A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Google BUZZ

Post 61


>1. Buzz is not active by default unless I go through that set-up process.

Nope, when first introduced it *was* active by default.

>2. If I don't have a google profile, I don't have an active buzz. Or is it a gmail profile?

Nope, Buzz is/was active regardless.
BUT if you don't have a *public* google profile then nothing will be published. If you do have a public profile then buzz was publishing it.

Google BUZZ

Post 62

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

Not a Buzz opinion (yes, I do have it - but with these things I'm a deliberate late adopter: let everyone else learn how to use them and what they're for first).

But I have a Facebook question:

Is there any way I can make a posting visible to only a select group of friends and have it so that they can comment on it? Yes, I can send Messages, but a) commenting relies on everyone using 'Reply All' and b) you don't get the conversation thread in the same format and in the same place as other postings/comments.


Google BUZZ

Post 63

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Could you make them into a list? I play a maddening game and have tried to only send postings to other sad addicts like me who also play, by making them into a list for that game only.

Google BUZZ

Post 64

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

Lists work for Messages. But I can't see a way to get them to work for Comments.

Is it just me...but I don't find Facebook the most usable of sites. And it's Help Centre is one of those where you have to know the right terminology for what you're trying to do.

Google BUZZ

Post 65

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Ictoan, I'm talking about how Buzz works now. Is it still active by default? When it first appeared and I clicked on anything it wanted me to go through some kind of setup process (which I didn't do). That seems to have changed.

By active I'm meaning makes me visible to the internet (as opposed to being a piece of sw attached to gmail).

Google BUZZ

Post 66


It's not just you. I despair at trying to do anything more complicated than logging in or sending a message to someone. I couldn't even find the help centre for a while, and even then it didn't answer my question (I can't remember it now; I just ignored it and the problem got fixed in the last FB change so I'm happy now).

I always thought of myself as computer savvy - I can install operating systems, sort out networks, use programmes - but use Facebook? It just doesn't seem to help. Mind you, if I spent more than five minutes a week on there it would probably help.

smiley - fairy

Google BUZZ

Post 67

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Radio 4 now has programme about Google Buzz - seen as threat

smiley - biggrin

Google BUZZ

Post 68

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

If you can't listen now you can get it again on iPlayer. It's called the Media Show.

Google BUZZ

Post 69

Baron Grim

Kea, if you use Gmail, buzz is active by default.

There is now a lawsuit about this. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35429782/ns/technology_and_science-security/

Google BUZZ

Post 70


smiley - lurk


Google BUZZ

Post 71

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

Nice quote in The Media Show along the lines of BUZZ working fine amongst a bunch of eggheads in a laboratory, but they can't understand that real people lead messy lives, have emotions, etc.

Google BUZZ

Post 72

Baron Grim

Apparently the Phishing has already began. smiley - yikes Scammers are finding Buzz just to their liking.

Google BUZZ

Post 73

Baron Grim

"Unsure of its ability to successfully roll it out as an independent product, Google must have then decided to force feed Buzz through its Gmail user base of 175 million. Google executives likely reckoned that in a single day Buzz would garner more users than Twitter has been able to in two years after all that celebrity publicity. That really is why Gmail users woke up one day to find their private account details exposed to the public, unannounced and unprepared, because without such default exposure Google executives likely didn’t believe they could deliver a critical user base for Buzz. That’s not “improper testing,” it’s a platform strategy."


Google BUZZ

Post 74

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

>>Kea, if you use Gmail, buzz is active by default. <<

Count, if I don't have a profile set up, in what ways is Buzz active?

Google BUZZ

Post 75


I never set up my google profile, yet I was being followed, and apparently was following someone.

Until I deactivated the damn thing smiley - cross

Google BUZZ

Post 76


smiley - rofl

How very smiley - zen Tal, that you were being followed and following someone...the same person... smiley - laugh

Google BUZZ

Post 77

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

How did you deactivate it?

If it's active by default, how come I didn't have any followers and wasn't following anyone?

Google BUZZ

Post 78


I have a half-dozen gmail accounts

I was probably following myself... smiley - erm

Yeah, it *is* kinda smiley - zen

Google BUZZ

Post 79


I deactivated it by un-following those I was inadvertantly following, and by blocking those who were following me.

Then I turned it off, by clicking the link at the page footer.

Later, when Google apparently collected what wits they still have, and turned on more choices, I chose to deactivate it completely in the gmail settings thingy...

Six times smiley - rolleyes

Google BUZZ

Post 80

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

>>>I updated to Opera 10.50 today. It's fast enough that I can access h2g2.It lost all my bookmarks, notes and preferences from 10.10, though.<<<

That happened the last time you upgraded Opera too B'El.smiley - smiley It must be something you're doing (or not doing), I've upgraded and all the settings have imported as usual. Did you get the install shield wizard pop up when you installed? There's a setting there to install as an upgrade and keep all your settings.

smiley - offtopic Regarding Google Buzz being 'on by default', there's a lot of this going on at the moment. Ebay have done something similar with their photo sharing option. Anyone who uploads a photo of what they're selling is now handing all ownership of reproduction rights for the photo over to Ebay so they can use your photo as a 'stock' catalogue photo for when someone doesn't have one to accompany their item. Like Google, Ebay have also decided that it's perfectly acceptable behaviour to smiley - erm 'assume' people want to agree to this (unless they happen to find the tiny little button on their 'My Ebay' page that lets them switch auto sharing off).

Companies like Google and Ebay should remember the old adage: 'Assume makes an ass out of u and me' smiley - zensmiley - chocsmiley - tea

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