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Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 1

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

I just found out* that shift +spacebar makes the page move up in a jump so I don't have to scroll backwards (which I hate doing) smiley - doh I know this now because I just googled to see if it was possible, as it seemed like a useful thing. I've been using a laptop for daily for a decade smiley - blush

Anyone got any other things they found out rather late in the piece?

* I suspect I did know this once and have forgotten, but why I would forget something useful like that I don't know.

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 2

Deadangel - Still not dead, just!

So it does. I've just found out the above. smiley - winkeye

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 3

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Oh my goddess! Crivvens! So it does...smiley - silly

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - wow

I never knew that! smiley - magic

Now I have another button to press smiley - whistle

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 5

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Oh crepe! smiley - rofl

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 6

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - tongueout

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 7


Re post 2, 3, 4...

Me too smiley - laugh

I found out a couple of years ago now ago, but the effect was the same, that on predictive texting on a mobile, if you just held the key down you got the number.

As opposed to turning off predictive text, tapping the number 3/4 times to get the number, then turning predictive text back on again, every time I wanted a number in the message.

And what happens soon after? I get a smartphone rendering this more-than-a-decade late revelation irrelevant!

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 8


And rather embarassingly and sadly, I learned this from Radio 1's Chris Moyles and associated crowd,as noteably did lots of their viewers that day).

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 9

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

RTFM, as they say. Aye. Right. smiley - rolleyes

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 10


The windows key + D takes you to the desktop. I like that very much.

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 11

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

And if you press it again it takes you back to the window you were one.smiley - biggrin

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 12


smiley - spacesmiley - space"I just found out* that shift +spacebar makes the page move up in a jump"

What's wrong with using the 'Home' or 'Pg Up' key? Or the 'End' or 'Pg Dn' to go the other way?
smiley - bluefish

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 13


shift+spacebar is more universal (keyboard independent), or so it seems

smiley - toffeeapple

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 14

I'm not really here

I've never seen a keyboard without those options.

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 15


I'm using a macbook english keyboard. Although I'm rather keyboard-flexible, seeing that I use many different computers in many different countries (French vs. Not French is the most painful difference in my experience, more than, say, German vs. UK. Or the ridiculous UK vs. Us, ha!).

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 16


Yes, we have macs here in my office and almost none of them have pagedown or home buttons.

Especially the newer ones. And I'm not sure I've ever had a laptop that has these buttons.

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 17

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

My laptop doesn't appear to have a 'home' or 'end' key. What are they for?

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 18

I'm not really here

Wouldn't know about Macs. I had to use one once for work and it nearly killed me. WHERE'S THE RIGHT CLICK?????

My laptop has them on, as does my netbook.

And yes, I will keep arguing. smiley - whistle I guess I've just been lucky. I use them more on the laptop and netbook than I ever did on a desktop.

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 19

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

smiley - ta for the Windows+D, C.

(Ubuntu has a nice wee icon in the corner of the Gnome desktop)

Things you just found out but should have known a long time ago...

Post 20

I'm not really here

People keep using words I don't understand. smiley - senior

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