. And Chrome, Firefox, Safari and um SeaMonkey. And you know what? I'm really crap at Snake in all of them. I blame 2legs.

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 289


I didn't realise House Of Fun by Madness was about condoms. It seems so obvious now.

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 290

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Yes, I should have realised it would be 2legs's fault smiley - tongueout

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 291

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

Oddly Christopher I always realised that it was about buying condoms. I still know a few people who disagree with this though smiley - weird.

...and yes. I blame 2legs for this as well.


Have you ever thought that 2legs might be The Stig?

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 292

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

You can make cheese from sheep.

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 293


Roquefort comes to mind, and feta smiley - cheesesmiley - drool

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 294

Baron Grim

You do mean sheep's milk, right?

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 295

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I recently found out paneer is piss easy to make.

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 296


That I might be a tad scared of smiley - spider, thought that this one was well under control until just now!. One the size of a donkey just came down the hallway must have decided not to eat our smiley - dog and turned right into the kitchen to face me dinking a smiley - coffee

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 297


A tired spider, looking for caffeine? smiley - bigeyes

I'm really scared of spiders, even the tiny ones! smiley - lurk

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 298

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - spider
If that's the case, then don't ~even~ go to read this short story (in two parts): A36762159
smiley - yikes
I'd blame 2legs for it, as well, but I have to take full responsibility for writing it and submitting it to The Post.
smiley - thepost
Enjoy...but with the lights ON.
smiley - cool

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 299


Hmmmm! These smiley - spiderlittle critters have a lot to answer forsmiley - steam, caffeine smiley - coffeelovers or not.smiley - winkeye

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 300

You can call me TC

Where DOES this fear of spiders come from? They're smaller than us, aren't they? What harm can they do?

Having said that, I do have a fear. I'm scared of heights, and of going downstairs. Mind you, I think it is arguable that falling from a 30 ft scaffolding is certainly more of a threat than a money spider scuttling over your foot. And I have fallen quite badly when going downstairs. (Although that was way back when I was young enough and silly enough to wear really high heels)

Irrational - moi?

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