A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Google BUZZ

Post 1

Baron Grim

Yesterday, Google announced a new social aspect to Gmail along the lines of Facebook. It will allow Gmail users to chat, post status updates, links, pics and videos.

What it doesn't have (so far) is inane quizes and games designed to farm for marketing information.

So, basically, it sounds like facebook without farmville.


Any opinions?

Google BUZZ

Post 2


No opinion yet... They seem to be rolling it out slowly - I don't actually know anyone with a G-Mail account who's actually got access to it yet.

Google BUZZ

Post 3


>New posts and comments pop in as they happen. No refresh required.<

That sounds handy. Could do with that here.

Google BUZZ

Post 4

Icy North

I was prompted about it for the first time today. I think I'll give it a miss.

Google BUZZ

Post 5

Baron Grim

I logged into it yesterday, but there's not much to see yet other than its design. I played around with facebook for a few months but really didn't like it. I'm thinking this will be more to my liking.

Google BUZZ

Post 6


Not impressed at the way it was introduced. I was reading mail when I got the following pop up alongside the mail box:-

"Buzz is a new way to share updates, photos, videos and more as well as starting conversations about the things that you find interesting. You're already set up to follow the people who you email and chat with the most."

I don't like the fact they've already set things up to follow people or for people to follow me whenever I do any e-mailing. That's what it looks like. I have found the settings and 'disconnected' from the networks as they call them. I don't want my e-mail contacts, business or private, followed by any tom, dick or harry thank you. If this Buzz thing ends up as another Facebook in drag then frankly I'm not interested anyway. In the blurb it goes on to say that Picassa photo albums, googlechat and google reader activity will automatically show in Buzz as ongoing activity. smiley - erm
I don't think so, I've changed public settings to private. Again, I'll be the one to decide what goes public and what doesn't.

smiley - cat

Google BUZZ

Post 7

Baron Grim

Yea, privacy was my main concern with facebook, definitely an important issue.

Google BUZZ

Post 8

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

I'm not sure that the default setting is on. But I can't really tell smiley - erm

Google can be evil sometimes. Pity they make such good product at other times.

Google BUZZ

Post 9

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well if it is Facebook without the farmville....

But then isn't that "twitter" which I already infinitely prefer to Facebook.


Google BUZZ

Post 10

Sho - employed again!

It's relatively easy to make your Facebook page private, and to stop all that farmville stuff showing up.

Are people likely to use FB and BUZZ?

Google BUZZ

Post 11


Don't think so - plus it appears to have some privacy issues (as mentioned upthread)



Google BUZZ

Post 12


Thanks for that Rockhound...

Until I've had the time to play with it properly and discover just what it's publishing... I think the best button available is the "Turn off Buzz" link at the bottom of the main GMail page.

Google BUZZ

Post 13


yep, just used that button, didn't realise it was auto-on, ain't even looked at it till I read the above.

Google BUZZ

Post 14

aka Bel - A87832164

So that's where it is hiding? I haven't turned it on, but understood that that's what is does automatically, and anyway, I don't want to risk setting it off by clicking on the buzz link.

Google BUZZ

Post 15

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

Off to push that button nowsmiley - smiley

Google BUZZ

Post 16


oh no, mass button pushing - someone check the door and make sure lil isn't smiley - lurking anywhere!

Google BUZZ

Post 17

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Thanks for that information. I'm not keen on stealth tactics like that, I would never have noticed any of that without this thread.

Google BUZZ

Post 18

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Oh no! just did the button push - then noticed that I had been signed out. Re-entered my password, but just get error messages.

It wasn't me! But I think it's broke...smiley - bigeyes

Google BUZZ

Post 19

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh, google doesn't seem to take it nicely that people turn off their shiny new feature. It happened to me, too, lanza. I clicked that button, then the whole page just went blank. No sign out butoon, nothing. I hit the back arrow a few times, signed in again and was told the account was opened in one other location, at IP xxx

Google BUZZ

Post 20

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh, and I'm grateful for this thread because I wouldn't have known about it otherwise.

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